Encounter 2: Wrath of the Scotsman.

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Location: Soejammy's House.

Time: Evening

A few days passed since the encounter with Raiden as Soejammy was relaxing on his bed playing Astral Chain. A futuristic anime-esc kind of game where you play the role of a police officer and control a vast number of Legions.

Soejammy: Now this! This is why I love playing the Nintendo Switch. Not only does this game have some sort of puzzles to work around, but the combat system is very cool~

Neptune was watching as she looked at the guide for how to play Astral Chain.

Neptune: So, the protagonist is one of the two, but the one you don't choose becomes the sibling to them??

Soejammy: Yeah. But I find it to be a very cool story line. Even the theme song is different at a certain point when you play. I love this game to death. Thank God nothing is going to interrupt me while I'm playing games and in the zone.

Neptune froze and whistled as it soon caused Soejammy to pause the game he was playing and look at Neptune.

Soejammy: Nep... Nothing IS going to ruin my moment, right?

Neptune: Um... Maybe?

Soejammy: Neptune, what do you mean by maybe!? It's not like you created a multi-event that can just happen at any time, right?!

Neptune had a nervous look on her face as she began to back away from Soejammy as he got up to face Neptune.

Soejammy: God damn it Neptune! When I get my hands on you-

A teleportation portal soon took Soejammy and began to teleport him to the coliseum. Neptune was sweating in relief of being safe, for now.

Neptune: Well, better see who's going to fight Jammy now. I don't even know because I have this list of people.

Neptune pulled out a list that soon began to unfold to where the whole room was completely filled by that one line of paper.

Neptune: I can do this, for years~

Location: Coliseum

We arrive back at the coliseum in space, where Soejammy soon teleports into the arena not noticing the change.

Soejammy: -I will strangle you until you-

Stopping in his tracks, Soejammy looked around and noticed he was indeed back at the coliseum again.

Soejammy: GOD DAMN IT!!!

Neptune, appearing in the commentary booth, began to speak.

Neptune (Intercom): Hello everyone! How are you today~?

In the seats, some of them had been filled up as in the stands, some of the people were Soejammy's Followers, along with some friends. Nintega, Kitty, and Beat as they had souvenirs, they bought from Neptune's store!

Soejammy: Hey!! What are you three doing?! Beat!! Is that a souvenir cup of me getting beaten up?!

Beat then looked at the drink he had and shrugged and kept drinking.

Soejammy: I'm talking to you!!

Nintega: Get on with the fight! Who's next!?


Neptune was about to say something, but smiled when hearing something over the chatter of her stage crew.

Neptune (Intercom): Alright folks, our challenger is about to come into the arena! Are you ready!?

The fans began to cheer while Soejammy just shook his head in not being ready. The sound of teleportation soon began to come in as the next challenger was brought to the coliseum. Arriving at the arena was the Scotsman from Samurai Jack.

Soejammy: Oh, Jesus Christ... The Scotsman...


The sound of the Scotsman came from the bagpipes as he didn't even notice he was in the arena. The Scotsman began to open his eyes as the tune cuts off entirely upon seeing his surroundings.

Scotsman: Hey! Where the glimbockle am I!?

Soejammy: Trust me, I want to know the same thing... Yet I keep getting more questions instead...

Seeing Soejammy, the Scotsman points to him in accusing Soejammy.

Scotsman: Oi! Are ya the snivelin'-blot that brought me here!?

Soejammy: What!? No!! I'm in this mess just as you!

Scotsman: Oh, sure ya are. Ya pajama-wearin' ninnie.

Soejammy looked at himself as he was still in his pajamas due to wanting to relax.

Soejammy: Hey! Not my choice for clothes to be here honestly!! I was playing games and relaxing when this happened!!

Scotsman: Oooooh nooooo~ I'm sorry that happened to ya, ya weee baby!!

The Scotsman laughed as Soejammy had an annoyed look on his face.

Soejammy: I don't appreciate being called a weee baby, especially when I think you were serenading your wife with your bagpipes.

The Scotsman laughed, until his wife was mentioned in that statement.

Scotsman: Hey! Ya leave my lovely wife out of this!

Soejammy: Oh, so now who's the cry baby now, tubby?

Scotsman: Bwah?! "Tubby"?! Ya listen here-!

Soejammy: Can you even see your little guy down there with that guy of yours? Because with how big ya are, I doubt it.

The Scotsman looked down and tried to bend over, but couldn't. The Scotsman got angry at being made fun of.

Scotsman: Ya messin' with the wrong Scotsman here, ya pajama-wearin', baby-face, milk-drinkin', gomeril, oaf-looking, shan, sniveling, weak-armed, snot-dripin', pansy, bupkus.

Soejammy wasn't impressed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose and looked at the Scotsman and had an idea.

Soejammy: You carry a big sword on you?

Scotsman: Aye! My pride and joy.

The Scotsman began to draw his sword out to display it to anyone watching. It was a big Claymore sword as the blade lit up with Celtic runes.

Scotsman: My trusty Claymore~ A magic sword infused with Celtic runes. The best sword a Scotsman could ever want and need~

Looking at the sword, Soejammy begins to chuckle and then laugh.

Soejammy: So, I'm guessing it also compensates for something else~?

Scotsman: This sword was even-

The Scotsman stops talking and looks at Soejammy and then at his sword.

Scotsman: Oi! What ya mean there laddie!?

Soejammy: Oh, I think you know what I mean. Your giant sword vs something small down below~

Soejammy pointed to his crotch to try and give a hint to the Scotsman. Looking at Soejammy and back at his Claymore sword, the Scotsman realized what Soejammy was talking about and began to glare at him.

Scotsman: Oh... You've done it now...

The Scotsman soon tossed his bagpipes away to get serious.

Scotsman: Any last words before I send ya to the grave...?

Soejammy: Yeah, I don't really have a weapon. How am I supposed to fight you??

Neptune (Intercom): I got that handled!!

Pressing a button in her booth, the Oblivion Keyblade soon materialized into Soejammy's hand.

Soejammy: Wait, how did you-

Neptune (Intercom): Don't question it because this is all for the fight.

Soejammy: I don't even want to fight! You're just throwing me into matches against people!!

Neptune (Intercom): My story, my rules!!

Soejammy: God damn it Nep!!

Getting a weapon to fight with, Soejammy steeled himself as the Scotsman had charged in, a flurry of slashes was made from the Scotsman as Soejammy did his best to block each one.

Soejammy: How do you even swing that sword so fast?!

Scotsman: Don't mess with a Scotsman!!

The Scotsman tried to swing down his blade as Soejammy dodged to the side and swung his Keyblade at him.

Scotsman: Wait a minute, are ya using a key as a weapon??? How does that make sense?!

Soejammy: Trust me, you and everyone else asks that...

Scotsman: It's kinda bull, if ya ask me...

Soejammy: Yeah. Just like the magic I can use.

Scotsman: Yeah, it's just-

Widening his eyes, the Scotsman looked at Soejammy and was about to try and run when he was hit with Blizzard. The tip of the Keyblade glowed blue as Soejammy finished using the magic.

Soejammy: Ha ha! Freeze Ray!! Love that technique~

Using the Keyblade, Soejammy aimed his Oblivion to open a portal and send the Scotsman through it by pushing the frozen man in. Once he was through, Soejammy soon closed the portal and wiped his hands.

Soejammy: Okay, that was pretty easy.

Neptune (Intercom): What?! How come my fights aren't like this!?

Soejammy: Because you LITERALLY gave me my Keyblade I use in Dimensional Hearts. It has high magic, and still enough to freeze the big oaf of a man like him... Now, LET ME GO HOME!!!

Neptune groaned as she hit the button to send Soejammy back home to his world.

Encounter - End.

Soejammy: 2 Challengers: 0

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