I like you

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Hazel's POV:
After the fundraiser, Maisie had asked me if I could study with her for Mr.G's woman's murder history test at her house since her parents weren't home. I said yes so she wrote down on a piece of paper with her address on it.

I drove to her house which was kind of big and close to my house also. I knocked on the door three times and waited. Then the door opened and Maisie was there with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Hazel!" Maisie exclaimed. She seemed pretty excited for me to be here. "Hi!" I exclaimed back. We stared at each other for a moment before she opened the door wider for me to enter. I looked around and noticed that there weren't that much photos of her family hung on the walls.

"So, would you like something to eat or drink?" she asked me while turning around and pointing to the kitchen. "No thank you I'm fine." I replied. "Okay then, follow me!" she said while walking up the stairs to her bedroom. Once she opened her door I took a look around and saw some posters on her wall. Like 50s movie posters, album covers, pink posters, and feminism posters also.

She also had some stuff animals on her bed. "Well, this is my room. You can put your stuff down over there." she told me pointing to a corner in her room near a pink fluffy beanbag. I dropped my bag in the corner and took out my notebook so we can study and take notes. When I turned around I saw Maisie laying on her side with her elbow propped up and her fist on her cheek. I walked over to her bed and sat down but close to the edge of the bed.

"You can make yourself comfortable, I don't bite." she said while softly chuckling. I made my self comfortable. It was a bit awkward for us but she didn't mind. I kept taking small glances at her taking in all her beauty. Her freckles that danced all over her face, it felt like I could count them forever and wouldn't get bored. Her crystal blue eyes that I could dance in forever, and reminded me of diamonds whenever they sparkled in the light. And her pink plumbed lips that were covered with cherry lipgloss. That's when she looked up. I turned my head down fast hoping she didn't notice me staring at her.

I felt her eyes piercing into my skull and looked lifted my head to look at her. But she didn't look away like I did. She kept staring at me life if I was some greek goddess. And that's when everything around us stopped. Time had slowed down. It felt like the noise around had begun to quiet down. I never thought that I would hear these words come out of her mouth, "I like you." she said silently gulping.

Shocked. That's all I felt. I never would've thought that my crush from 6th grade said that she liked me. "Well?" she asked? "I like you too." I said and that's when I saw a small smile creep onto Maisie's lips. And that's when she slowly leaned in, then so did I.
Our faces were right in front of each other while our lips were barely inches away.

"Can I kiss you?" she asked me waiting for consent before doing anything. "Yes." I said giving her permission. And that's when her lips touched mine's. Fireworks was all I felt. Our lips slowly worked together. They moved in sync at a nice pace. I felt the taste of her cherry lipgloss on my lips. I slowly tugged at her shirt. "Can I?" I asked her. She nodded her head and I slowly lifted her shirt up over her head. I admired her beauty. Her freckles that were scattered on her arms like daisies in a flower field.

I leaned back in to kiss her. I slowly pulled away to ask her a question. "Are you sure you wanna do this? Because we don't have to if you don't wanna." I said really fast stuttering over my own words. "I'm ready." she told me giving me a small smile. And that's when we both leaned in and let it take over.

We laid there in awkward silence for a bit. I was about to get up but she said something. "I like girls, and guys." she told me. "Okay." I replied. It was getting really awkward for the both of us. So I got up and went to the corner where my backpack was and picked it up. "I should get going now." I told her while opening her door. "Oh yea." she responded getting off her bed. We were out of her room and started walking down stairs. She opened the door for me. "Well good bye." I said turning around but she had grabbed my wrist and kissed my cheek. "Now good bye!" she told me with a big smile. When I left her house I was blushing like crazy. I probably look like a tomato for how red I am. I got to my car and started to drive away.

bealvrs playground ~
i honestly have no clue what i just wrote but oh well :]

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