The break up

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3rd person POV:
Today was the day that Maisie would be breaking up with Brad for good. Because she realized that she like Hazel and couldn't be with Brad for how much he's cheated on her.

"Hey Brad" Maisie said in a voice that sounded like she was about to show her report card to her parents. "Hey" he replied back. "So I've been meaning to tell you something and I hope you'll understand it." Maisie said fidgeting with the rings on her finger.

"Mhm" Brad replied in a i don't care sound. Maisie had enough and just said what she felt "Ok you know what Brad, Im breaking up with you ok, I'm breaking up with you because I have feelings for someone else ok. And I'm also tired of you cheating on me a lot so there's another reason why!" Maisie had exclaimed. Brads eyes were wide. He looked shocked and surprised.

"Oh, um, ok that was a lot to take in. But that was a funny joke Maisie." Brad said. "Wait what.?" Maisie said in a confusing tone. Maisie was really confused. Did he not realize that what she said wasn't a joke. "Yeah funny joke babe." Brad said with a tight lipped smile. "That wasn't a joke." "Wait that wasn't a joke?" "No.".

A lot was happening between the couple? Ex-couple? Honestly they didn't know what they were at this point. "Ok." "Ok." they said with a tight lipped smile. "So, your actually breaking up with me?" "Yeah I am.". It was really awkward for the both of them. They were just standing there looking at anything other the each other's face.

"So, who's the guy you like?" Brad asked curious. "Oh it's not a guy but a girl!" Maisie replied. "Oh! Um, ok then. Who's the girl you like?" Brad said in a surprised voice. "You might know her. It's Hazel." "Who's Hazel?" "The girl that Jeff pushed on the first day back." "Oh! Well good luck." "Wow, um, I didn't think you would take it that well. Thanks and I hope you'll find someone for you too." They both shared their goodbyes. Maisie had thought that everything went fine and was perfect. But little did she know Brad had something planned.

bealvrs playground ~
there's this chapter and yesterday i saw the new mean girls movie and i might make a fanfic but idk

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