Prince Arthur Returns/True Brothers

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Arthur was brought to the castle. It had been a long time since he'd been in his home kingdom. He entered the parlor, where he saw Nathan. The brothers looked at each other. It'd been a half-decade since they'd seen each other.

"Nathan," Arthur gaped.

"Arthur," Nathan stared.

"Nathan, you ordered the guards to bring me here?" Arthur asked. "Why did you do that for me? I tried to overthrow you."

Arthur gasped when he saw his old foes. "Sofia? Hugo?" he gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"It's okay, Arthur," Hugo declared. "We're here to help."

"We know the reason you tried to take over Albuquerque," Sofia smirked.

"You do?" Arthur gulped.

"You and Nathan got along so well when you were kids, but when Nathan was crowned king, you were so jealous that you tried to overthrow him," Sofia told him.

"When you were marooned on that deserted island, you thought you wanted to rule a kingdom, but what you really want is to be with your brother," Hugo continued.

Arthur's heart filled with anguish. "Okay, you're right," he admitted. "We did get along when we were kids, and trying to overthrow Nathan was the worst thing I've ever done."

"Well, Nathan ordered the guards to bring you home, so he can give you a chance to explain," Sofia told him.

"I don't know, Sofia," Arthur frowned. "It's been five years since that event happened. If I had told him why I did it before, he'd let me off the hook."

"Well, I didn't want to be king, but I felt betrayed that you tried to do something despicable to me like that," Nathan admitted.

"Being betrayed by someone you trusted is the worst feeling ever," Sofia told Nathan. "My stepsister Amber betrayed me when she stole my amulet right after I trusted her with my secret."

Arthur looked at Sofia's amulet and saw that it was pink and not purple. Sofia's amulet was originally purple when it brought him to Albuquerque, and then it turned pink.

"Speaking of your amulet, Sofia, what happened to it?" Arthur asked.

"What do you mean?" Sofia asked.

"The amulet that brought me to Albuquerque was amethyst purple," Arthur pointed out. "This one is ruby pink."

"The amulet magically turned pink," Hugo declared. "We'll talk about that later—let's cut to the chase."

"Amber has done bad things to me when we first became sisters," Sofia recalled. "But it took us a while to reconcile."

To help Nathan understand, Sofia and Hugo began to sing.

SOFIA: When my mom got married to a king, a lot has changed for me

I was no longer a commoner—I was now royalty

But I could see it wouldn't be very easy that day

There was someone who'd gone and done things to stand in my way

My stepsister Amber was consumed with jealousy so green

But then we worked together and she stopped being so mean

As you can see that we found a way to start anew

And then we found at this time around our friendship only grew

Then we became true sisters

Because we made amends

True, true sisters

And ever after friends

HUGO: You suddenly feel that all is lost, frightened and alone

But maybe yours isn't the only heart that's sinking like a stone

If you could see that your brother may be taken over by a trance,

The one thing you can really do is give him a chance

SOFIA: You can be true brothers

If you only make amends

HUGO: True, true brothers

BOTH: And ever after friends

Nathan and Arthur knew that Sofia and Hugo were right. The best way to fix this and reconcile was for Nathan to give his brother a chance to explain.

"Okay, Arthur, care to tell me why you tried to overthrow me?" Nathan asked.

As the brothers sat down, Arthur took Nathan's hand and said, "Nathan, to be honest, Sofia and Hugo were right. I was jealous when you were crowned king, but I didn't even want to overthrow you in the first place."

"But why did you try to overthrow me?" Nathan asked.

"Because Percy talked me into it," Arthur revealed.

Nathan was horrified. "Percy told you to overthrow me?" he gasped.

Sofia and Hugo were surprised. They knew Arthur wouldn't want to do anything to Nathan, but something was confusing them.

"Percy?" Sofia and Hugo inquired.

"My royal advisor, and he talked me into putting Arthur on that deserted island in the first place," Nathan revealed.

Arthur was horrified. "First, Percy told me to overthrow you, and then he told you banish me?" he gasped.

"So this really isn't your brother's fault; the real culprit is Nathan's royal advisor," Sofia realized. "He betrayed you."

"He betrayed both of you," Hugo told the brothers.

Arthur and Nathan were horrified at this. Percy talked them into going against each other, and they had been fighting for no reason.

"Where is Percy?!" Nathan growled angrily.

Nathan's growl was so loud that his royal advisor, Percy, could hear him, and he entered the parlor and asked, "You called, Sire?" But then he stopped when he saw Arthur. "Prince Arthur, what are you going here?"

"I told the guard to bring Arthur home, so I can let him explain why he tried to overthrow me," Nathan glared.

"You're the one who told me to overthrow Nathan in the first place," Arthur glowered.

"And you told me to put Arthur on that deserted island," Nathan added.

"Don't forget; I also plotted to get Nathan crowned king, so Arthur would envy him," Percy smirked...just before realizing what he said. "Did I say that out loud?"

Nathan and Arthur could not believe it. They were never really each other's enemies; their real enemy was Percy.

"You plotted to have Nathan become king, so Arthur would be green with jealousy," Hugo realized.

"That way, you could talk Arthur into overthrowing Nathan, and when Arthur was caught, you told Nathan to maroon him on that island," Sofia continued.

"You betrayed us!" Arthur growled.

"You tricked us into going against each other!" Nathan glared.

But Percy didn't care. "Well, you were always so happy when you were kids that I couldn't stand it," he protested. "I had to put an end to it. Beside, it was just a joke."

"But not a funny one," Arthur glared.

Nathan felt like there was one thing do, so he announced, "Well, Percy, as King of Beigenia, I hereby banish you from this land!"

Arthur and the kids agreed. Arthur was very proud of his little brother for making this proclamation. However, Hugo decided to help liven this up a little.

"Nathan, dare I make a suggestion?" Hugo spoke up.

"Name it, my boy," Nathan told him.

"Why not put Percy on that same island Arthur was imprisoned on?" Hugo suggested.

Arthur smiled at Hugo and declared, "I like this idea."

Nathan himself liked this idea, so he called, "Guards!"

"We're on it, Sire," one guard agreed.

The guards grabbed Percy and dragged him away. Percy was now going to be imprisoned on Arthur's deserted island.

Arthur and Nathan looked at each other. They couldn't believe that they were tricked into fighting for no reason. Now that the misunderstanding was cleared, the brothers were back together again. They were so happy to be reunited that they hugged very tightly. Sofia and Hugo were very happy to see this.

"It feels so good to have you back," Nathan sighed happily.

"It feels so good to be back, baby brother," Arthur smiled. He turned to Sofia and Hugo and said, "Thank you for all you've done."

"Yes, thank you," Nathan told the kids. "This is worth celebrating. Tomorrow night, we'll have a royal ball to welcome Arthur home to Beigenia."

"Thank you, Nathan," Arthur smiled. "Hopefully, that'll give me time to remove my dragonfly power."

"Dragonfly power?" Nathan inquired.

"Arthur can magically make butterflies and dragonflies with his bare hands," Sofia told Nathan.

"The butterflies can turned anything sepia, and the dragonflies can erase people's memories," Hugo continued.

Nathan had mixed feelings about his brother's magic powers. "Well, I certainly like the butterflies; the dragonflies...not so much," he declared.

"We need a way to remove Arthur's dragonfly power," Hugo declared.

"Before I tried to overthrow Nathan, I found this book that helped me get these powers," Arthur recalled. "The book contained the antidote that can permanently remove my dragonfly power."

"We'd better find that book," Sofia said.

"Let's go to the library," Nathan instructed.

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