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Very soon, Sofia and Hugo found themselves in a sepia kingdom.

"Everything is so brown," Electra noted.

"If this whole kingdom is sepia, then we must be in Beigenia," Hugo told his mare.

Sofia and Hugo saw a fancy dark brown building. They hoped this would be Beigenia castle.

"I hope that's King Nathan's castle," Sofia declared.

"Me too, especially since the whole kingdom is one color," Hugo remarked.

The pair landed their horses at the entrance and were greeted by the guards, whom they told they wished to see the king.

In the castle library, King Nathan was sadly reading when a butler came in.

"Sire, there are two foreign royals who wish to see you," the butler said.

When Sofia and Hugo entered the library, they saw that Nathan looked just like Arthur but with darker hair.

"I don't believe I've seen color before," Nathan remarked. "What kingdoms would you be from?"

"I'm Princess Sofia of Enchancia," Sofia curtseyed.

"I'm Prince Hugo of Albuquerque," Hugo bowed.

"Good marrow, young sires," Nathan greeted, standing up. "I am King Nathan of Beigenia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sire Nathan," Sofia smiled. "There's a reason we have come to see you."

"We know about Prince Arthur," Hugo revealed.

"My brother?" Nathan inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, we've met him before," Hugo revealed.

Nathan was dumbfounded. "But how?" he gaped. "Arthur has been on that deserted island for five years."

Sofia and Hugo explained how they met Arthur in the first place. Nathan was shocked at what his brother was up to when Sofia's amulet brought him to Albuquerque.

"Oh, Arthur has changed," Nathan frowned. "First, he tried to overthrow me, and he tried to take over another kingdom."

"Your Majesty, we think there's a reason for this," Hugo stated. "We think the reason he tried to take over my home was so we wouldn't see how vulnerable he is."

Nathan was surprised. "Vulnerable? Arthur?" he asked.

"He thinks he wants a kingdom of his own, but he really wants you," Sofia told him.

"His reason for trying to overthrow you was because he was just jealous," Hugo added. "He was first in line for the throne, but for some reason, you won the title instead."

Nathan thought about this. "So he tried to overthrow me out of jealousy," he sighed. "Oh, I wish I'd let him explain before the guards put him on that island in the first place."

"Maybe you can," Hugo suggested. "You're the king; you can decree that the guards bring your brother home, so you can talk to him."

Nathan thought about it. He really wanted to reunite with his brother and reconcile with him. "Okay, I'll make this decree," he smiled.

Nathan ordered the guards to go to Arthur's island and bring him home. The guards obeyed the king's orders and journeyed to the retrieve the prince. Arthur was surprised that his younger brother ordered the guards to do this.

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