A Surprise for Hugo

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It was winter, and everybody was enjoying themselves. Sofia loved the winter, but she was too busy worrying about something else: her best friend Prince Hugo's birthday was in five months, and she'd been working on a very special birthday present for him. She was making him a beautiful guitar. She wanted this gift to be perfect for him.

Sofia was in her bedroom, sanding the guitar pieces carefully. Her brother and sister Amber and James dropped in to see what their younger sister was up to. They saw her with the wooden pieces while reading a manual.

"What are you doing, Sofia?" Amber asked.

"Working on a birthday present for Hugo," Sofia admitted.

"But Hugo's birthday is in five months," James reminded her.

"I know; that's why I'm working on it right now," Sofia pointed out. "I don't know how long it'll take me to make this guitar for him."

Amber looked at Sofia' book, which said How to Make a Guitar, and asked, "You're making Hugo a guitar?"

"Yes, if it takes two months to make a little music box, who knows how long it'll take to make a guitar?" Sofia asked.

James saw Sofia's guitar design. "Wow, this is the most beautiful guitar design I've ever seen," he smiled.

"Thanks," Sofia grinned. "I just hope it'll sound as beautiful as it'll look."

"Making this guitar looks complicated, Sofia," Amber told her sister. "Patience is a virtue. You should wait five months to buy a guitar for Hugo."

"That would save me a lot of time, but I think Hugo deserves a handmade guitar," Sofia declared. "He made me that little music box for my birthday, so he deserves a handmade birthday present too."

"Besides, do you remember when Princess Tiana came here on Sofia's birthday?" James reminded Amber. "She said that a real gift must come from the heart. Sofia is making this guitar with love."

"I see," Amber said flatly.

Amber knew how much Sofia cared about Hugo, but she still failed to see the point of making a guitar when Sofia could just wait five months to buy one for him. Sofia was a little sweaty from working on the guitar, and she looked a little tired.

"Well, we'll leave you to it, Sof," James told his younger sister.

Amber and James left Sofia alone, so she could keep working on the guitar. Just as Amber and James left the bedroom, Violet came in.

"How's the guitar coming along, love?" Violet asked.

"Fine," Sofia replied. "I'm still sanding it."

"Very nice, m'lady, but I think it's time for a break," Violet declared. "You're very sweaty."

"Oh, it must be from working so hard," Sofia sighed.

"Well, it's time for a certain princess to take a bath," Violet chuckled.

Sofia got clean clothes from her closet, and Violet took her to take a bath.

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