Ballet Lesson

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The next morning, after breakfast, Sofia went home to Enchancia Castle, where her family was waiting.

"Good morning, honey," Miranda smiled.

"How was your date?" Amber asked.

"Our date was cancelled," Sofia replied sadly. "They had to cancel the ballet because half the dancers are sick. They're going to reschedule the ballet, but they can't tell us when."

Roland, Miranda, Amber, and James felt sorry for Sofia.

"I'm sorry, Sofia," Roland frowned.

"Thanks," Sofia sighed. "Anyway, Hugo is coming over this afternoon for a lunch date to make up for this."

"That's nice of him," James grinned.

Sometime later, it was almost noon. Sofia was wearing a blue version of her Avalor dress for her lunch date with Hugo. Just as she was ready, she saw her ballet tutu. She remembered when she, Amber, and Kari did their first ballet at Royal Prep. Thinking about this made her want to dance. She did some jumps and twirls until Amber stepped in through the open bedroom door.

"Sofia!" Amber called out.

Sofia was surprised by the sound of Amber's voice, and she lost balance and fell down. "Yes, Amber?" she asked.

"Hugo is here for your lunch date," Amber said.

"Thanks," Sofia smiled.

On her way to see Hugo, Sofia did a little ballet dancing. She wondered if Hugo would be interested in dancing ballet. Pretty soon, she met up with Hugo.

"Hey, Sofie," Hugo smiled.

"Hi, Hugo," Sofia smiled.

Sofia and Hugo went into the dining room for their lunch date. They were disappointed that their ballet date had been cancelled, and they tried to stay positive because the ballet was going to be rescheduled—they just didn't know when.

"You know, Sofie, I have to admit, I think ballet looks like fun," Hugo admitted.

"It is fun," Sofia smiled. "It's almost like ice-dancing but with no enchanted footwear."

"Sounds fun," Hugo smiled. "You'll have to show me sometime."

"Why wait for some time?" Sofia asked. "I can show you after we eat."

"Okay," Hugo smiled.

After Sofia and Hugo ate, they went into the dance studio of the castle, so Sofia could teach Hugo how to dance ballet. Fortunately, Hugo brought his dancing shoes for the occasion.

"You ready, Hugo?" Sofia asked.

"As I'll ever be," Hugo smiled.

For starters, Sofia showed Hugo how to do some simple positions. Hugo was getting the hang of this already.

"Wow, Hugo, you've really got the hang of this," Sofia smiled.

"Yeah, this is fun," Hugo smiled back.

"Ready to try some moves?" Sofia asked.

"Ready," Hugo smiled.

"Let's start with a twirl," Sofia said.

Sofia demonstrated the start position, and Hugo did what she did. Then Sofia kicked into the twirl. Hugo did the same thing but wound up doing a quadruple twirl much to Sofia's delight.

"You've got this!" Sofia cheered.

"I wish I had taken ballet at Royal Prep," Hugo smiled. "If only we could perform a ballet for our friends and family."

"Maybe we should," Sofia smiled.

Little did Sofia and Hugo know that Roland, Miranda, Amber, and James were watching. They thought this was very heartwarming, especially since their original ballet date was cancelled.

That night, Hugo and Axel were ready for bed, and Hugo was telling him and Garrick about his ballet lesson with Sofia.

"Wow, it sounds like you had fun," Axel smiled.

"It was," Hugo confirmed. "Ballet is like ice-dancing, except without the enchanted footwear. Speaking of which, my feet needed a break from the enchanted skates anyway."

"Well, champ, since you put it that way, I think you need a good foot rub to relax your feet since you'll be doing a more relaxing dance," Garrick declared. "Good thing I bought this."

Garrick took out a tube of foot lotion. Hugo lay down on his bed. Garrick squeezed some lotion in his hand and rubbed both his hands together, and then he rubbed the lotion on Hugo's foot. Hugo tried but failed to hold back his giggles.

"That tickles, Dad," giggled Hugo.

"Sorry, champ," Garrick chuckled.

Hearing his little brother giggle gave Axel the giggles too. "Would it be all right if we came with you to Enchancia to see you and Sofia dance?" he chuckled. He was only laughing because Hugo's giggles are contagious.

"That's okay by me," giggled Hugo.

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