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The next day, Garrick and Axel went to Enchancia with Hugo, who was practicing ballet with Sofia. They were doing a Pas de Deux.

"Wow, I can't believe I've gotten the hang of this already," Hugo smiled.

"You've really got this, Hugo," Sofia beamed.

Hugo held Sofia up over his head, balancing her on one hand, and he twirled around on one foot. Garrick and Axel couldn't believe how good Hugo was at this.

"This is fun," Sofia smiled. "Too bad none of the boys wanted to take up ballet at Royal Prep."

"We could've totally performed a story at Royal Prep," Hugo declared.

Suddenly, Amber's voice rang out, "Maybe we can." She was with Hildegard, Clio, Kari, Vivian, Lakshmi, Zooey, Jun, and Adara.

"We should totally perform a ballet for our families," Adara smiled.

"That would be awesome," Sofia smiled.

"Gosh, that would be great," Axel smiled.

Hugo and the girls thought about performing a ballet for their families.

"So who's going to be the star of the ballet?" Hildegard asked.

"Before we discuss who's going to be the star ballerina, Hildegard, we need to know what story to perform," Hugo said.

"We can do the Black Swan," Amber suggested.

"I love Giselle," Clio said.

"What about Swan Lake?" Jun asked.

"You know, Hugo and I were going to see that ballet two nights ago," Sofia declared. "I guess we can perform our own version of that ballet."

"That would be great," Hugo smiled.

"Well, since Prince Hugo is the only prince here, it's obvious that he'll be playing the prince—and I'll be playing Odette," Hildegard claimed.

But all the girls glared at Hildegard, and Hugo sure wasn't happy that Hildegard tried to make herself the star of the show.

"What makes you think you're going to be the star?" Hugo huffed.

"If one of us girls is going to be Odette, it should be Sofia," Vivian declared.

Sofia wasn't happy that Hildegard was trying to make herself the star, but she was surprised at what Vivian said—and so was Hildegard.

"Why Sofia?" Hildegard huffed.

"Well, she is Hugo's girlfriend, and therefore, she was the one going to see the ballet with him before it was cancelled," Adara declared.

"Well, Sofia is my girlfriend—it's only fair," Hugo declared.

Hildegard tried to protest, but that only got the other princesses to give her dirty looks. "Okay, we'll make Sofia the star," she muttered.

"We should get started on our costumes, yes?" Amber suggested.

"We should probably worry about our choreography first," Sofia declared.

"Plus, since Sofia is playing Odette, we need another girl to play Odile," Hugo chimed in.

"Who's Odile?" Jun asked.

"The evil girl who tries to steal the prince away from Odette," Clio replied.

"Well, Hildegard, since you don't want to play one of Odette's cygnets, you ought to play Odile," Zooey declared.

Hildegard was surprised, but Hugo and the other princesses smirked at her—they knew that she still hung onto her jealousy of Sofia's relationship with Hugo. "Okay, I'll play Odile," she sighed.

"Okay, let's think of our dancing routines," Hugo declared. "Sofia is going to open the show as Odette, and then she'll find herself at Swam Lake."

"That's when we make her our queen, and you show up," Adara declared.

"Right," Hugo smiled.

"Good thing I still have that swan tiara from my first All Hallows Eve costume ball at Royal Prep," Sofia smiled.

"Perfect," Amber smiled.

Hugo and the princess choreographed their routines, and they were really having fun. They were excited about their performance for their families. But Hildegard wasn't excited at all—she really wanted to be the star of the show.

Every day for a week, Hugo and the princesses practiced their dance for their performance for their families. But Hildegard wasn't excited about it at all—she didn't think it was fair that Sofia got to be the star of the ballet. Sofia got to play the lead in the school play Cinderella and the Beauty Within.

"The show is going to be showed tomorrow with Sofia as the star," Hildegard muttered to herself. "I have to make sure she doesn't take up the spotlight again." She really didn't think Sofia deserved to be the star, and she felt like she knew how to keep Sofia from taking up the spotlight.

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