Hugo and the Snake

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Meanwhile, at Albuquerque Palace, Hugo went to see how his big brother was doing. But when he entered the library, he saw that Axel was still covered in red spots and pink sparkles.

"Are you still looking for that remedy?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, and we've looked in every remedy book," Axel frowned. "I've already had four baths today, and we're running out of ointment."

"Have you found Sofia's amulet, champ?" Garrick asked.

"No, and we've looked from floor to rafter," Hugo frowned. "Princess Hildegard was the one who took it in the first place."

"Oh, not that little whippersnapper," Axel groaned. "I still remember our trip the Enchanted Animal Park when she kept blowing on that whistle just to get your attention."

Miles put a big book on a cart and knocked over the book entitled Supernaturals. Just as Hugo was about to pick up the book, he saw the urtica irritato hereda picture, and he had found the remedy for Axel's rash. The book never really had spa treatments for girls; it was full of remedies for rashes.

Hugo read the remedy carefully. According to the book, Axel just needed to take a bath with certain herbs: mint, red clover, lavender, rosemary, daisy dust, cilantro, hot peppers, and golden stardust. But the quickest way to get all these herbs was to show the picture to the Sapphire Snake. Hugo doubted it would be a problem because he and Sofia saved their fathers and brothers from the Snake's den when they got trapped. He decided to venture to the Snake's den since he was the only one in the kingdom whom the Snake trusted.

Hugo journeyed to the Sapphire Snake's den.

"Mr. Snake, are you here?" Hugo called.

The Sapphire Snake showed up before Hugo's eyes. He was delighted to see his old friend. Thanks to Hugo's animal communicator hearing aid, Hugo could talk to animals.

"Prince Hugo! Old friend, long time no see!" the Snake beamed, patting the young prince on the head. "What brings you here?"

Hugo showed the Snake the picture of the urtica irritato hereda and explained Axel's condition. The Snake was more than happy to help, so he gave Hugo three boxes that each contained the herbs needed for the herbal bath. Each box contained the Supernaturals book. Hugo was obliged, and he thanked the Snake for his assistance and went back to the palace.

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