Now You Have It, Now You Don't

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When it was close to the end of gym class, Hildegard was ready to execute her plan. Sofia was almost ready to do her yoga, and Hildegard went up to her.

"Sofia, what are you up to?" Hildegard asked.

"Just about to do me some yoga," Sofia replied.

"Well, I think you need a little help relaxing," Hildegard declared. "It can be a little noisy here."

"Thank you, Hildy," Sofia smiled.

Sofia sat down and got into a full lotus. Hildegard gave her a little shoulder massage.

"That's right, Sofia," Hildegard whispered. "Just close your eyes and relax."

Sofia closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Hildegard saw that Sofia's eyes were close, so that meant it was time. Hildegard carefully unfastened the clasp and caught the amulet in her hands. Then she ran up to Clio, who was standing by a table.

"I got the amulet," Hildegard smiled.

"Okay, put it on before Sofia finds out you have it," Clio urged.

Hildegard took off her ruby necklace and put it on the table. She was just about to put on Sofia's amulet when Hugo showed up.

"Girls, what are you doing?" Hugo asked.

Hildegard quickly put her hands behind her back, but she knocked her necklace off the table and dropped Sofia's amulet in a blue and black duffle bag that was sitting next to the table.

"Oh, nothing," Hildegard lied.

"Yeah, nothing," Clio agreed.

"Okay," Hugo said awkwardly. He went around the girls, picked up the duffle bag, and walked away.

Hildegard and Clio were relieved that Hugo didn't know what they were doing. But as soon as Hugo was gone, Clio realized that something was wrong.

"Hildegard, didn't you put your necklace on the table?" Clio asked anxiously.

Hildegard turned and saw that her necklace wasn't on the table. "It's gone!" she gasped.

"Where's the amulet?" Clio asked.

Hildegard realizes that she no longer had Sofia's amulet. "Oh, no!" Hildegard panicked. "If Sofia finds out I lost her amulet, she'll kill me!"

"Worse than that: she'll be extra furious because you stole it from her," Clio reminded her.

Hildegard realized that was true. "You're right," she nodded. "We can't let Sofia know about it. Let's just find the amulet and my necklace."

Hildegard and Clio looked around the table for the two ruby necklaces, but no luck. Gym class was over, and Sofia had already changed clothes. Fortunately, she didn't seem to notice that her amulet was missing. 

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