Sofia Finds Out

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At the end of the day, Hildegard and Clio met up.

"Okay, tomorrow, we'll meet here, go to the locker room, and look for Sofia's amulet and your necklace," Clio whispered.

"Okay," Hildegard agreed.

Hugo met up with Sofia...and noticed that something was wrong. "Sofia, where's your amulet?" he frowned.

Sofia looked down and her chest and saw that her amulet was gone. "My amulet!" she gasped. "But I didn't take it off."

"It could be anywhere," Hugo frowned. "Don't worry; we'll meet here first thing in the morning, so we can find it."

"Okay," Sofia nodded sadly.

When Hugo pulled Sofia into a hug, Hildegard and Clio were starting to panic as this was not a good sign. Now Sofia knew that her amulet was gone, and they hoped she couldn't know that Hildegard was the reason why.

"Oh, no! Sofia already knows her amulet is missing," Clio fretted.

"At least she doesn't know how it disappeared," Hildegard shrugged sheepishly.

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