Axel's Strange Rash

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At Albuquerque Palace, Hugo entered his bedroom and saw that his older brother Axel didn't seem too good. Axel had a horrible rash, and he was scratching, but this was no ordinary rash. He was covered with red spots and pink sparkles, and he surely felt worse than he looked.

"Ax, are you okay?" Hugo cringed. "What happened to you?"

"Do you want the long or the short version?" Axel asked.

"Short?" Hugo replied.

"You know I was out on a hike with the boys at school today, baby bro?" Axel asked. "Well, Henry, Miles, and I fell into some strange poison oak plant, and now we have this strange yet horrible rash."

"What kind of plant was it?" Hugo asked.

"It was red and blue with pink sparkles," Axel explained. "Dad and I tried everything to get rid of this rash. It just won't come off."

"Maybe you should take a bath," Hugo suggested. "A good scrubbing should help."

"I tried that," Axel declared. "It only relieved the itching for an hour and a half, and then the itch came back."

"Applying ointment helps relieve poison oak," Hugo grinned.

"Tried that," Axel groaned. "The itching stopped for an hour, and then it came back again."

"Well, then we need to figure out what poisonous plant you fell in," Hugo declared. "If we can figure it out, we can find the remedy for the rash."

"It's worth a try," Axel smiled.

Hugo and Axel were in the palace library with their parents, and they found every book about plants they could find. Then Hugo found the plant Axel described.

"Is this it, Big Bro?" Hugo asked.

Axel looked over Hugo's shoulder and said, "That's it."

Hugo read, "It's called urtica irritato hereda. It's a very rare plant similar to poison oak. This plant can trigger a rash of irritating itching, red spots, and pink sparkles."

"Well, that explains Axel's strange condition," King Garrick remarked. "What's the cure?"

Hugo looked in the book, but it contained nothing about the cure. "This book is only about rare plants; it cane nothing about remedies," he frowned.

"Then we'll have to read every remedy book we've got," Axel snarled as he continued scratching.

"But the book also states that the victim should never be scratching," Hugo reminded Axel. "Until we can find the real remedy, the best ways to hold back the itching are to take a bath and apply ointment."

"Well, at least we're holding back the itching," the princes' mother, Queen Samira, smiled. "We'd better keep it up until we can find the remedy."

"I hope we find that remedy soon," Axel groaned. "This itching is killing me."

"Let's get more ointment on you before you start scratching again," Garrick smiled.

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