All Ears

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The next day, Amber and Hildegard were waiting for Axel to come, so they could spy on him and Sofia again. Pretty soon, Axel had arrived, and he and Sofia went into the parlor to speak to her parents, King Roland II and Queen Miranda.

Amber and Hildegard stayed beside but out of the entrance, so nobody would know they were spying on Sofia and Axel.

"Oh, that's very nice of you, Prince Axel," Miranda smiled.

"But he doesn't know about it, and I don't know how to make a tuxedo myself, so I asked Sofia to help me," Axel explained. "Since she's helping me with Hugo's surprise, I thought it would be nice to invite her to join us. Hugo won four tickets anyway."

"Oh, that's perfectly fine," Roland smiled.

Amber and Hildegard were surprised to hear this. They couldn't believe that Roland and Miranda were okay with their youngest daughter accompanying Axel to an event.

"Mother and Daddy are letting Sofia accompany Prince Axel to some kind of special place?" Amber asked. "But why isn't Hugo joining the fun?"

"We'd better spy on them some more," Hildegard suggested.

"Let's pick out a tuxedo design first, and then we'll make it in my room," Sofia told Axel. "Maybe there are some books on fashion design in the library."

When Sofia and Axel emerged from the parlor, Amber and Hildegard hid from them. When Sofia and Axel weren't looking, Amber and Hildegard followed them to the library. 

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