A Breathtaking Surprise

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Sofia and Axel were in the castle library, looking for fashion design books. Amber and Hildegard were watching the duo's every move, and they heard Sofia say, "Hopefully, we'll find something in at least one of these books."

"Only one way to find out," Axel declared.

Sofia and Axel sat down and looked through a few books. When they weren't looking, Amber and Hildegard crept up on them and peeked over their shoulders—or tried to. Sofia had a feeling something was going on, so she quickly turned around only to see Amber and Hildegard searching for books.

"What's wrong, Sofia?" Axel asked.

"Axel, have you ever had the feeling someone is spying on you?" Sofia frowned.

Amber and Hildegard were terrified to hear that, and they hoped that Sofia wouldn't know that they were spying on her and Axel.

"Not quite—I'm used to having Hugo peek over my shoulder while I'm doing homework for school," Axel replied. "Sometimes I'd do the same thing to see if he's having trouble with his own homework."

Sofia understood what Axel meant, but she wasn't so sure how that explained why she felt like someone was creeping up on her.

"Wow, this design looks great," Axel beamed. He showed Sofia an amazingly handsome tuxedo design.

"Wow, that's sure to make Hugo look breathtaking," Sofia gaped. "I'll ask Madame Collette to send the fabrics up to my room, and I'll show you how to sew it up."

"Thanks, Sofia," Axel smiled.

When Sofia and Axel left the library, Amber and Hildegard were very suspicious of them.

"Sofia is making Prince Axel a tuxedo that'll take Hugo's breath away?" Amber asked.

"What is she making a tuxedo for?" Hildegard asked.

"There's only one way to find out," Amber replied. 

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