Time to Get Sewing

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Madame Collette sent necessary fabrics and threads up to Sofia's bedroom. Sofia showed Axel how to carefully put the tuxedo together.

"Be careful with the needle though—it's very easy to prick your fingers," Sofia warned.

"Got you," Axel smiled.

As Axel was carefully sewing the tuxedo, Amber and Hildegard were outside Sofia's bedroom door, eavesdropping on the duo.

"I can't wait to see my baby bro's face when he sees this," Axel beamed. "I'm mostly looking forward to seeing his reaction when I tell him the surprise."

"Me too," Sofia smiled. "I bet this is enough to make Hugo freak out so much that he's sure to faint." She put her hand over her heart and fell down as if she'd fainted.

Axel started laughing. "Well, then we'd better get ready to summon Lady Melody if that happens," he joked. Then he and Sofia started laughing.

Amber and Hildegard couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"They're planning on making sure Hugo freaks out enough to faint," Amber gulped.

"It all makes sense," Hildegard declared. "Sofia has a thing for Prince Axel. That must be their surprise for Hugo."

"We have to tell him," Amber nodded.

But just then, the princesses heard a voice behind them. "What are you doing?"

Amber and Hildegard turned around and saw James behind them.

"Amber, are you spying on Sofia?" James asked.

"No, we're just listening to her conversation with Prince Axel," Hildegard declared.

"That's called spying," James pointed out. "Sofia would be angry if she knew you were spying on her."

Suddenly, the doors were opened, and in the doorway was Sofia. "What's going on?" she frowned.

Amber and Hildegard jumped when they saw Sofia, who seemed unhappy that she's heard them talking right outside her door.

"Sofia!" Amber gasped. "We were just dropping to say hello."

"Yes, we wanted to see how you were doing," Hildegard added.

"Well, thank you," Sofia declared. "I'm very busy right now."

Suddenly, Sofia heard Axel yelp, "Ouch!"

"You're all right, Axel?" Sofia asked.

"Fine," Axel replied.

"I'll talk to you later," Sofia told James and the princesses. She closed her bedroom doors.

James turned to Amber and Hildegard and said, "Well, Amber, you and Hildegard might as well go back to your room and stop spying on Sofia."

"All right," Amber sighed.

Inside Sofia's bedroom, it turned out Axel had pricked his finger with the needle, and Sofia put a Band-Aid on it.

"Maybe you should wear these thimbles on your fingers to protect them from the needle," Sofia suggested.

"Okay, thank you," Axel said. He put a sewing thimble on each finger and continued sewing the tuxedo.

Pretty soon, the tuxedo was finished.

"Wow, this is really breathtaking," Sofia smiled. "You did a great job."

"You helped," Axel chuckled.

Outside, Amber and Hildegard were eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Would it be all right if you took the tuxedo to the palace?" Axel asked. "You know Hugo and I share a room, and I'm sure it wouldn't be easy to hide this from him."

"Sure, I can do that," Sofia smiled.

Amber and Hildegard were startled by this.

"Okay, we have to tell Hugo on Monday," Amber insisted. 

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