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Sofia and Hugo got out of the stables and retreated to their horses.

"Hugo, you saved Sofia!" Minimus beamed.

"You're a hero!" Electra whooped.

But it wasn't over yet—the Junior Knights were right behind Sofia and Hugo.

"You both got lucky this time, but you won't get lucky once we lock you both up!" Vaughan growled.

Sofia and Hugo were scared, and Hugo didn't have any more arrows left.

"What are we going to do?" Sofia gulped.

"I don't know—I don't have any more arrows," Hugo replied.

Suddenly, everyone heard an angry man shouting, "Squires Vaughan and Vance!"

Vaughan and Vance knew exactly what that meant—they were in a lot of trouble. "Sir Brandon?" Vaughan and Vance gulped.

A tall brunette-bearded man showed up, and he was very angry.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sir Brandon growled. He held up the broken lock, which had the arrows stuck to it.

"It was their fault," Vance protested, pointing to Sofia and Hugo.

"Aren't these the riders from Royal Prep?" Sir Brandon asked.

"Yes, Sir Brandon, we can explain everything," Sofia declared. "I was on my way to Royal Prep this morning, but it was very foggy, and I had to make an emergency landing."

"But you wound up here instead, my dear?" Sir Brandon guessed.

"Yes, and once Vaughan and Vance caught me, they thought it would be funny to test my strength by locking me in the stables," Sofia continued.

"So I came here to save her," Hugo continued. "I used the sharp arrows to break the lock and get Sofia out of the stable."

Sir Brandon was furious. "Boys, how could you?" he glared. "I know you're upset that Princess Sofia beat you to the finish line at the flying derby championships—and I don't know how she did that—but that's no reason to lock her up! Now I believe she deserves an apology from you."

Vaughan and Vance turned to Sofia. "We're sorry," they chorused sarcastically.

"Like you mean it," Sir Brandon glared.

Vaughan and Vance weren't sorry for what they did, but they knew Sir Brandon wanted them to apologize for their actions. "We're really sorry," they both chorused sincerely.

"So am I, and I can assure you there will be serious consequences for the boys' actions," Sir Brandon told Sofia.

Sir Brandon turned to the squires and said, "After today, you two are suspended for a whole week! When you return, there'll be no riding for two weeks—and during those two weeks, you'll be caring for the horses. For the rest of today, you'll be fixing up the stables."

Vaughan and Vance trudged into the stables.

"Well, Sofia, I don't know how we're going to explain this to your family," Hugo said.

"Me neither," Sofia said. She turned to Sir Brandon and said, "Thank you, Sir Brandon."

"You're quite welcome, dear," Sir Brandon smiled.

Sofia and Hugo got onto their horses and flew straight to Royal Prep. 

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