Mission Accomplished

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At Royal Prep, King Roland, Queen Miranda, King Garrick, and Prince Axel were there. They were all worried about Sofia and Hugo.

"Oh, what are we going to do?" Miranda fretted. "Our daughter is trapped at the Junior Knights Academy, and her best friend is going to get himself trapped too."

Axel looked up at the sky and said, "I wouldn't count on that."

Everyone looked up and saw Sofia and Hugo flying in. Once the duo had landed, everyone started cheering.

"Hugo, you did it!" James whooped. "You saved the day!"

"Are you okay, Sofia?" asked Princess Adara.

"I'm okay," Sofia replied.

Sofia's and Hugo's parents hugged them tightly. The kings and queens were very happy that their children were safe.

"Oh, Sofia, we're so glad you're okay," Miranda sighed happily.

"What happened, champ?" Garrick asked.

Sofia and Hugo explained everything that happened to them. They couldn't believe everything that happened.

"You got Sofia out of the stables?" Axel asked. "I'm so proud of you, baby bro!"

Miranda, Roland, Amber, and James were very thankful for Hugo's heroic deed.

"You really saved the day," Roland smiled, shaking Hugo's hand. "Thank you, Prince Hugo."

"No problem, Sire," Hugo smiled.

"I can assure you the Junior Knights Academy's reputation will be ruined and full of disgrace," Fauna frowned. "Locking up a little girl when she accidentally drops in—who does that?"

Everyone couldn't believe that Hugo had saved the day, and they had a feeling the Junior Knights' reputation will be tainted after today, but they were all happy that everything was all right.

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