Here Comes Trouble

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The next day, Sofia was riding her flying horse, Minimus, to Royal Prep. But it was really foggy outside, and she could barely see where she was going.

"Whoa, it's really foggy," Sofia said.

"Maybe we'd better land right now," Minimus said.

"We're almost there," Sofia said.

But it was too foggy for Sofia to keep going, and she knew it was really dangerous to ride in the fog. "It's no good—we'd better land now," she said. She and Minimus landed safely in front of a fancy stable.

"Wow, that stable looks pretty fancy," Minimus said.

"And look at all this equipment," Sofia remarked.

"Royal Prep sure has changed overnight," Minimus said.

But just then, they heard someone say, "We'd better check on the horses." Sofia recognized that voice—and she really didn't like the sound of that or where this was going. She and Minimus really weren't at Royal Prep.

"Uh-oh, we're not at Royal Prep," Sofia gulped. "This is the Junior Knights Academy!"

"The Junior Knights Academy?" Minimus gasped. "Oh, if we get caught, we'll be in big trouble!"

"Squires Vaughan and Vance are coming!" Sofia cried. "We'd better hide before they catch us!" Sofia and Minimus hid near the stables just as Squires Vaughan and Vance came along.

Sofia and Minimus stayed as quiet as they could, but Vaughan and Vance were wearing cologne—and cologne had the same chemical ingredients as perfume, which Sofia was allergic to. As soon as Sofia sniffed out the cologne, she let out a sneeze.

"Bless you," Minimus whispered.

Vaughan and Vance barely heard the sneeze, and they had a hunch that someone was spying on them.

"What's the matter?" Minimus asked.

"I think the Junior Knights are wearing cologne," Sofia whispered. "Cologne has the same chemicals as perfume!"

Sofia's eyes watered as she held in another sneeze, but then she sneezed very loudly, and the resulting rebound force sent her flying out of her hiding place. That's when Vaughan and Vance turned around and saw Sofia.

"Princess Sofia!" Vance gasped.

Sofia realized she'd been caught. "Oh, good marrow, fellow Junior Knights," she smiled awkwardly.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Vaughan asked.

"I can explain," Sofia replied.

But then Vaughan and Vance took Sofia's arms.

"Nothing to explain—if you're tough enough to outpace us at the championships, let's see how tough you are when you try to escape!" Vaughan glared.

"What?" Sofia gasped.

Vaughan turned to Vance and said, "Let's lock this little intruder in the stables!"

Vaughan and Vance took Sofia to the stables. Minimus was horrified with what he was seeing.

"This isn't good!" Minimus declared. "I have to get Hugo for help!"

Minimus took off and flew to Royal Prep as fast as he could.

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