Hugo to the Rescue!

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At Royal Prep, Hugo was just getting Electra in the stables, and the other princes were with him. Just then, Minimus flew in and ran up to him.

"Hugo, we have a problem!" Minimus cried.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Hugo asked.

Minimus told Hugo what happened to Sofia, and the other princes grew concerned.

"What happened, Hugo?" Prince Derek asked.

Hugo realized that the other princes were watching him. They didn't know that he and Sofia could talk to animals, so he had to think fast.

"Minimus is saying tha Sofia is in trouble!" Hugo declared. "He's saying that Sofia landed at the Junior Knights Academy, and the Junior Knights grabbed her and locked her in the stables."

The other princes gasped in horror.

"Why would they do such a thing?" Prince Zandar gasped.

"We have to go and help her," Hugo declared.

"What?" the other princes gasped.

"We can't face the Junior Knights, Hugo—they'll lock us up too," Prince Khalid protested.

"But we're the only ones who know what happened to Sofia," Hugo declared. "You guys can stay here if you want to, but I'm going to save Sofia and bring her here."

The princes couldn't believe what Hugo is doing. They were worried about his safety and hoped the Junior Knights wouldn't lock him up too.

"Tell James, Amber, and the fairies what's going on," Hugo said. "I'll be sure to get Sofia here safely."

Hugo mounted Electra and rode off to the Junior Knights Academy with Minimus beside him. None of the princes could believe what a hero Hugo is being.

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