So Tired

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The next day at school, Sofia, Amber, and James were looking for Hugo and his older brother Axel.

"There they are," James pointed out.

Hugo and Axel were looking very tired, and they could barely keep their eyes open. Hugo was just about to enter the building when he bumped his head on the wall.

"Goodness! Are you okay, dear?" Flora asked.

"I'm fine, Miss Flora," Hugo yawned.

The fairies noticed that both Hugo and Axel were very sleepy, and the trio was very concerned.

"Hugo, Axel, can we talk to you?" Fauna asked. She and the other two fairies escorted the two sleepy princes inside.

"It looks like we'll have to wait until later to talk to them," Amber declared.

In the office, the fairies were about to talk to Hugo and Axel.

"Prince Hugo, you haven't been doing very well in your classes lately, and it looks like we know why," Merryweather frowned. "Both you and your brother look very tired."

"Yes, we are," Hugo admitted. "We haven't slept in two weeks, and neither have our parents."

"Why?" Flora asked.

"A wanted thief is on the loose in our kingdom, and he goes by the name of Masking Marvin because he pretends to be different people, so he can trick our subjects," Axel continued. "There's a good chance he'll trick us into letting him in the palace, so he can rob us of our riches."

"And the worst part is that he's such a good master of disguise that the guards can't even catch him," Hugo continued.

"Well, I hope you catch that thief soon—I blame him for your lack of sleep," Fauna declared. "He's already robbed your family of sleep."

Hugo and Axel themselves were hoping they could catch Masking Marvin soon—but they wished they knew how.

At lunch, the two brothers met up with Sofia and her siblings.

"You wanted to talk to us?" Axel asked.

"Yes, and we'd better huddle up," Sofia said. Once the quintet huddled together, Sofia whispered, "We have a Secret Library mission. We hear there's big trouble in Albuquerque."

"So you know about Masking Marvin?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, and we're going to help you capture him—all five of us," Sofia declared.

"Thank you, but are you sure you're up for it?" Axel asked.

"I've seen something like this happen in Zumaria," Sofia recalled. "Vivian found a baby dragon in the berry patch only to find that it was really a grownup dragon who was a thief, trying to steal her crown jewels."

"Okay, we'll talk to our parents about this, and your family can join us in catching Marvin," Axel declared.

"Okay," Sofia smiled.

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