Everything Is Okay

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On Monday, at Ever Realm Academy, Amber told her new friends the truth behind the lie she'd told last week.

"I lied because I was jealous that my stepsister got popular faster than I did, and I was very popular at my previous school," Amber admitted. "But now I know that being honest is the best policy because what good is a queen who tells lies? I'm sorry."

Everyone was disappointed that Amber had lied, but they forgave her for what she did.

"I'm really proud of you, Amber," Taylor smiled.

"Thanks, Taylor," Amber grinned. "You know, Sofia was a great mentor to me when we were at Royal Prep."

"And now that you and Sofia are at separate schools, I can be your mentor," Taylor smiled.

"I like the sound of that," Amber beamed.

At the Corinthian Sports School, Sofia and Hugo were having fun learning different sports.

"Man, this is awesome," Sofia beamed. "I wonder when we'll do Enchanted Ice-Dancing."

"I don't know, but I'm having fun learning these new sports myself," Hugo grinned.

Sofia, Amber, and James each enjoyed themselves at their new schools. Plus, Amber learned a big lesson: it's not okay to lie just to get attention. She's the future queen of Enchancia, and if she continued to tell big fat lies, her subjects would lose trust in her.

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