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That Saturday, James was practicing his knight skills. Amber had invited her RPA friends, Hildegard and Clio, to come over. Sofia was wearing a sports outfit to wear for going to see Hugo.

"Well, ladies, how have you carried on at your new schools?" Amber asked.

"Delightful," Hildegard grinned.

"Great," Clio smiled. Then she looked behind Amber and said, "Hi, Sofia."

"Hey, how are you guys doing at your new schools?" Sofia asked.

"We're doing great," Clio smiled. "What are you up to?"

"Hugo invited our friends from the Corinthian Sports School over to his palace," Sofia replied.

"Delightful," Hildegard smiled.

Suddenly, Amber heard a familiar voice calling, "Amber!" It was Taylor, who was coming up to the entrance excitedly.

"Who's that, Amber?" Sofia asked.

"That's Princess Taylor, one of my new classmates," Amber replied.

"Are these your friends from your previous school?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, this is Princess Hildegard of Freezenburg and Princess Clio of Corinthia," Amber said. "This is my sister Sofia."

"Great to meet you all," Taylor smiled.

"Great to meet you," Sofia smiled.

"What are you doing here, Taylor?" Amber asked.

"You said I could come over to meet your boyfriend," Taylor smiled.

Amber was shocked to hear that—and so were Clio, Hildegard, and Sofia.

"I didn't think you meant it for real," Amber said nervously.

"Of course, I did—my mother always says that a good queen should maintain her word," Taylor smiled. "Now where is this man of yours?"

"I didn't know Amber had a boyfriend," Sofia frowned.

"Me neither," Clio chimed in.

"Or me," Hildegard declared.

"She said they'd been together since before Sofia even became her sister—and that he was the smartest prince in Royal Prep," Taylor continued.

Amber couldn't believe Taylor blurted out those false facts—and Sofia, Clio, and Hildegard were shocked.

"Wait, Desmond is your boyfriend?" Sofia gasped. "I've never even seen him feel too comfortable around you because of your behavior."

"And I've never seen you become a couple," Clio said.

This confused and concerned Taylor at the exact same time. "Isn't he here, Amber?" she asked. "Isn't he coming?"

Clio and Hildegard looked at Amber, and Sofia was glaring at her sister. Taylor had a hunch that by the look on Sofia's face, Amber had been lying about having a boyfriend.

"Okay, he isn't because he's busy," Amber lied.

But Taylor could tell that Amber was lying, and Amber saw that Taylor was catching on.

"Amber, what is going on?" Sofia growled.

Sofia's anger frightened Amber so much that she had no choice but to tell the truth. "Okay, Taylor, the truth is I don't have a boyfriend—I lied," she admitted.

Taylor wasn't very happy that Amber had lied—and neither was Sofia. "Why did you lie, Amber?" Taylor asked gently.

"I was practically instantly popular when I first came to Royal Prep, but at Ever Realm, my popularity touch faded," Amber sighed. "When it turned out that Sofia became popular at her new school just by having a boyfriend, I thought I could make friends the way I did at Royal Prep by saying that I had a boyfriend, too."

"That's why you made friends at Ever Realm?" Sofia asked. She didn't sound angry, but Amber could tell that her sister was angry.

"Yes, I don't blame you for being mad at me, Taylor," Amber said sadly.

Taylor couldn't help but feel sorry for Amber. "I'm not mad that you don't really have a boyfriend, Amber, but I'm not happy that you lied," she said.

"I understand, and nobody likes a dishonest king or queen," Amber said sadly. "Now nobody at Ever Realm will like me because I lied."

Sofia and Taylor felt horrible for Amber.

"Well, if everyone starts shunning you for lying, I'll be there for you," Taylor smiled.

"Really?" Amber asked.

"Yes, I will," Taylor grinned.

"Thanks, Taylor," Amber beamed. Then she turned to her sister and asked, "By the way, Sofia, don't you have to meet your boyfriend?"

"That's right," Sofia smiled. "I'll see you later." She went off to find Minimus.

Later, Sofia flew to Hugo's palace, where he and their new friends were.

"There you are—we were worried you wouldn't make it," Hugo smiled.

"Sorry, Hugo," Sofia apologized. "Something came up at home, and I had to help Amber think of a way to solve her problem."

"Okay," Hugo nodded. "Well, now that we're all here, it's time to get the fun started! Where should we start?"

"Enchanted Discus? Flying horseshoes? Blazing Badminton?" Sofia suggested.

"Let's do Blazing Badminton," suggested a boy.

"Okay, Rafael," Hugo smiled.

Inside, Axel was with his friends Henry, Miles, and Roderick. They could all hear the younger kids playing and cheering loudly outside.

"Sounds like there's a party going on out there," Roderick chuckled.

"My baby bro made a lot of new friends at his new school," Axel grinned. "He and Sofia are probably the most popular kids in their grade level now."

Sofia, Hugo, and their new friends played a lot of sports. In fact, they were having so much fun that they lost track of time. It seemed as though the sun was setting, and everyone went home.

"Well, that was really fun," Hugo sighed, a little tired from playing so much.

"Well, I don't think I've ever seen you play that many sports in one day—or at least half a day," Axel chuckled. "Wow, it looks like you lost some weight."

"Gosh, I didn't notice," Hugo said.

Sofia made it to her castle, where her family was waiting.

"How was your day, Sofia?" Miranda asked.

"Great," Sofia smiled. "We played lots of sports."

"We can tell—you're a little sweaty," Roland chuckled.

"We'll get her cleaned up, Your Majesty," Violet smiled.

Amber was glad that Sofia had a great day, and she herself had a good day, too—but she wondered what would happen on Monday when she tells everyone the truth.

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