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Princess Sofia remembered when she first went to the Royal Preparatory Academy—otherwise known as Royal Prep or RPA. She had many memories at Royal Prep, some good and some not so good. But she had a lot of fun at this school, and she learned so much.

Sofia's first day didn't go too well because her jealous stepsister, Amber, tricked their brother, James, into pranking her by getting her to ride the Enchanted Swingset, which sent her flying into the fountain. But Sofia's years at RPA were fun anyway.

Sofia remembered trying out for the flying derby team. Everyone told her not to do such a thing because they said it was only meant for princes. But it didn't stop Sofia from striving to become the first princess on the team. During practice, she had a hard time riding her horse—and Prince Hugo made it no easier by making fun of her. During the tryout race, Hugo even made Sofia fall off her horse. But with the help of James, she got back in the saddle, and they beat Hugo to the finish line. That's when everyone saw that anything can be a princess thing.

There was one time when Sofia was chosen to host a Royal Prep tea party. She wanted to host a simple one, but Amber didn't want her to do just that—she told Sofia to host a big tea party. She took over Sofia's party plans, and the tea party looked more like a banquet. But at the last minute, everything went wrong, and Sofia took advantage of this to host the tea party she wanted—and everyone loved it. That's when Amber learned that bigger isn't always better and that small parties express who Sofia is.

Sofia remembered her first All Hallows Eve costume ball. That year, the students were to make their own costumes, and Amber really didn't like this because she never made a costume herself. When she saw Sofia's beautiful swan costume, she knew Sofia would win the costume contest. Amber wanted to win so badly that she went to Cedric and asked him for a magic spell. Amber used the spell to turn her gown into a great butterfly costume, and she won—but it turned out that the spell turned Amber into a human butterfly. Cedric said that the only way to undo the spell was with Sofia's amulet. Amber thought about asking the fairies for help, but Cedric pointed out that she'd have to tell them she cheated and used magic to make her costume. Amber was forced to wear her costume to school, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Sofia's amulet. When Sofia caught Amber in the act, she just offered her amulet to her sister, but Amber realized what she had done and decided to ask the fairies for help—but Cedric's pet raven, Wormwood, snatched the amulet, causing the sisters to fly after him. Then Amber told the fairies what she did, and she knew she had to return the trophy. The fairies lifted the spell, and Amber learned to never cheat or take shortcuts.

Sofia remembered getting to ride for Royal Prep in the flying derby championships against the Junior Knights Academy. But James sprained his wrist, so he couldn't participate in the championships. The only rider who could join Sofia was Hugo. She was willing to give him a second chance, but Hugo didn't feel the same way, and he refused to work with her. Thanks to Hugo's flying horse, Electra, Sofia learned that Hugo was feeling pressure from living up to his family's legacy. She offered to help Hugo get what he wanted by convincing him to do the flying slingshot with her. Although Hugo agreed to do it with her, the lesson about teamwork didn't sink in until the last minute. During the race, Hugo finally learned the meaning of teamwork, and after winning the race, he accepted Sofia as a friend.

One memory at Royal Prep Sofia had wasn't too good. Amber, James, and Vivian decided to bring their pets to school, so they could play on the playground despite knowing that it was against the rules—and Sofia let them talk her into bring Clover, too. But during sorcery class, the pets got loose, and a potion mixed them up. The pets ran loose on campus, and when the fairies found out, the royals were punished by being forced to clean up the gymnasium. Sofia promised to never let anyone talk her into doing what she knows is wrong and to never break any rules. She hoped Amber, James, and Vivian learned their lesson about breaking the rules.

Once, the fairies had to go off to a meeting, and there was no substitute, so Sofia managed to get Cedric to do just that. But that day, students from Cedric's old school, Hexley Hall came to Royal Prep for Prank Day—the one day where Hexley Hallers came to Royal Prep to play harmful pranks. With the help of Cedric, Sofia and her friends learned how to break the spells and send the pranksters back to their school. That day, Sofia and her friends learned to never give up until they get it right.

Sofia remembered performing in a ballet at school with Amber and Princess Kari. As the most accomplished princess at Royal Prep, Kari was a perfectionist—but she didn't have an easy time learning the ballet steps and took it very seriously, but with the help of Sofia, she learned how important it was for her to have fun with this.

Sofia could never forget when she took up Enchanted Ice-Dancing. Amber, Maya, Lakshmi, and Clio had it easy, but Sofia had trouble with it. Hugo took a liking to this sport, and when he tried it out, he proved to be even better at it than all the girls. He decided to join the ice-dancing class to help Sofia, but he didn't want his friends to know because they thought ice-dancing was for girls only. In the meantime, Hugo's father, King Garrick, believed that the time had come to spend more time with his son. To achieve that, he decided to become the assistant coach for the hockey team—and that was a problem because hockey met at the same time. Hugo decided to switch back and forth between classes, and it went well until his friends caught him in the act. However, the other princes were okay with Hugo ice-dancing, but he still didn't want to tell his father. Right before the ice-dancing recital, Sofia realized that Hugo had been such a good friend to her, and she decided to return the favor. At Sofia's urging, Hugo finally told his father about his ice-dancing and left hockey practice to join Sofia at the recital. During the recital, Garrick saw how happy the sport made his son feel, and he decided to become the assistant ice-dancing coach in order to still bond with him. That's when Hugo learned how important it is to do what makes him happy—and Garrick learned to let his sons do what makes them happy.

During Sofia's last year at RPA, the school had a School Swap Day, where a royal student swapped schools with a village student for a day. Jade visited Royal Prep, and Amber was at the Dunwiddie School. Jade learned how to turn a lime into an emerald, rode in the flying derby with Sofia, and put on a gown that was made with a magic paintbrush. Amber, however, just watched the villagers learn science, history, and glass-blowing. But she learned that it was okay to try something new. She even put on a village girl dress with her hair in a bun. As for Jade, she and Sofia found a painting of a woman named Frederika Assemblia, who looked just like Jade. Jade knew that she had a great-grandaunt named Frederika, and because the painting was in the Hall of Royal, she and Sofia believed that Jade was really a princess and could go to RPA with Sofia full time. Sofia even used a magic paintbrush to put Jade in a gown with red glasses and her hair in a bun. Jade had a lot of fun that day, and she was excited to go to RPA with Sofia. But then Jade learned that it would've meant leaving her village friends behind, and it wasn't easy telling Sofia the truth. At the last minute, Jade finally told Sofia the truth, and Sofia was okay with it. But in the end, it turned out that Frederika was never even a princess—she was really the original architect of Royal Prep, and her painting was in the Hall of Royals in her honor. Jade was happy to that she's not really royal—much to Hildegard's shock. Sofia and Jade still wished they could've found this out sooner. Then Jade wouldn't have worried so much about telling Sofia that she didn't want to go to Royal Prep.

Near the end of the school year, Sofia and her friends got to experience the Royal School Fair, where they had to pick their next schools. Sofia got to see the Wall of Next Steps, a time-honored tradition. The students had to write their school choice on a tablet and take it to the royal chiseler, who carves the school choice in stone and put it magically on the wall. At noon, there would be an unveiling, and everyone would get to see what schools their classmates picked. Sofia got to see lots of the schools at the fair. There was Ever Realm Academy, a school for future rulers and advisors. Amber chose to go to this school because she's heir to the throne of Enchancia—and she wanted Sofia to come with her, so Sofia could become her royal advisor. There was the Performing Arts Academy, the school Vivian and Clio wanted to go to. However, Hildegard wanted Clio to go with her to the School of Royal Fashions because she herself chose to go there, but she couldn't get Clio to join her. There was the Corinthian Sports School, where students could learn sports. Hugo chose this school because it had Enchanted Ice-Dancing. There was the Institute for Science and Alchemy, where students would learn magic spells. There was the School for Adventure, where students would learn what to do on adventures. Having gone on so many adventures prior to attending RPA, Princess Zooey chose this school. There was Chivalry Hall, where students could learn to become knights. James was striving to become Amber's first knight, so that's why he chose this school. Sofia loved all of these schools, but she didn't know which was more appropriate for her. Everyone pressured her to hurry and pick a school, but they only made her feel worse. Amber decided to help by picking Sofia's school for her, and she decided that Sofia will go with her to Ever Realm Academy. But when Amber told Sofia about this, Sofia was really angry with Amber for picking her school for her without asking. Sofia tried to stop the tablet from getting on the wall, but a suit of armor that was magically brought to life started attacking her. But James and Desmond worked together to save her and break the spell on the armor. Sofia was too late to fix the mess Amber got her into, so she broke her picture off the wall. To her surprise, some of the other students didn't know what they wanted to do. The fairies told them that there are times when they have to make choices, but the choices don't have to last forever. Merryweather even revealed that she once wanted to be a tooth fairy, but it wasn't the right path for her. The fairies decided to change the tradition a little. The stone plates were turned into chalkboards, so the students could write their choices on the wall but change the choices if they change their minds. Amber told Sofia that she picked her school for her because everyone was going off in different directions and she didn't want her sister to leave her. Sofia forgave Amber for what she did but made her promise not to make a big decision for her without permission again. Sofia decided to have Ever Realm Academy as her backup choice—but sometime afterwards, she realized that to be a Protector of the Ever Realm, she need to be really strong. Since Hugo and his older brother, Axel, have gotten strong from participating in sports, Sofia decided to transfer to the Corinthian Sports School.

Graduating from RPA was really hard for Sofia because it meant leaving behind whatever she was blessed with, and they were all going off in different directions, so everything will surely be different for them. But as heartbreaking as it is, Sofia knew that it was time to move on, just like she moved on when she first became a princess.

Leaving Royal Prep was sad, but Sofia was excited that she was going to the Corinthian Sports School now. Going to this school not only meant that she could get stronger as a Protector, but it also meant that she got to keep ice-dancing with Hugo.

On the night of graduation, Sofia became a full-fledged Protector of the Ever Realm after defeating the evil Vor and saving her home. Hugo is still a trainee, but Sofia is his trainer from now on.

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