Fight Fire With Fire

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Pink Sofia went over to the practice poles and knocked them down. Then she pulled a rope on the Royal Prep banner, and it caved in on Amber, James, Hugo, and the real Sofia. They managed to get out from under the banner. Pink Sofia got on Minimus and flew away.

"I wish there was a way to stop her," said Amber.

Seeing Pink Sofia fly on Minimus, Hugo remembered when he made the real Sofia fall off him at her first tryout race. Then he got an idea. "Maybe there is a way," he said with a smirk.

"How?" asked the real Sofia.

"We just have to fight fire with fire," said Hugo mischievously.

"So you mean we have to do something bad to stop Bad Sofia?" James asked.

"Yes, and I know one bad thing to do to stop her," said Hugo.

Roland, Miranda, Sir Gilliam, the fairies, and Hugo's family came over.

"What's going on?" asked Hugo's father, King Garrick.

"Something is wrong with Hugo," said Sir Gilliam. "He's got a bad case of the clumsies. He's been falling down a lot."

"And it looks like there are two Sofias," said Flora. They all saw Pink Sofia and the real Sofia.

"There really is something wrong here," said Hugo's mother. "We really have to find out what's going on."

"I think our kids can explain what's going on, Your Majesties," said Roland.

Hugo got on Electra and flew up into the sky. He successfully caught up with Pink Sofia and flew in front of her. Then he quickly brought Electra to a halt—right in front of Minimus. Minimus stopped, and Pink Sofia fell down onto a crash pad.

Amber, James, and the real Sofia ran over with the adults following them. Pink Sofia was really mad that Hugo did that to her. Amber, James, Hugo, and the real Sofia surrounded her.

"We have you now," said the real Sofia.

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