Green-Eyed Monster

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At Freezenburg Castle, King Henrik was busy looking through and approving some documents. "There we are—all done," he grinned.

Suddenly, Hildegard barged in and said, "Daddy, I need to talk to you."

"What can I do for you, honey darling?" Henrik asked.

"You know Princess Sofia has the best amulet in the entire world," Hildegard said.

That statement made Henrik chuckle. "I don't know if it's the best," he grinned.

"It's the best, and I want one just like it," Hildegard demanded.

"I'm sorry, Hildy, but just because Sofia has a beautiful amulet, it doesn't you should get one, too," Henrik told his daughter.

"Okay, then I want an amulet that is even more special than beautiful," Hildegard demanded.

Henrik remembered the last Dads and Daughters field trip when Hildegard kept telling him that she wanted at least one Enchanted Animal. After the whole group (except Sofia and Roland) got trapped inside a tree, Henrik told Hildegard no when she asked for another one. "Hildegard, we talked about this," he frowned. "You cannot always get what you want. You already have so many necklaces. What makes Sofia's amulet so special?"

Before Hildegard could say anything, her older sister, Astrid, came in and said, "Daddy, we have a problem."

"The Elf Situation again?" Henrik asked. He turned to Hildegard and said, "I'm sorry, Hildegard. I have to go."

"But I didn't get what I wanted yet," Hildegard protested.

"Didn't Daddy tell you that you can't always get what you want, Hildy?" Astrid frowned.

"We're going to talk about this when I have the chance, Hildegard," Henrik chided her. Then he left with Astrid, leaving Hildegard unhappy.

"It's not fair!" Hildegard pouted. "Sofia gets a magical amulet, and I get a magical nothing. What did she do to get an amulet like that?" She was upset and jealous that Sofia had something very special.

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