Make It Right

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Meanwhile, Doug, Earl, and Martin made it to Mr. Ellis's office, and his wand and spell book were on his desk.

"Well, there are his wand and spell book," Doug said.

"Now we just have to worry about how to get up on that desk, so we can reach them," Earl said. "I hope climbing up is easier than jumping."

The three boys tried climbing up the desk, which was so high that it took them around 20 minutes to get to the top.

"Thank goodness," Earl sighed. "Now let's find that growth spell."

Doug opened the front cover of the book, and the boys tried to find the growth spell. Finally, they found the page with the spell they need.

"Finally, now let's get back to normal," Martin smiled. He held the giant wand in his hands and pointed it to his friends and read the spell from the book. "Grandisimo!"

The spell blasted from the wand, but it only bounced off the boys and hit everything else in the office.

"Why isn't it working?" Doug fretted.

"The spell is working, Doug—it's just not working on us," Earl told him. "Whatever spell we're under, it must be too strong to break."

"So we're stuck like this forever?" Martin gasped.

"This is awful!" Doug fretted. "Nobody can see or hear us because we're too tiny!"

"I know—being small is no fun at all!" Earl groaned.

Martin remembered hearing Sofia say that earlier. "Sofia said that when we told her not to try out for the flying derby team because she was too little," he recalled.

Doug and Earl remembered hearing Sofia say that, too.

"You don't think this is how Sofia feels about being smaller than everyone else, do you?" Earl asked.

"I'm sure she does feel this way sometimes," Martin nodded.

"I don't know how we got like this in the first place, but we sure got a dose of our own medicine," Doug sighed. "We need to find Sofia and apologize to her."

"But how?" Martin asked. "Nobody can even see or hear us. We'll get pancaked if we try to find her."

Suddenly, Sofia, Hugo, and Axel entered the office and saw the trio on the desk.

"Doug? Earl? Martin?" Hugo gasped. "We've been looking for you everywhere."

"What happened?" Sofia asked.

The three boys were so happy to see Sofia that they didn't even bother to reply to that question. "Sofia!" they cried.

"Sofia, we're so sorry," Earl apologized.

"What for?" Sofia asked.

"We shouldn't have told you that you were too little to try out for the flying derby team," Martin replied.

"Now we know how it feels to be smaller than everyone else," Doug chimed in. "We should've thought more about your feelings. We're so sorry we told you not to try out for the flying derby team and judged you for being small."

Sofia was touched by this, and she knew these boys deserved her forgiveness. "It's okay," she smiled. "But what happened to you?"

"We don't know," Martin replied. "This happened right after you left when we told you not to try out for the team."

"We tried to fix ourselves with Mr. Ellis's growth spell," Doug said. "The good news is the spell is working."

"The bad news is it won't work on us," Earl frowned.

Suddenly, Mr. Ellis, Sir Bentley, Cedric, Grimtrix, Samira, and Garrick came in.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Ellis asked. Then he noticed that there are many things in his office that were big, and he saw Doug, Martin, and Earl on his desk. "Martin? Earl? Doug? No wonder we couldn't find you. What happened?"

"We don't know," Earl replied. "This happened after we said something callous to Sofia."

Sir Bentley and Mr. Ellis didn't like the sound of that.

"Care to tell us what it is?" Sir Bentley asked sternly.

"We told her she was too little to try out, and we drove her away," Doug replied. "But it looks like we got a taste of our own medicine, and now we know how it feels to be small."

"All is forgiven," Sofia smiled.

"We tried to make us big again with a growth spell from your book, but the spell we're under is too strong," Martin said. "The growth spell bounced off us and hit everything else."

Cedric smirked and said, "Well, maybe it's because you're not under an actual shrinking spell."

Everyone was surprised to hear this—and Sofia caught on quickly. "Mr. Cedric, please don't tell me you're the one who did this," she gasped.

"Truth be told, I witnessed them tell you that you're too little, but I didn't put an actual shrinking spell on them," Cedric admitted. "Besides, this was for a good cause." He opened his spell book and showed the spell he cast on the boys.

"The Punishment Spell," Axel read.

"Otherwise known as the Medicine Spell," Hugo continued. "With each deed performed depending on how bad it's been, the performer shall be cursed with a dose of their own medicine."

Hearing this, Doug, Martin, and Earl realized that Cedric put the spell on them to punish them for telling Sofia she was too little to try out for the flying derby team.

"Oh, we've really done it," Doug sighed. "All it took for us to realize how bad we made Sofia feel was a dose of our own medicine."

"This spell sounds just like how my amulet worked before I freed Princess Elena," Sofia recalled. "With each deed performed for better or worse, a power is granted—a blessing or curse."

"You also said the Coza Kex did the same thing, but only with bad deeds, yes?" Axel asked.

"Yes," Sofia nodded. "Whenever my amulet cursed me for the bad deeds I did, I had to make up for the deed I performed."

"Maybe that's how you can break this spell," Hugo told the three boys.

"Indeed, you have to make it up to Sofia," Cedric confirmed.

"We can make it up to her by having a flying derby race and including her but not letting her win," Doug suggested.

"That sounds fair enough," Sir Bentley smiled.

"But we can't ride our flying horses like this—we'd fall off for sure," Earl said.

"Not a problem," Grimtrix smiled. With a wave of his staff, a little flying derby race course appeared with real tiny flying horses. "Now you can have your race with Sofia."

Sofia held her amulet in her hand and said, "I wish to be small." Just like that, she shrunk down to the size of a Wee Sprite. "Okay, let's get a move on."

Sofia and the three boys each got on a flying horse, ready to race.

"Riders, on your wings, get set, go!" Mr. Ellis gave the word.

Sofia and the boys took off on their horses—and Sofia quickly took the lead much to the trio's surprise. The boys caught up to her but couldn't pass her—and in no time, Sofia won. The riders landed their horses on the floor.

"Great race," Sofia smiled.

"Back at you, Sofia," Earl smiled. "We really underestimated you."

"Yeah, you at least deserved a chance to ride against us," Doug smiled.

"It just goes to show that a little can go a long way," Martin smiled.

Suddenly, the three boys were surrounded by a flash of light, and when the light disappeared, they were back to their normal size—the spell was broken.

"We're back to normal," Earl beamed.

"Thank goodness," Doug sighed.

"But where's Sofia?" Martin asked.

"Down here," Sofia called. She was still the size of a Wee Sprite. "I wish to be big again." She got back to her normal size.

Doug, Earl, and Martin were happy that the spell was broken, but they were sure they were still in trouble for the way they treated Sofia.

"Mr. Ellis, I suppose we're in trouble for being mean to a little girl," Martin guessed.

But Mr. Ellis wasn't so sure. "I suppose I should punish you, but I think being under that spell was enough punishment for you," he smiled.

"Well, it feels that way," Doug said. "Besides, Mr. Cedric really did us a favor. Sometimes the best way to figure out how someone feels is to get a dose of your own medicine."

"So you're going to try out for the team, Sofia?" Earl asked.

"You know I am," Sofia smiled.

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