Meeting Vincent

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Sofia and her friends were skipping down the Yellow Brick Road when they heard a crackle in the bushes.

"What was that?" Sofia asked.

"It's coming from the bushes," said Bobby.

The trio stood back, and out of the bushes came a squire, who looked like Prince Axel.

"Vincent?" Sir Eric asked.

"Eric! How's my baby brother doing?" Vincent exclaimed happily.

"Fine, just fine," claimed Sir Eric.

"Who are your friends?" Vincent asked.

"This is Bobby and Princess Sofia," Sir Eric said.

"Nice to meet you," Vincent smiled. "So what you kids up to?"

"We were just on our way to see the Sorcerer of Oz," said Bobby. "I'm hoping the Sorcerer could give me a heart, so I can move around like you humans."

"I'm hoping I can get the strength I need to be a good warrior," said Sir Eric. "Vincent, maybe you should join us and see the Sorcerer, so you can get that courage back in you."

"Courage?" Bobby asked. "What for?"

"Oh, I broke my leg in a serious flying derby accident, and I've been afraid of sitting on a flying horse ever since," Vincent admitted.

"I'm hoping the Sorcerer can make him courageous enough to do flying derby again," Sir Eric said.

"Well, it looks like we've got someone else going with us to see the Sorcerer," Sofia smiled.

"Off we go," said Sir Eric.

As the quartet skipped down the Yellow Brick Road, they sang their travel song.

Far away, it is time to roam

As we set out for the great unknown

Away all our doubts will be thrown

Let's take a leap into the great unknown

The great unknown!

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