The Wicked Witch

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The friends walked along the Yellow Brick Road, happily conversing.

"It's really nice of you to invite us to see the Sorcerer with you, Sofia," said Bobby.

"No biggie," smiled Sofia.

"Where is the Sorcerer anyway?" Vincent asked.

"He lives in the Emerald City, and all we have to do to get there is keep following the Yellow Brick Road," replied Sofia.

Sir Eric remembered something and said, "Sofia, there's something we've been meaning to ask you."

"What's that?" Sofia asked.

"Why do you want to see the Sorcerer?" Sir Eric asked.

"Oh, I was hoping he could send me back to my school, Royal Prep," answered Sofia.

"I didn't know you princesses went to school, Sofia," said Bobby.

"Well, Royal Preparatory Academy is for young princes and princesses," said Sofia. She explained to her friends what happened and how she got to Oz in the first place.

"You ride in the flying derby?" Sir Eric asked.

"Yes, I do," said Sofia. "I'm the only flying derby princess at Royal Prep."

"That must explain the flying derby outfit," said Vincent.

"We'd certainly you...ride," Bobby declared. But he was slowing down—and then he stopped.

"What just happened?" Vincent asked.

"Bobby probably needs to be wound up again," said Sofia. She and Vincent wound up Bobby's key as much as they could.

But when Sofia wasn't looking, the Wicked Witch was sneaking up on her, trying to take the garnet slippers. Luckily, Sir Eric had caught what was going on, and he knew he had to do something before the garnet slippers would be taken.

Pretty soon, Bobby was all wound up. "Thank you," he said happily.

Suddenly, Sir Eric grabbed a pitchfork, struck a nearby bush and threw it away, revealing the Wicked Witch of the West. "Aha!" he called out. "Keep away from my precious little flower!"

Sofia jumped in shock and saw that the Wicked Witch was trying to steal her garnet slippers.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" the Wicked Witch shouted. She disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"That was close," Sofia sighed. "Thanks, Eric."

"No problem," smiled Sir Eric. "Now let's get to the Sorcerer before we run into that Witch again."

The quartet went down the Yellow Brick Road as fast as they could.

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