Finding Split

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(Hide 'n Seek)

"Ready or not, here we come" Phantom said, who was playing hide and seek with Split and Clover, Split's pet bunny. "Where could he be?" Phantom asked. "I don't know. What's your suggest-" Clover paused as he heard something. "Wait, I hear something" He said and hopped to where he heard the noise and Phantom followed him. Clover looked at the garden. "Hey! Who ate my carrots!" Clover said. "Split" Phantom said. Split popped out of the bushes. "I really thought you guys wouldn't find me" He said. "We wouldn't have found you until you decided to eat carrots" Phantom said. "Ah" Split got out of his hiding spot. "Ok, you turn to hide. Me and Clover will count" He said. "Wish I could, but I got to help Gwendal redecorate his room" Phantom said. "Oh, later then?" Split asked. "No, sorry. After I help Gwendal, I have dance class,.... then guitar lessons" Phantom said. "Oh" "But tomorrow for sure" Phantom said and walked away. "You said that yesterday" Split said and sighed. He looked at Clover, who was also sad. Robin and Mia, two birds, flew down at Split and Clover. "What are you two doing here?" Split asked. Robin chirped and pointed with her wing, Split looked at where she was pointing. "Got it" He said and walked to where Robin was pointing. He sat down. "Anyway, where's Phantom?" Robin asked. "He had other things to do" Clover said. "I'm starting to think he doesn't want to hang out with me and Split anymore" He added. "That's not true. You guys are going to the magic show tomorrow' Robin said. "Yea, and isn't Phantom and Split taking you?" Mia asked. "Oh yeah, I forgot all about that" Clover said. "Yo. I know what to do. After the show, I'll dedicate the whole day just for Phantom, Split and I. We'll do all our favorite things. It'll be.... wait for it........ Clover, Split, and Phantom Day. Bam bam bam" He added. "Ok then" Mia said. "I gotta go tell Phantom, who will tell Split" Clover said and hopped away, telling Split to follow him. Split got up from his spot and followed Clover.

(Bring my best friend back)

Split: 🎶I don't know what I'm doing here, I wish that I could just disappear. But how long do I have to roam, 'till I found my way back home🎶

Split: 🎶Why did I go? How could I go? I didn't know I'd miss them so. I'm not even in the mood to snack, no food will bring my best friend back🎶

Phantom: 🎶When you have a friend so true, he cheers you up when you feel blue,

Gwendal: you never think you'll see the day, he picks up and goes away🎶

Phantom: 🎶Why did he go? How could he go? Didn't he know we need him so?

Gwendal: We'll search in every cart and shack, until we bring your best friend back🎶

Phantom and Gwendal were flying around on Minimus, a pegasus, searching for Split and Clover. "Look, there's a wagon" Minimus said. "No. That's a vegetable cart" Gwendal said. "Oh, Clover loves vegetables" Crackle commented. "We can't give up. Keep looking" "There's a covered wagon" Mia said. Minimus flew down and closer to the wagon. The wagon had some kids in it and Phantom and Gwendal waved. Phantom sighed.

Phantom: 🎶How long will it take 'till we find them? And what will he say when we do?

Gwendal: How long will it take to remind him, of all the good times we've been through?🎶

Phantom, Gwendal and Split: 🎶Why did he go? How could he go?/Why did I go? How could I go?

Split: 🎶I didn't know I'd miss them so🎶

Gwendal: 🎶We'll search in every cart and shack. In every barn and tall haystack🎶

Split: 🎶I gotta get things back on track. And somehow find a way🎶

Phantom: 🎶We'll keep searching, come what may🎶

Phantom and Split: 🎶Until we get my best friend back/Until I get my best friend back🎶

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