Two to Tangu

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(Carpet Trouble)

A carpet flew by Shadow and he turned around to face it. "Oh hello" He said, then saw Phantom. "Hey, Phantom. Will you ride with me?" He asked. "Oh, I don't know" Phantom said. "Come on. 🎶It'll be fun🎶" Shadow said. "But,...... I'm....." Phantom sighed. "Phantom. Are you scared?" Shadow asked. "Yes, I am. And you should be too. There's no driver, no wings, no doors, no walls, and I've never ridden a flying carpet before" Phantom said. "I never did either, but we'll figure it out together" Shadow said. "But....... uh,....  I mean, can't we just take the Coach there?" Phantom asked. "We can take a Coach anytime. Let's try the carpet. We'll have a good time, I promise" Shadow said. Phantom sighed. "Fine" He said. "But if I don't like it, I will make that driver come over to where we're at and we're taking the Coach back" He added. "Deal" Shadow said and got on the carpet. Phantom was hesitant, but got on as well. The carpet flew off. Once they were in the air, Shadow tried to control the carpet. "Fun" He said. The carpet suddenly flew backwards. "Well, we're going to wrong way" Phantom said. "Carpet, go left" Shadow commended. The carpet went right instead. "Um..... the other left" Shadow said. "It is not listening. What's wrong with this carpet?" Phantom asked. "I don't know" "Whoaa" The carpet flew down into a forest. "Hold on" "Ok. Ahh" The carpet swerved through trees. "Watch out" A tree hit Phantom's head and something got stuck in his quills. "What's on my quill?" Phantom asked. "It might be a Date or a Plum. Ahh" A tree hit both their heads and a Date got in Phantom's mouth. "It's a Date" He said, muffled and he ate it. The carpet flew up high and Phantom and Shadow both braced for impact. Shadow looked up and sighed. "We made it out" He said. Phantom looked down and Shadow looked ahead. "Um.... what's that?" Shadow asked. "What's what?" "That" They both heard noises and Phantom looked at where Shadow was facing. Shadow looked back and Phantom saw flying horses coming at them. "Duck" Phantom said and ducked. "Ducks?" Shadow asked, looking. "No. Movement!" Shadow saw the flying horses and he ducked. He was facing the flying horses. "Woah. Phantom, look up. They look awesome" Shadow said. "Just tell me when they're gone" Phantom said. The stampede of flying horses went away and Shadow looked up. "They're..... gone. You can open your eyes" He said and Phantom looked up. "Get me off" Phantom said. The carpet flew down to a marketplace and flew into a banner. Shadow and Phantom got caught in it and rolled down a small hill. Shadow got up and helped Phantom up. "Are you ok?" Shadow asked. "Yes. Are you?" Phantom asked. "Yea. How 'bout you, Carpet?" Shadow asked and looked at the carpet with Phantom. The carpet nodded. "Great. We're all ok" Phantom said. "But where are we?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe the carpet knows" Shadow said and looked at the carpet, who shrugged it tassels. "Well, I know where we're not at" Phantom said. "Phantom, I know you're kind of angry right now, but look. At least we landed at a marketplace, we can ask someone here for directions" Shadow said, comforting his brother. "We will make it, I promise" He added. "You promised we'd have a good time and..... I am not having a good time so far" Phantom said. "Well, I thought the carpet ride was kinda fun" Shadow said. Phantom looked at the carpet, then back at his brother. He sighed. "No Shadow, it was scary, just like I said it would be. We've should've taken the Coach" Phantom said, walking in the marketplace. The carpet tried to leave, but Shadow saw. "Oh no!" He said, grabbing a tassel. "You have to behave yourself" He added, dragging it into the marketplace with him.

(Carpet Trouble(Again))

"Because your flying carpet just took off" A lady said. Shadow and Phantom looked at the carpet. The carpet was flying off. "Oh no, we have to catch it" Shadow said, chasing after it. Phantom sighed. "Great" He said, then looked at the lady. "Thank Madame U'betcha" He said. "You Betcha" She said. Phantom chased the carpet as well. "There it is" Shadow said, spotting the carpet. Phantom caught up to Shadow. "Come on, Phantom" Shadow said, running after the carpet and Phantom following him. The carpet flew into a store. Shadow and Phantom both ran inside and looked around. "There's a lot of carpets in here" Phantom commented. "How are we gonna find ours?" He asked. "There it is" Shadow said, spotting it. "I..... got it" He added, grabbing the carpet's tassels, but it flew out of his hands. "I had it" Shadow ran after the carpet. "This is what happens when you try something new" Phantom said. "You get lost in a place, like the marketplace. You get to pick Dates out of your quills" He added. "Almost" Shadow said, gripping and dragging the carpet, but it flew and caught him instead. "Ahh!" Shadow walked away. "And also, your flying carpet flies away from you" Phantom said. The flying carpet came at Phantom and he ducked, his mask flying off. "This is great" Phantom said, sarcastically. He then gasped at the fact that the carpet grabbed his mask. "Really!" Shadow gasped. "Oh god" He said. "Give me that back!" Phantom said, jumping at the carpet and the carpet dodged him.  "Come back here!!" Phantom chased the carpet to some stairs. The carpet threw some other carpets at Phantom and Shadow. They dodged them and Phantom ran upstairs. The carpet flew off. "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily" Phantom said, looking with his eye that isn't closed and jumped on a carpet. "What are you doing" Shadow said. "We gotta catch it" Phantom said, his carpet flying after the Carpet. "Here I go" Shadow jumped on a carpet and it flew after Carpet as well. Phantom's carpet got closer to Carpet. Phantom jumped onto Carpet. "Phantom, you got it" Shadow said. "Yea, I did. And I'll take that back" Phantom said, taking his mask and putting it back on. He went back to Shadow's carpet on Carpet. He held a hand out to Shadow. "Hey Shads, take my hand" Shadow jumped from his carpet and grabbed Phantom's hand. "Thanks" Shadow said, getting on the carpet. Carpet flew off. "Hold on" Shadow said. "Whoa" Phantom said. The carpet flew up high again. "Phantom, you were great" Shadow said. "Yea, I was" Phantom said. "I may be getting the hang of this" He added. Carpet flew faster. "Whoa, hang on" Shadow said. "What is that?" Phantom asked. They spotted The Hanging Gardens. "I think that's The Hanging Gardens" Shadow said. "Which is on the way to Tangu Peak" "So we're going in the right direction- whoa" Shadow said as the carpet went faster and it flew in The Hanging Gardens. The carpet stopped abruptly and Phantom fell off the carpet. "Ow" Phantom said. "We need to get this under control" Shadow said. "You think!" "Ok, wait, how 'bout you find a way out and I'll get this carpet under control" "Ok" Phantom went looking for a way out.

(Phantom and Shadow meet Jasmine)

Jasmine: 🎶It's easy to be frightened, like you've never flown before. But to tame a wild carpet, leave your fear down on the floor🎶

Shadow tried grabbing the carpet, but the carpet flew away from him. "Sit" Jasmine commanded and the carpet obeyed. "Wow" Shadow said.

Jasmine: 🎶Yes, to tame a wild carpet, you can't be afraid to try. Grab the carpet by the tassels. Get set, jump on, and fly🎶

Jasmine: 🎶And if you take a chance and try to reach for the skies, any new adventure can the ride of your lives🎶

"Ready?" Shadow asked, getting on the carpet. "Let's jump on and fly" Phantom said, getting on the carpet as well and the carpet flew away. "We've got to lead now, Phantom. Go left" The carpet went right. "Let me try, Shads" Phantom said. "Left" He commanded and the carpet went left. "It's listening. Ahh!" The carpet went backwards. "Nevermind. It was" Shadow said. "Tell it to go right. Together" Phantom said. "Right" Phantom and Shadow commended. The carpet went right. "Now left" Phantom said. "Left" Thr carpet went left. Shadow gasped. "We're doing it" He said.

Phantom and Shadow: 🎶To tame a wild carpet, we can't be afraid to try. We gotta hold on to the tassels, and reach up for the sky🎶

Jasmine whistled, which summoned her own carpet and she hopped on. "Ready to get out of here?" She asked. "Uh-huh" Shadow said. "Then follow me" Jasmine said, her carpet flying up high. Phantom and Shadow's carpet followed her carpet.

Shadow: 🎶We're riding the wind, up to the clouds, and flying high and fast🎶

Phantom: 🎶We're racing around and having ourselves a blast(Shadow and Jasmine: 🎶What a blast🎶)🎶

Phantom, Shadow and Jasmine: 🎶And if we take a chance and try to reach for the skies, any new adventure can be the ride, of our lives. We're having a great adventure on the ride, of our lives(Phantom and Shadow: 🎶The ride of our lives. The ride of our lives🎶)🎶

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