Spider-Man should think before he does (pt. 4)

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Hehe spider man au is fun

Nico's pov

"Nicooooo," Will whined, forehead pressed to the worn, decade old dark green counter, shiny from the thrice-daily sanitization.

"What, Will," I huffed a sigh, looking around the biology room carefully. When I confirmed no one was watching, I slid the drawer open below me, where I had a web fluid trial in action. Will clocked my movement and shifted so that the open drawer was hidden on the outside of the lab table.

"I have to pee," he whined, stretching his legs behind him and slid his cheek on the table, eyes peering at me through the old, foggy science goggles, hair bunched up around the elastic strap.

"Get your face off there, that's disgusting," I smacked his hip, bending over discreetly to stir my experimental mix with my other hand. It wasn't reacting, which meant it was probably a bust. I needed my webs to be stronger. "If you have to pee so bad then just go."

"Oh yeah, I'll pee right here in class," Will laughed, face peeling off of the counter, sticking to the shiny surface like hands with too much hand sanitizer.

"I'm sure the teacher would love that," I rolled my eyes, stirring faster, trying to get the mix to at least froth. Will smirked and cocked his head to glare at our droning science teacher a couple counters away, where three girls were pointing out the differently parts of the digestive tract in their dead pig. Thankfully we had finished our quiz on it during yesterday's class. Will hated this part of biology. The dead-animal-dissections, that is. The smell of the formaldehyde burn your nose and left a sour taste in your mouth. For someone who wanted to work in a hospital, he was particularly put out by the inner workings of baby pigs. Not that I could blame him. The experience was disgusting.

"I'm so bored, and I have to pee so bad," Will complained, gripping the edge of the counter, stretching his long ass legs. I frowned at my mixture, stirring just a bit faster, and then jumped when it puffed up in a cloud of translucent, milky white slime, overflowing over the sides of the jar it was in. Will stifled a laugh as I stared helplessly.

"If you're so bored," our greying teacher appeared, making me flinch and slam the drawer shut, "Then maybe you could finish that worksheet in front of your face," he finished, pointing at Will's half empty reflection worksheet from the lab.

Will slumped at the jab and picked up his pencil, lips pouting, "Yes sir."

"Good job, Di Angelo," the teacher praised, nodding at me. I gave him a tight lipped nod, silently wondering what I was supposed to do with the mess I created in the drawer.

"Good job, Di Angelo, here's full marks," Will mocked as the teacher walked over to a table of four boys laughing at swinging pig-parts around in their tongs, laughing obnoxiously. "When did you even get that done, you've been making web fluid this whole time," He pouted, stabbing my arm with his pencil.

"Shhh," I hissed, nodding at the two girls on the other side of the table on their phones, worksheets done.

"What?" Will whispered back, snappy, "it's not like they care."

I rolled my eyes, picking up my blue mechanical pencil and scribbling my name in the corner of the worksheet, "I did it while you were busy whining like a baby. What, are you from Ottowah?" I snorted.

"Don't use Canadian geography in your bad dad jokes, Nico, it's not funny," Will glared, "now lemme copy," his hand shot forward and snagged my paper. I let him, because I was a good friend, and opened the drawer back up. The web fluid was pooling over a pile of printer paper, and it seemed to be hardening. God, what a mess. I'd have to come back at lunch and sneak in to clean it up. What a hassle.

I shut the drawer with a sigh and watched as Will feverishly copied my answers. His blue eyes covered by goggles, hoodie covered by a neon yellow smock. I wanted to find it funny, to laugh at how stupid he looked, but it was just... endearing. He looked cute. My damned gay brain was going to be the death of me.
He copied the answers in record time, his handwriting like chicken scratch in his uncaring rush (he was really pushing the 'I wanna be a doctor' stereotype). He shoved both papers away, a too-satisfied smirk on his lips, and grabbed one of the unused blue plastic gloves from the table that we didn't end up needing. I couldn't even be disgustingly surprised when he started blowing in it like a balloon, because he was just like that. Gross.

"Do you think we can go out and take pictures after school today? I need to buy new earbuds," Will asked casually in between bowing up his fake balloon.

He was referring to the way he pimps me out for money, of course. My own personal paparazzi.

Before Will knew that Spider-Man was me, he used to wander New York using Twitter spottings to try and catch photos of me to sell to newspapers and online magazines. He makes good money, and it helps his mom out, so I don't mind. Now that he was aware of the secret, we would choose a day in the week where he would kind of follow me (at a safe distance) and get some shots. Sometimes we would even choose a specific area where he could set up the perfect shot.
It was embarrassing for me, but he loved it. And he could buy himself things, which made me happy. He deserved nice things. Also, I know how bad it is not to have earbuds at school, and his were hanging by a thread, the rubber peeled away to expose the bones of the plug.

"Sure, yeah, it shouldn't be a problem," I eyed the girls on the other side of the counter, but they weren't paying us any mind, tapping away and occasionally laughing with each other.

"Oh goodie!" Will grinned, pinching the ends of the glove balloon, "I think I should get a dramatic shot of you standing on the edge of a building or something, it'd be ho- cool. It would be cool," Will coughed, and then smacking me in the cheek with his balloon.

"Did you just slap me?" I asked as he burst into a fit of giggles, shoving his shoulder.

"What happened to your spidey-sense, c'mon, you're supposed to predict these things Nico," Will laughed. I glared at him and grabbed at the glove, squeezing it flat. Will stared at it in disappointment, and then at me like a kicked puppy, "I knew it, you hate me."

"Oh yeah, hate your guts," I rolled my eyes as he dropped the stretched and limp glove, the rubber a lighter shade of blue than before.

"Ughhhh. Nico. Nico!" Will prodded my shoulder, rocking on his heels, "I need to pee!!"

"Oh my god, go pee then, stop whining," I snorted, grabbing my paper to doodle again. I couldn't do anything about the drawer mess, so it was the only thing to waste time with.

"Fine, I will," Will stuck his tongue out at me, lifting the waxy smock off of him, bunching it up and throwing it at me, and then plucking the science goggles off his head. I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips at the red ring framing his eyes.

"Nice raccoon eyes," I snorted as Will flipped me off, heading to the front where our teacher stood to ask to use the bathroom and wash his hands.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from him— I really couldn't help myself. I'm gay and in love with my best friend, and it's nearly impossible to stare this way without people (ex. Will, Cecil, Lou) noticing.
And anyways, I was just staring at his legs in his new jeans (not his ass) and appreciating the view. Like anyone would. Because he has objectively good legs.

Except now, whenever I stare, I get flashbacks to the shower a couple weeks before, and I freeze up, and my face catches fire, and my heart beats so fast I'm afraid I'm dying. The way he washed my hair for me, like I was special. The worry in his eyes and the way he helped me... that whole night. And how he smiled when I climbed into his bed and fell asleep. How he didn't say anything when I woke up curled against his chest.

I flushed and turned away, opening the drawer on instinct, only to remember it was a mess and closed it once more.
I snuck another glance at Will as he started to leave, and was met with another tongue sticking out. Waving over his shoulder, he disappeared through the heavy door.

I huffed a laugh, blowing my bangs away from my eyes, returning to my work that involved blacking out the corners of my worksheet.

And everything was fine. Everything was normal, and I was waiting for Will to come back and bug me some more, because I could never get enough of it.

And then the fire alarm went off. 

Everyone, including the teacher, jumped, not expecting the fight-or-flight triggering screech ringing from all sides, because this was not a drill. There wasn't one scheduled, so that meant it was real.
And still, even though teenagers pulled the alarm to get out of a test they didn't study for, it's like people could feel that this was real, like they all inherited my sixth sense.

Everyone scrambled, grabbing phones and ripping off goggles at top speed as the teacher shouted for everyone to stay calm, and people listened for a second, remembering their conditioning, before a gun shot echoed, and everyone jolted towards the doors with the mindset of Run, FUCKING RUN.
Which, honestly, was better that most people in New York.

I grabbed my bag, ready to leave with the masses, but another gun shot echoed and- was that an explosion??

This was starting to feel like a Spider-Man problem. And Will was out there somewhere. Someone I knew, one of my friends, could be caught in whatever cross fire was going on.

I scrambled towards the door, but the announcement sounded, so I caught myself on the frame.

"Spider-Man, we know you're in here somewhere. Come out and no one will get hurt."

Ok, so the announcement system was definitely hijacked, and this was definitely a Spider-Man problem.

I couldn't wrap my mind around how, though. How these people knew I was here. Why they attacked a school to get to Spider-Man.

As I pushed down the hall, the opposite way of the students trying to get out, a memory popped into my mind. Two days ago, swinging with my backpack to go home. The library book that I lost mid-swing, with my school name printed inside.

Ohhhh. Fuck me.

I ran against the crowd, pushing and shoving through the screaming students, but everyone was too panicked to notice my stride to the boys bathroom as they sprinted for any and all exits.

I thanked the chaos for the empty bathroom I entered, locking it shut and stumbling towards a stall while swinging my bag around, ripping the zipper open to yank my suit out. I didn't have time to shut the stall door (which made the use of the stall worthless) as I shucked my clothes off, shoving them into my bag, and yanking my suit on faster than I've ever needed to in my life. As I twirled in circles, trying to reach the zipper like a dog chasing it's tail, the intercom beeped on again, barely cutting over the fire alarm that was fracturing my ear drums.

"Spider-Man, you have three minutes before we kill our first hostage."

"I'm coming, damn it!" I yelled, grabbing ahold of the zipper and pulling my suit tight. I growled as I slicked my hair back and shoved my mask over my head, throwing my bag to the ceiling and webbing it in place so nothing was stolen (if anyone was left in school, that is).

I threw the door back open and was shocked by the empty halls, everyone having bolted for the closest way out. I sighed in relief, and then ran for the main atrium of the high school. I'm not sure why, but I had a feeling I would find a source if I went to the top floor.

Once I entered the atrium, leaving the science ward, I shot a web to the ceiling and swung up to the second floor, sliding on the linoleum on my landing.
I was thankful that my mask was both protective wear for my nose and eyes, because the smoke was thicker up here, just as I assumed it would be, and choking and squinting against the burning air would be counterproductive.

The fire, it seemed, was coming from the art ward on my left, the smoke billowing from a classroom four doors away. An art class was on fire, which was bad of course, but I was glad it wasn't Will's photography classroom, which had a lot of his important projects.

I jogged over to the classroom, looking for a culprit, but the only people around were the students sweeping out of the door at the very far end of the hall like a stampede of animals.

The classroom was seeping black smoke from the crack under the shut door. The second I grabbed the door handle and forced the door open (ignoring the searing hot metal) the sprinklers caught on to the chaos and exploded, soaking me and the room.

The fire was in the back of the room, and it was blazing nearly ceiling high, climbing the wall and seeping over the floors— the sprinklers would do little-to-nothing.
Without thinking twice, I shot a web at the sink and tugged hard, wrenching the faucet clean off, spraying water every which way. The water hit the fire and started putting it out one droplet at a time. That was a problem half solved.

I nodded, but my skin tensed up, and my brain flashed PANIC.
I jumped hard, latching onto the white ceiling tile just as a gun shot exploded behind me.
I swivelled around and caught sight of a masked man at the mouth of the door, gun raised in between two hands, shaking.

All of this for one guy? No way it could be that easy. That was super lame!

The mans eyes widened at me, hanging upside down on the ceiling, and made to run away before I fired two webs from both hands. They stuck to his back and I used the momentum to slingshot myself forward, feet landing on the small of his back sending him careening into the grey and red lockers. The man crumpled, obviously giving up as I webbed him to the wall of metal, binding him tight.

I barely had time to flinch when another gun shot echoed, in unison with an explosion from the art room behind me. My core shook, but I recovered in time to see the bullet shatter the glass between the art ward and the atrium, spraying minuscule shards every which way.

God. The energy in this high school was at least ten times worse than normal.

Thankfully I was far enough away not to get sliced, but rather had to drag my eyes away from the rainbow of glass and focus on the offender.

Gritting my teeth because Jesus this is so annoying, I threw a web to the wide frame in between the hall and the atrium and swung through, avoiding another two gun shots, one that pierced more glass and another that punctured the lockers behind me.

So much property damage for one person? Surely they know it'll come out of their expenses when this is all over, right??

"Lemme take that!" I boasted, slinging a web to the shooters hand, snatching the gun, and tossing it across the room to the floor where I webbed it solid.
I wanted to laugh— it was too easy! I was getting too good at this.

I punched the guy, a right swing hard enough to break bones, and watched him drop to the ground, where I kneeled on his chest. I rolled my eyes at the routine 'glue their hands to the ground and make sure they stay put for police' as he struggled beneath my weight.

"NI- SPIDER-MAN, LOOK OUT!" A voice sliced through the air, startling me enough to become aware of the bullet flying towards my face, dodging at the last second.

I threw a few more webs at the man in the floor, just to be safe, as I jumped back and away from whoever the new threat was.
When the world stopped spinning, Will came into view, face a mask of fear and panic and pain, eyebrows pinched and eyes watering against his will, as a large, leather gloved hand gripped his curls. The man was tall, taller than Will, and changing the direction of the gun barrel to Will's temple.

I heaved for breath, squatted on the ground with one hand to steady me. I needed to be logical. And very, very careful. The muzzle of the gun was a little too close to Will's skin for my comfort, less than a kiss away. And the man was basically breathing down his neck— he was too close for comfort too.

"I told you Spider-Man," the man sneered, pressing his lips to one of Will's ears, the gun brushing the other. "We have a hostage, so be a good boy and take your mask off."

"Don't do it!" Will shouted, ever the martyr.

"Shut up, bitch," the man growled, and I nearly jumped out of my skin when he raised his gun and slammed the bottom of it to his head.
Will cried out, a yelp from him that I've never heard before, and his knees buckled.
The hand in his hair kept him from falling, and my heart seethed.
I bared my teeth, even though no one could see.

"You want me, not him," I snarled, lowering my voice enough to not sound strained but not sound like myself, in case it was being recorded. God, I hope this wasn't being recorded. "I don't even know the kid, let him go."

"Well if you don't know him, it shouldn't matter if I-" he teased the gun closer, nuzzling it into Will's hair. The second it touched Will's skin, Will shivered, eyes wide.

"No!" I shouted, and then cleared my throat, "No, stop, he did nothing-"

"Take off your mask, Spider-Man," the man taunted, drawing the gun in circles, Will trying not to flinch and stay brave, but his whole body was stiff with fear. One of the biggest reasons I didn't want my identity known was so things like this didn't happen.  The people I love being put in danger.

I couldn't see any other option. Yes, I could beat the guy in combat within a second, but with a flick of his hand, Will's life would be over.
I calculated the risk. There were three men in my vicinity, the student body and staff completely evacuated. The man in the art hall couldn't see shit, tied to the locker and probably thanking god his life was spared.  The man on the floor, well, I don't think he could see, but I'd have to make sure.
Will already knows, of course, so the only loose end would be the angry old guy holding my crush and best friend by his hair.

If I was thinking correctly (and I usually was), there was probably another man or two downstairs, possibly holding hostages, and somehow hiijacked the intercom.

One person would see my face. One. It's fine. It's perfectly fine. I'd get this over with. It'd be fine.

"Fine," I said aloud, raising slightly from my squat, brining one hand to the back of my mask and simultaneously webbing the guy on the floors eyes who released a muffled yell.

"No- STO-" Will shouted, choking on smoke and coughing, hand raising to his mouth. His lungs were going to be affected if he stayed here much longer.

I tried my best to ignore the ache in my heart as I slid my mask off, immediately eating a mouthful of smoke. The man holding Will had the audacity to laugh, which only made me angrier.

"Wow!" He exclaimed, yanking Will's hair, who whined pitifully, a dread look in his eyes as he stared at me, mask off, "You really are just a kid, aren't you-"

I interrupted his laughing, thankful for the distraction, and shot a web at his gunned hand. When I yanked it forwards, the gun went off twice, slicing through the atrium windows that face outside like soft cheese and shattering the entirety of the centre one.
The guy yelped like Will had when I stood and jerked him forward, so that he stumbled away from Will like he had tripped over a curb.
Dropping my mask, I used my other hand to fire a web at Will, sticking to his waist and wrenching him to me as I stuck the mans gun hand to the floor, securing him for at least a couple minutes.
When Will was pulled flush to me, his hands grabbing my shoulders, wide eyed and cherry-cheeked, I calculated the best way to save him while admiring the way he was gazing at me, like I was... like I was his hero. (God. This is giving me a complex.)

I glanced at the atrium window, or lack there of, and made up my mind.

"He saw your face!" He whisper shouted anxiously, left hand burning a print on my shoulder as he held his other to his nose and mouth to poorly mask himself from breathing smoke.

"Will," I murmured, staring back at his face, only a few inches from mine, my hand on his waist. Oh god.


"I'm going to throw you out of the window," I grimaced, and began spinning webs around his waist, creating a makeshift harness as Will blinked. I had definitely surprised him.

"Wait— WHAT?" He exclaimed through his closed fingers, nails digging into my shoulder. I avoided his eyes and the idea of our closeness as I wrapped him.

"You won't die, I promise," I continued, flushing and wrapping until I was sure the webs had absolutely ZERO chance of snapping under the throw, tugging on the makeshift harness to quadruple check. My time was running out and I was losing oxygen and I needed to save the school from these freaks and the fire, and I needed to conceal my identity again, and I needed to get Will out safely— everything was piling up. "Ok, it's ready."

"Wait, Wait— Nico!!" Will exclaimed as I pulled him to the gaping window, slapping my arm anxiously, pulling his other hand away to grab at me, "Nico, stop—wait!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, and then tugged him by the web harness into a kiss.

I don't know what I was thinking.

What was I thinking???

Kissing him without consent. Without asking first. My best friend who might not have feelings for me. I was kissing Will Solace.

Oh god.

I was kissing Will Solace.

And yet I didn't have time to savour it before I pulled away and attached the last web to his harness, avoiding his dumb struck, slack jawed look.
"Hold tight!" I called as if that didn't happen, and then I tossed him out the window.

You know, kissing etiquette.

When I was sure he was secure and wouldn't fall and break his legs, I stomped back to my mask and scooped it up, shoving it over my hair.

I then stalked over to the man who was once holding Will (they boy I just kissed. Why did I DO that?) fury resurfacing as I watched him try and rip the webs away from his hand and gun.
He stumbled under my gaze and tore a little more frantically. I felt fire pour into my veins, seeing those lips pressed against Will's ear.

"You're a real fucking piece of work," I growled, and kicked him back down.

I sat on Will's window frame with my backpack and mask in my lap, waiting for Will to return. He was probably kept at school for first aid and police statements since he was directly involved in the fight.

Normally I would enter his room without a seconds hesitation, but today... felt different. After what I did.

There turned out to be 5 guys at the high school, but after the whole 'Will Solace is my hostage and it's completely coincidental' situation, the other two guys were a breeze. They would all get years in jail, threatening a school like that, threatening the life of a minor, and on top of that, the amount of properly damage they accomplished: a burnt down classroom, shattered windows, gun shot punctures, etc.

I was sure to gather them and tie them up tight by the time police deemed it safe to enter, while I grabbed my bag from the bathroom and hid on the school roof, watching as the fire department cut Will from the web harness, him hanging out of the window like... well, like a spider.

The man who saw my face, well, I was sure to web his mouth shut, but I was sure he'd blabber to the cops that Spider-Man was a teenager at our high school with black hair, which, you know, is bad, but there is a possibility that they would write him off as crazy and/or stupid, especially if Will testifies against that. Will is smart. He will know what to do.
Maybe tell the police that the man was lying, that I never took my mask off, that I showed up out of the blue.

There would also be loads of rumours at school about it, which would suck, but thankfully I am way under everyone's radar. Pros to the lack of popularity.

In actuality, I wasn't very hurt. I didn't really need to be in Will's window, sulking like a main character from an 90s drama. But I needed a bit of patching up, and... comfort.
Also, I just really really needed to see his face.

I wanted him to laugh at me as he placed hello kitty stickers on my wrists and knees (an ongoing joke he loved) and soothe the burns on my arms from the fire. But most of all, I wanted him to hug me. I felt so... exposed. It was... well it was like getting outed. When it happened with Naomi that was bad enough, and I knew and loved Naomi.

This was a stranger, a stranger who was targeting me and my best friend, who forced me into submission. I felt like I was made to strip naked and run across the football field during the Super Bowl half time show.

And I kissed Will. By mistake. Well—not by mistake, but the adrenaline blinded me and overwhelmed my rational thought and made me downright stupid— man. I gripped the window frame to steady myself, feeling like I was going to puke over the side of the building. Super heroic of me.

Finally, after ten steadying breaths to calm myself down, I heard the front door click open followed by Naomi and Will's footsteps and the clinking of keys on key chains.

"I'm just gonna go put my bag away," Will said from the kitchen, voice stretched thin, as his socked feet slid down the hall.

I didn't have the decency to move as he opened his door; he yelped and jumped as he caught sight of me, placing a bandaged hand over his heart. There were bandages wrapping both of his hands, in fact, disappearing into his sweater, as well as wrap around his head, pressing into his hair like a sweatband.

"What was that, Will?" Naomi called from farther in the house, purse clinking against a countertop.
Will shut his gaping mouth with a crack of teeth, eyes hardening.

"Nothing, just tripped mum!" He replied, quietly shutting the door behind him, dropping his backpack to the floor and rushing over to me. A steady hand was placed on my (since when was I shaking?) arm, "Oh my god, Neeks, are you alright?" He asked as I sighed in relief. The contact, even through my suit, was instantly relaxing, but I couldn't take my eyes off the bandages.

"How are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" I grabbed Will's free hand from my seat on the windowsill, turning it in my hands. I couldn't see any blood, but maybe it was sprained? No, these were bandages for cuts and burns— what?

"Er, no," Will chuckled, letting me fiddle with his fingers, "well, you saw when my head got smacked by the gun. Don't worry, it's not bad, it's just a bump and a bit of blood, but I don't have a concussion or anything, and, uh," Will stroked his hand up and down my arm, and the shaking started to subside, "holding onto the webs for dear life when I was hanging out of the window kinda wrecked the palms of my hands, haha."

"Oh." I snatched my hands away from his, "so I did that," I simplified, my stomach twisting yet again.

"Nico, don't worry, you saved my life," Will soothed, rubbing my arm again. I glanced up through my bangs to meet his eyes, and there was a flash of recognition in Will's eyes as we both remembered the kiss. Will's lips on mine. His breath on my cheeks.

Will coughed awkwardly, taking his hand away as a violent blush spread over his cheeks, "Are you hurt?"

"Just some burns and small cuts, it's not that bad, I can leave," I shrugged, looking away, gripping my mask tightly.

"No, no, get in here, I'll go grab the first aid kit," Will shook his head, grabbing my bag from my lap and tossing it on the ground.
He was leaving the room as I slid to the floor, plopping down in the centre as I waited for him.

Will closed the door behind me, but I could still hear as he went to the kitchen. I didn't want to eavesdrop, but my heightened senses made me, of course.

"Nico's here, but don't go see him, he's shaken up from the mask thing... He's not bleeding out... I don't know if he's staying... no, we don't need food... thanks mum," Will's voice drifted under the door, much more pronounced than Naomi's quiet whisper.

A few minutes later, Will was back in his room with the new and improved first aid kit (first aid kit 2.0– has a lot of advanced supplies) because I was a frequent case of injuries that needed tending to.

Will sat on the floor and averted his eyes as I changed out of my suit and back into my school clothes, leaving my shirt off.
We were oddly quiet as Will cleaned and treated my wounds, wrapping the burn on my upper arm and adding bandaids to the small glass cuts on my hands.

I hated this silence. Normally silence between us was normal. Not now— this was tension fuelled and thinking hard and anxious. How do you pick back up from an adrenaline kiss you didn't mean to give? I sure as hell didn't know.

"Here, wear this instead," Will murmured, standing above me and offering the oversized sweater I always stole so that it wouldn't rub against the bandages.

"Oh, thanks," I whispered, slipping it over my head. It smelt like him.

"Are you going to stay?" Will asked, eyes darting around the room like he was looking for something to focus on besides me.

"No, Persephone is expecting me home," Will's shoulders dropped, "she couldn't 'pick me up' from school after everything happened and feels horrible. She probably my wants to smother me. She'll be home in 15 minutes and I have to be in the house before then— if she knows I came here first she would kill me," I explained, standing up with him.

"Ok..." Will sighed, "you're not hurt anywhere else?"

"No," I nodded.

"That guy... saw your face," Will shuddered, biting his lip.

"I know."

"Are you gonna be ok?"

"I... hope so," I stuffed my suit into my bag and zipped it up, swinging it over my shoulder.

"I told the police that you never took your mask off, that the criminal was lying, if that helps," Will shrugged.

"It does, thank you," I turned away to the window, hands opening and clenching. I still wanted that hug, but I didn't want to ask. Not after what I did. Best if I ignore it to make him feel less uncomfortable. I violated his privacy after all. Hell, I stole my own first kiss (not his, he's dated before) over some adrenaline fuelled panic.
I wanted the comfort he usually shared with me, but I didn't want to make things worse. I couldn't lose him as my best friend. I really couldn't.

"Hey, Nico-" Will called as I walked back towards the window. I didn't want to face Naomi, in case Will told her about it. He told his mom everything. I'd just climb down the wall and walk home.

"I have to go," I snapped, harsher than I meant for it to be. I tensed up and grabbed the window, squeezing my eyes shut. I was digging myself a grave, and I wasn't doing a good job of halting the shovelling.

"What?" Will asked, a frown tinging his voice, taking a step towards me. I sensed his hand raise, but I flinched away. God, what have I done?

"I... I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you... for everything," I clenched myself teeth, forcing the words to be calm. I did a poor job.

"Ah." Will swallowed, and then stepped back again, sensing the boundary I had raised, "ok, I'll text you."

"Yeah," I turned and nodded at him before climbing out of his window, and dropping out of sight.

When I landed on the pavement, I squatted and slumped forward, cupping my burning cheeks.

This was bad. So bad.


Hehe Spider-Man wooooo

I am SO tired. But happy Easter weekend babes! I love you all!!


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