Jackie (solangelo)

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Hi I'm Jackie and my best friend is Nico. Well I guess he's my best friend he's never said if I was on not but he's my best friend. Im not blind he's cute but I only like him as a friend. We are walking to lunch when he gets a call. I'm thinking he doesn't have any more friends that I know of he tells me to walk ahead. He cuts his phone on low speaker phone. A guys on the other end.
The Guy: Hiya Sunshine

Nico: Ciao amore (I got this off of google translate so it might be right)

The Guy: Guess what
Nico groaned
Nico: What

The Guy: We are coming to pick you up

Nico had the biggest smile on his face Iv ever seen

Nico: yay I'm so excited I haven't seen you if forever since you went to college I'm so excited who else is coming

The Guy: the seven, Reyna, Clarrise, Chris, Grover , Juniper

Nico: yay I have to go to lunch but I can't wait to see all of you I have to go now I love you

The Guy: love you too see ya later

Nico hangs up and starts walking next to me like nothin happened so I being awesome asked. " hey who was that"
He said " someone special hey do you want to meet my friends" " you have more friends." I didn't mean for it to come out as such a surprise. " uh yea do you want to meet them they are all older. Except for my sister." " You have a sister!!!" " uh yeah didn't I tell you" " no"

~~~~~time skip to parking lot~~~~~

I'm walking with Nico to the parking lot we are talking about math class. He seems to be really jumpy. " hey what's got you so excited." " my friends are coming" we waited a while then this line of expensive cars pull in to the parking lot. In the sea green car was this really cute guy with black hair and sea green eyes and a girl who I think is his girlfriend with blond hair and stormy grey/ gray eyes came out of the that car. Then next was a lightning blue car a guy with blond hair and lightning blue eyes and a girl with choppy brown hair she makes it work and kaleidoscope eyes . The next was a red car on the side it said 'flamin' Valdez. Out came guy who was shorter the then rest but still have enough muscle with curly brown hair. The a girl came out with light brown hair braided to the side. I'm also gonna assume they are together. The next car was a dark purple. Out came a girl with a SQPR on the side of her arm with lines under it. After she came out this girl with blue in her hair she had the same lightning blue eyes as the blonde guy but that is where the simularites end. The next car was gold. Out came a really muscled guy with a baby face. And out came a girl who look about Nico and my age she had curly brown hair and gold eyes. Then out of the last car which was black and yellow  can a guy who look like who could be the son of the Sun. He has blond hair and sky blue eyes. All of these guys were extremely cute and the girls were pretty. They started walking in our direction I turn to Nico to see that he has a big smile on his face ( who doesn't like a big smiley happy Nico). " hey are those your friends" he turns to me " yeah" " you could've told me they were adults" "I told you they were older than me". The blond guy rest his head on top of Nicos and wraps his arms around his waist. He leans down and kiss him on the forehead " so that's what you meant when you said someone special are you gonna introduce me to your friends. " oh yeah sure so this is my fiancé Will. And don't you judge us cause he has been there for me so yes I'm engaged in high school." I told him " I'm not gonna judge just by seeming you with him I can tell you love each other and let's face it y'all are adorable" " thank you" Will says his voice is deeper than I thought it would've been. Nico continues introducing his friend. " That's Percy with the black hair and his Wife Annabeth. Then theres Jason with the blond hair and his wife Piper. The guy with the curly hair is Leo and his wife Calypso. The guy over there is Frank he's my sister Hazels the one with the gold eyes Fiancé. And over there is Reyna and her girlfriend Thalia." They all says hi and Nico whispers to me " I think one of them is going to propose soon just done know who."

That evening I seen the adorable magic which is solangelo.

A/N: so I know I haven't updated in a while but I was having a writers block kinda. I actual really like this. I might just try to update 2 times a week but if I get lucky then I'll be able to update more. If you want to seen request ideas in the comments that would help me out a ton. Thank you for voting. Thank you for reading and giving these stories a chance.
I enjoyed writing!
I hope you enjoyed reading it!!

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