Zoo ( frazel )

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A/N: before this chapter starts I wanted y'all to know I appreciate y'all reading this and voting I also wanted to tell you in this fic Frank is 23 and Hazel is 20


I asked Hazel on a date. Even though we have been together for a while I still get nervous and jittery cause this isn't a normal date. I'm going to ask Hazel to marry me. I got consent from Nico and Pluto. You would've thought he would've been scarier but Nico was downright terrifying. So anyway I'm taking Hazel to the zoo. I reserved it for today at 5:00 this evening. I have been practicing what I wanted to say for months. I scared I might trip over my own feet or forget what I'm going to say . Right now we are at CHB I'm walking to get cabin to pick her up. I get to the door and knock. After a few seconds the door swung open and out came Hazel. She looked stunning her black and gold dress twirling just above her knees. Her gold heels making her a few inches taller no where near as tall as me but I love her petite size. Her curly brown hair pinned up in the back with a gold clip a few pieces of hair framing her beautiful face. Her gold eyes shining. I think Iv been staring at her for a while cause she's calling my name I blurted out " you look beautiful" she smiled she looked down and said " thank you. you look great too". I took her hand and I walked her to the limo I have rented for tonight.
I opened the door for her to get in first.
I slid in next to her. And we started talking. " you know I love you right" she smiled " I love you to so where are we going" " it's a surprise" she pouts " fine be that way."I can see her gold eyes shining. We talk some more until I was notified that we were at the zoo. I slipped a blind fold over her eyes. Then helped her get out of the limo. I walked her to the entrance then told her I was gonna count and lift her blind fold. " 1,2,3" I removed her blind fold and she starts smiling like a mad women. I thought that since she's been asking why don't I take her to the zoo then propose. I took her hand and started guiding her to the entrance" so what animal do you want to see first" she said " let's see the elephants." I guided her to the elephants and the fun kept escalated from there. It was getting close to the time we were going to have our picnic so I called the seven and Nico and Reyna ( Calypso and Will were on a quest look for rare plants to cure sunburn ) so they could set up the place I wanted to have the picnic which was outside of the glass case for the exotic birds.

~~~~~~Time Skip To Picnic~~~~~~
I put Hazels blindfold back on and guided her to the area. We walked for about 5 minutes until I could hear the faint chirping of the birds we walked for a few more minutes and I was staring at the bird exhibit. I took off Hazels blindfold. And her eyes immediately lit up. I couldn't help but just stare at her. She turned to me " hey Frank are ya in there" I turned and chuckled silently and " you are just beautiful" she looked at her feet and said " thank you you look great too" I guided her over to the picnic blanket the was layed on the ground. And I just stared at the decorations they did it was about 7:00 at night no it was starting to get dark and there were candles illuminating the exhibit. I took at the neatly wrapped sandwiches out of the basket. And have one to Hazel and I put one in front of me I got out 2 glasses and put grape juice in it since Hazel isn't allowed to drink yet. And I got out a bag of chips and put them between us. After I got the food out we talked for hours upon hours. I guess I looked nervous cause Hazel asked " what's wrong? Are you ok?" The box in my pocket feel like it's burning a whole through my pants. I grabbed Hazels hand and I stood her and I up. I look in Hazels eyes and pulled the ring out of my pocket. I can see tears welling up in her eyes. I got on one knee and stared to say " Hazel Lesquavitz (not sure if that's how you spell it) you mean so much to me I don't think you understand. I love you so much that it hurts physically and mentally to be away from you for a long time." Tears are streaming down her face by this point and tears are welling up in my eyes" I love you so much I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt. I love you so much I can't bare the thought of you not being by my side everyday." There are tears streaming down my face at this point with a evident blush on my cheeks as well." Hazel will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs.Hazel Zhang and being with me forever." Hazel was full on sobbing so she couldn't speak but she was nodding her head vigorously and she stuck out her left hand so I could put her ring on her finger. She pulled me up and pulled me in to a long kiss that was full of love. I could stay like this forever.

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