19.Teach me how to kiss

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"No, it's not like I can't kiss." Sam rolls his eyes, sighing at the classmate he shared the back desk with, engrossed with a class that was seemingly half-History, and half-relationship advice that was pretty much reaching a shamefully Cosmopolitan standard.
"Then what's your problem?" Colby asks, frowning in mild confusion at his friend's struggle.

"I'm just... I don't know. I'd say I'm not very good at it." Sam breaks off the eye contact, keeping his eyes glued to the pen stains covering their desk in an attempt to hide his oncoming blush.

Colby tries to hide his smirk.
"I knew you'd laugh!" Sam hisses, kicking Colby's foot under the table.
"I'm not laughing." Colby rolls his eyes, although it doesn't exactly need a person of Einstein intelligence to determine that Colby's finding mild amusement in his classmate's shameful little secret.

Sam glares at him through the strands of his blonde fringe, his blue eyes burning into the shining ocean blue shade of Colby's.
"Oh, come on Sam." Colby sighs after a short, response-less silence. "It's kissing. It's meant to be natural. You don't think about it."

"So that explains why there are over 'One Hundred Kissing Tips' on every woman's magazine? Because it doesn't require any thought?" Colby scoffs. "I doubt there's One Hundre- wait, since when do you know about the content of woman's magazines?"
Sam glared at his playful snigger. "You know what I mean."

"Well, you know where my cousin is if you fancy borrowing the latest edition of Girl Talk."
"Colby." Sam grits his teeth. "This isn't funny. My date with Katrina is on Friday, and if I don't have any kind of plan, I think I can say goodbye to any chances of m-"

"Okay, okay..." Colby leans back in his seat, holding two hands up in a 'surrendering' gesture. "I'll help you."
"How?" Sam urges desperately, hating the gleam in Colby's eye as he studies the black-haired boy sitting beside him.

"So you have... no experience with kissing, do you?" Colby raises an eyebrow, and Sam gulps again, hating how the paleness of his complexion wasn't doing him any favours when it came to blushing easily.
"Not-... er, not anything other than the back of my hand." Colby can't hold his laugh back this time.

"Brock, if I don't see any more writing in your notebook other than the date and title, you're out." Mr. Stylinson suddenly snaps, glaring at Colby through his slim, Specsavers lenses and motioning his meter ruler between the schoolboy, and the door.
"Sorry." Colby widens his eyes, making a point of picking up his biro and scribbling down whatever rubbish was on the board about the Cold War and whatever else he had been ignoring while sorting out Sam's little embarrassing issue.

"Anyway..." Colby lifts his head up once he'd finished pretending to work, glancing back up at Sam who had done about as much work as he had, the textbook summary questions being newly replaced by a mindless little doodle of the marching skeleton on the Black Parade album cover. "So... you've never kissed anyone? Like, kiss kissed?"
Sam sighs defeatedly, shaking his head. "I guess not."

Colby narrows his eyes. "Okay... interesting..."
"I don't like your tone." Sam tenses up suspiciously.
"Relax, Sam." Colby discreetly fixes his fringe before continuing.
"What's the there to relax about?" Sam hisses, before being shushed by his brown-haired classmate.

"As I was saying... you know, seeing as the date's this Friday, leaving you only 2 days to get your kissing skills up to standard, that... I don't know. Do you think maybe you'd benefit from a few... lessons?"
Sam gulps, his throat tightening at the way Colby flashed him a sly smile from underneath his own fringe.
"Oh, okay..." He nibbles his lip subconsciously. "So... who from?"
Colby continued to stare at him, raising his eyebrow until it finally clicked inside Sam's mind where this was heading.

"From-... from you?!" He stutters, loathing the way every word had the inability to leave his lips successfully without some kind of stumble or trip from the obstacles of his tongue and unreliable nerves.
"If you want it free of charge." Colby responds with the smoothness Sam lacked, suggestively leaning his chair up closer to him and flashing him a grin that sent Sam's little inexperienced heart flipping underneath his school shirt.

"Do you think that would work?" Sam tilts his head in interest, his words managing to fall out with significantly less difficulty as he was suddenly reminded of why he would be kissing Colby, due to the girl he was meant to be seeing, and the restaurant and cinema reservations he had made for Friday evening.

Colby shrugs. "Worth a try, isn't it? Besides..." He runs his fingers across Sam's flirtatiously, sending himself up. "You'll be getting advice from an experienced tutor, without having to spend a penny."
"I- er... yeah." Sam lets out a nervous laugh, trying to ignore the sweat formation underneath his collar in response to Colby's touch. "Okay. Deal."

Colby gives him a small smirk, obviously pretty victorious that Sam had agreed to his rash decision.
"So-... when?" Sam breaks the silence, suddenly realizing their lack of arrangements.

Colby shrugs, pulling away from Sam much to his half-relief. "My place, after school today?"
Sam swallows, before managing a nod. "Yeah. Okay." Colby grins again, this time showing off the growing formation of his left dimple. "Sounds like a plan."

Sam gives him a shy grin in response, self-consciously fixing his fringe and hunching back over his 'work'. Well, as far as Gerard Way's hair was considered a form of 'work' as opposed to copying useless shit about the Cold War into a notebook, which was what Colby was currently doing, although his mind was obviously occupied with more important concerns than whatever happened between 1945 to 1991.
And so was Sam's.


Sam's been round Colby's heaps of times before. Enough times to have nearly the whole interior of his house pretty much memorized, including the walls that were probably considered more of a family photo gallery than a hallway.
He's just never really been round for this purpose.
He's never been round anyone's house for this purpose.

"Hottest kid at Disneyworld, I was." Colby comments from the breakfast bar, catching Sam looking at an old framed holiday portrait from Orlando.
"I wouldn't exactly call you a hot kid." Sam rolls his eyes, turning away from an ice-cream covered 7 year old Colby standing in front of Mickey Mouse.
"Well..." Colby smirks to himself, handing Sam a glass of iced tea and putting the jug back in the fridge. "Would you call me hot now?" He lowers his voice, taking a sip from his glass without breaking eye contact.

"Er-.." Sam stutters, suddenly caught off guard, while his speech struggles to find balance again. He took a sip, hoping the drink would ease the tightness of his throat a little bit. And hopefully the coldness of the ice could sort out his sweating problem, although given it was late July, he figured Colby probably wasn't the only reason behind his damp collar. "Yeah. Sure."
Not the only reason. Just a very, very large reason.

"Come on." Colby takes his hand, ignoring the cold, clamminess of it, and gently leads Sam upstairs.
Sam silently follows up the dimly lit staircase, noticing the strange darkness of Colby's house that had never once gone unnoticed since the first day he'd stepped into this house back in year 7, the drawn curtains being an abnormality even back then.

"Sit yourself down." He pushes his bedroom door open, inviting Sam into the mess of the small room, watching him politely tiptoe past many fallen-down posters, dirty laundry and forgotten homework until he reached the unmade bed, perching down on the edge of the mattress.

"Now, Sam..." Colby loosens his tie before completely whipping it off, unbuttoning the top of his collar and ruffling up his hair slightly, causing Sam to freeze suddenly, his heart's rapid activity educating him on the fact that he'd never noticed how attractive Colby actually was. Well, he'd always stood by the fact he was pretty good looking. His complex history of both girlfriends and boyfriends would be enough to tell anyone that he wasn't exactly a guy of an average appearance.

But the way Colby holds their gaze while clearing the area, spritzing some kind of Paco Rabanne creation on his smooth, tanned neck and sitting himself down close to his classmate, is enough to give Sam the urge to hurry up and start these kissing lessons now.

"So..." Colby slowly drags his lower lip from in between his teeth, studying Sam. "Just kiss me. I'll see how you do, and what you need to work on."
Sam gulps, feeling his heart leap up into his throat while trying to make himself seem as calm as possible.
"Okay, well..." Sam takes a deep breath, leaning into Colby with an inexperienced movement, causing their noses to bump together embarrassingly.

"Oops." Sam mutters with a short giggle, although internally cursing at himself and his lack of romantic skills. Colby chuckles along with him, studying his eyes carefully, before Sam tries again, this time tilting his head a little in the opposite direction, resulting in their lips shyly pressing together.

Colby waits, feeling Sam's motionless lips against his own.
"Er-..." Colby mumbles, pulling away after a few seconds. "You need to move your lips a little." He gestures
"Move them?" Sam frowns nervously.
Colby sighs. "Yeah. Like this."
He gently cups Sam's cheek with one hand, tilting his head and leaning in again, his lips touching against Sam's as he began kissing him in soft pecks, still feeling Sam's lips keeping pretty still.

He broke away, grinning slightly as Sam smirks sheepishly, not even bothering to hide his deepening blush this time.
"Got that?" Colby checks.
"I think so." Sam leans into Colby's lips, avoiding another awkward nose collision and mirrors Colby's cheek cupping action, almost distracted by how soft his tanned skin was. He relaxes slightly this time, moving his lips into the memory of whatever Colby had done, although if he was brutally honest he was pretty side-tracked by the sheer shock of kissing Colby with that much ease altogether.
Colby's lips glide across his classmate's, a small smile emerging as he noticed how quickly Sam had improved in such a short space of time.

They pulled away again, this time Sam noticing even Colby couldn't hide his oncoming blush, the shade of pink matching Sam's nicely.
"Better?" Sam gazes into Colby's eyes hopefully.
Colby nods slowly, still smirking. "You're learning fast." He runs his fingers through his hair, taking a deep breath and trying to repress the possibility of him having at least a tiny crush on Sam.

Who is he kidding; there's nothing tiny about it. It was his idea to organize these kissing lessons anyway, despite the reason Sam wanted them in the first place.
Sam, on the other hand, found Colby was beginning to cloud up his mind, fogging over the thought of Katrina, and the Cineworld tickets. Let alone the Cloud 23 reservations.

"Right, okay, so let's go over the basics." Colby shuffles up comfortably towards Sam, gazing into his deep blue eyes. "So, you need just a little more practice on the lip movement, but so far you're doing great."
Sam nods, listening.

"So you start off with slow, little kisses. Don't just dive straight in." Colby mimes himself lip-attacking Sam, their chests awkwardly colliding. Sam giggles.
"So if we just-..." Colby gently takes Sam's hand. "I probably would recommend hand-holding because it's romantic." He whispers a small side-note at his actions, letting his fingers play in-between Sam's as he leans in slowly, until they're inches away from eachother. "And just-..." He cuts himself off with a small, soft peck on Sam's lips, taking him by surprise.

"Start off with that." He repeats the small kiss again in-between his sentences. "And-..." He kisses Sam's lips again. "Start to make them a little more frequent-..." He gives up on talking, and just lets his own romantically experienced lips swallow his words, his pecks becoming more frequent until they slowly began merging together, noticing how easily Sam's lips began working with him, as if a simple matter of 5 minutes kissing something other than the back of his hand was enough to ignite Sam's instinctive mind.

"Nice..." Sam grins as they pull away, feeling Colby's heartbeat accelerating almost just as much as his was underneath their newly-scuffed up uniform.
"You try." Colby narrows his eyes, letting a smirk peek out through his lips that Sam so desperately wanted to touch again.

"Okay, so..." Sam leant in, finding Colby's hand to hold; partly for the gesture of romance, and partly for a sense of support from him. He inhaled the addictive scent of Colby's freshly applied aftershave, sending him in no other direction than straight onto Colby's lips, managing to keep his movements soft, and subtle, as Colby suggested.

"So I just..." He starts with a small kiss to Colby's lips, feeling his stomach flip over more than it had ever done before with any previous crush or childhood sweetheart. He pulled away for a few centimetres, before gently giving him another peck on the lips, sensing that it was beginning to drive his classmate insane.

He continues with the small, sweet kisses, taking Colby's advice, before sighing against his lips, their lips beginning to melt into each other as the kiss progressed.
"That was-..." Colby cuts himself off, suddenly finding himself breathless. "That was-... yes."
"That was yes?" Sam sniggers at the boy's badly strung sentence.
"Shut up and kiss me." Colby whispers in a breathy voice, practically grabbing onto Sam's usually-pristine tie and pulling him into his clasp.
"This is a new technique." Sam mutters to himself, although happily obliging to Colby's orders and snaking his arm around the boy's slim waist.

"So now..." Colby exhales against Sam's lips between the small kisses they had rehearsed. "By this point, you might be wanting to-..." He kisses Sam again, silencing them for several moments. "Y'know-..." Sam begins to feel Colby's tongue gently introducing itself into the kiss amidst the warmth of his lips already on Sam's. "Begin adding some-..."

Sam lets out a small moan at the deepening of the kiss obliging, by parting his own lips and letting Colby's tongue explore his mouth, making small, uninterrupted collisions with his.
"Then, er-..." Colby pulls away, trying to catch his breath as he feels Sam's lips so close to his own, begging for more. "You'd better start- maybe..." He let his fingers begin exploring the black mess of Sam's hair. "Letting your hands into his- I mean-... her hair..."

Sam obliges to Colby's advice, his fingers combing through his brown hair, which had now waved slightly as a result of the physical contact and kissing.

Their kiss deepens further, Sam suddenly realizing how much of an instinctive action kissing actually was; a realization that he wouldn't have known if he had stuck to the back of his hand for practice.
He needs to think of a suitable way to thank Colby for his help, although he knows he can't think of anything other than just letting his instincts take him further than just mere kissing lessons.

Because, apparently, his heart is telling him Colby means more to him that just being another History classmate.
"How was that?" Sam sighs into Colby's mouth, feeling the even rising and falling of the boy's chest against his own. "Was it yes?" He teased mockingly, grinning against Colby as they kept laying close by each-other's chests.

"You really are a faster learner than I thought." Colby gasps, tightening his grip in Sam's hair and leaning in, stealing another shy peck on Sam's slightly parted lips.
"Am I...?" Sam sighs, completely consumed in this new-found attraction to Colby that he found himself a sudden slave of, wanting nothing other than to throw him down on his own mattress and-

"Yeah..." Colby breaks his straying train of thought, his fingers knotting deep in Sam's unruly hair. "I can imagine that-... that this is going to pay off on Friday, y'know."
Sam shakes his head, his eyes consumed into the locking gaze of Colby's, caring about nothing other than the boy in his arms.
He leans in for yet another kiss, as if Colby's lips were a novelty he had yet to overcome.

"I've been thinking-..."
Sam smirks suddenly, his eyes glittering into Colby's tentative gaze through the mess of his brown fringe.
"I think I might have to cancel Friday's reservations."

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