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Sam's pov

"Sam?" Colby whispered and gently knocked on the door.
"Hmmf..." I groaned and turned around beneath my covers.
"It's almost 12pm. What are you doing? Don't tell me you're still asleep."

"Go away, Colby," I mumbled and pulled the duvet over my head. I couldn't deny it, I was sick. Like really sick, probably the flu or some horrible virus. But today was not the time for that, because we had to do the video for our channel ,because we were running late it was already Saturday . And I couldn't let the fans down. And not to mention, Colby. I had to do it, even though I would probably die in the attempt.

"You have to get up soon, Sam." He knocked harder on the door, making my eyes jump open in surprise.
I looked at myself in the reflection of my phone. I couldn't let Colby know I was sick. He would not allow me to make this video , especially because we would talk pretty much in this. But God, I looked terrible. My head was pounding really badly and my body was aching all over. I probably looked like someone who haven't slept in a hundred years.

"Coming," I muttered and unsteady swung my legs over the edge of my bed. This was not my day.
I heard Colby walk away from the door and I slowly rose from the bed to find some comfortable clothes to wear, which happened to be the biggest hoodie I could find and some sweatpants.

"You okay?" Coby asked and wrinkled his forehead at me when I entered the lounge.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Just fucking tired and someone woke me up," I said and managed to make a fake yawn followed by a fake smile. I quickly turned my face away from him. If he got the chance to look at me for a longer time he could guess I was lying.
"I'm going to make a drink. Want something? Tea? Coffee?" Colby asked and moved his laptop away.

"Coffee please. Thank you," I said quickly and tried to hold back a cough. Colby smiled and went to the kitchen area.
After drinking the coffee I just laid down in one of the lovesacks and closed my eyes , resting them because of my headache.
"I'll go get some stuff for the video. We need some other stuff too." Colby said walking around me to find his phone, keys, and wallet.

"Wanna come too or are you staying there and sleep a bit longer ?"Colby asked smirking down at me.
"Hmm, no I'm staying ..." i breathed and he took at step closer before he quickly placed his lips on mine. I didn't want to kiss him back properly because of my rising fever, but it only made Colby stare strangely at me. I gave him a wide smile to cover up for it and hurried out and into the bathroom before he began asking questions.

"I'll be back soon!" he shouted through the house and I heard the front door close.
After taking a pis I placed myself on the couch and pressed my body as far into it as possible, making myself comfortable. But it was hard because I felt so bad.

I switched on the TV, trying to distract myself. It only worked for like 10 seconds before my stomach began to turn around.
"Are you kidding..." I murmured as the nausea started to get to me and my mouth watered. Nope, I couldn't do this. I got up from my position on the couch and walked towards the bathroom. I had to run the last two steps to reach the toilet in time. I knelt in front of the bowl just to be violently sick.

"Oh god..." I slurred and closed my eyes, while I literally hugged the toilet. I gagged a couple of times, but they were only false alarms, and prayed to God that Colby wouldn't walk in on me right now. Small pearls of sweat were forming on my forehead. I was seriously ill and just the thought of two hours of filming and a life show afterwards was enough to make me cry.

"Just let me, die..." I whined into the toilet and closed my eyes hard together. I moved a bit and leaned my back against the amazingly cold tiles on the bathtub. It felt like my skin was on fire.
After I caught my breath I decided to get up and go to my bed instead. Colby could be home any second and if he saw me like this he would definitely know I was ill.

I didn't want him to worry, and if he knew, he would take care of me, meaning that there would be no life show and no video. It was too late to cancel now.
I quickly brushed my teeth and flushed the toilet before I left to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl in case I needed to be sick again so that I didn't have to run to the toilet and past Colby.
I wrapped myself tightly in my duvet just as I started coughing enough to make my throat horribly sore.

"I'm home!" Colby's voice felt like knives in my pounding head. "Are you in your room?" he asked and I heard him walk closer.
I quickly and quietly hid the bowl under my bed and pretend to sleep .
"Hmm, okay. Sam? Sammy ?Remember we're filming and after that we have half past five our live show ." Colby didn't sound very sure if I heard him, but slowly walked away.

After a few minutes all my muscles tightened up and I threw up into the bowl I was holding as silently as I could. This was too disgusting. It made my vision blur slightly. I hid my head in my hands when I was done. This was horrible. I wouldn't be able to do this.
I placed the bowl down on the floor beside the bed and lay down as close to the edge as possible.

If I thought my head was pounding before, I was wrong. This pain was indescribable. Luckily, I had slept some of the nausea away. I could do this. Three hours and I would be back in my bed. Only three hours. Come on Sam.
I carefully stumbled out of bed and towards my wardrobe to find some clothes. I decided to take a quick shower; I was sweating quite a lot because of the fever and maybe it would make me look less like a dead cat. And then I had an excuse to go to the bathroom, because I needed to clean the bowl before Colby would walk in.

I opened my door and tiptoed through the house, being careful to not draw any attention to myself until I reached the bathroom and locked the door behind me Colby was luckily on his phone so he didn't noticed . I moved my gaze to the mirror, regretting it instantly as the sight I saw was horrible. My skin was pale , even more than usual and the bags underneath my eyes were nearly black. I would need a miracle.

I turned on the water, stepped out of my slightly moist clothes, and got in the shower. I made the water a bit colder than I usually would have it in attempt to lower the fever.
"You okay?" Colby asked "You've been so quiet."
"I am fine. Honestly. I'm just tired and exhausted and that video was killing me, to be honest I'm happy we are done filming." I answered as I did my best to avoid eye contact. I hated lying to him, but we had to do this, so what difference would it make?
"Let me look at you," Colby commanded. I sighed hard and turned my head, facing him. "Are you ill?" he questioned and opened his eyes wide.

"No, of course not!" I snapped and tried to sound as normal as possible.
"Sam..." I saw Colby stretch his hand towards my forehead and I quickly stepped outside where he couldn't reach.
"I'm perfectly fine. Come on, we're late." Colby didn't look convinced at all, but sighed softly and followed me. He knew it was hopeless starting an argument with me.

"Are you coming?" Colby knocked on the toilet door. I was standing in front of the sink, splashing some water in my face. As time went by I only got worse. We were in tge middle of the live show with a few friends of ours.I was shivering and my head felt light. If I moved too fast my vision would blur.
"Only a minute," I answered and held back a cough.
"Okay, hurry," he said in a slightly worried tone. I quickly swallowed a couple of the painkillers I had brought with me and unlocked the door.

I took some deep breaths. I just wanted to get this over with so I could go home and feel sorry for myself safely under my duvet.
I tried to sound energetic, but as the show went on everything just got worse. I felt dizzy from standing and all my muscles were trembling and hurting. I was exhausted. Colby started to notice how poorly I was and gave me long questioning glances.

"I-I need to sit down..." I slurred, breathed heavily, and started walking to the sofa. We were only halfway through the show.
"You are sick, Sam," Colby said and turned to face me. But just as he did, my legs felt weak and my vision blurred fully before everything went dark and completely silent.

Colby's pov

My heart stopped when I saw Sam falling to the floor. I could tell he was ill, but that it should come to the point of passing out, I didn't see coming.
"Sam?" I questioned and quickly knelt down beside his head. It was a pretty rough fall he took there. "Oh god..." Corey rushed down beside me.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at me, but I was too shocked to understand him properly.
"I-I d-don't k-know," I stuttered and brushed Sam's hair out of his eyes. But he was out cold.
"We'll end the show now," he quickly informed me. I nodded slowly and turned my attention back to Sam. His skin was unhealthily pale and he was shaking a little.

"Sam?" I cried. It was really scary to watch; I couldn't stand seeing him like this. Tears were forming in my eyes and soon overflowed to run down my cheek from pure shock. "H-how about some water?" I suggested and desperately looked around without any clue of what was happening.
My friends were running around, trying to figure out a solution. I didn't know what to do and was about to panic.

I saw Sam's eyes slowly starting to roll around underneath his eyelids.
"Hmm..." he whimpered and moved his head slightly to the side. He was definitely not feeling well.
"H-hey," I sniffed, but it didn't seem like he had the power to open his eyes.
"Home..." he breathed out, followed by some helpless whines.

"Yeah. I'm going to take you home." I looked around on the people behind me, but they seemed to agree. Twitter was already asking why we ended the show and what happened. But I didn't care about the live show or the fans right now . I needed to get Sam home.
"Ca-can you stand?" I asked concerned. My hands were shaking really bad because I was so nervous. "Could someone help me get him in the car please?" I sobbed.

Sam pov

I was so confused. What was I doing on the floor? I should have stayed home after all.
"Ca-can you stand?" Colby asked. But just the thought about moving was horrible. I felt nauseous and this headache was so bad.
"Hmf," was the only answer I could make.

I head Colby sniff a couple of times. Was he crying? This was all my fault.
I tried to open my eyes. My whole world started to spin, but I managed to keep them open. I was literally so confused.
"Let me help you up." Colby quickly dried his eyes with the back of his hand and grabbed both of my writs to pull me from the floor. "Are you going to be sick?" he quietly asked. I shook my head in response and squeezed my eyelids hard together.

Colby moved his hand around on my face and it felt amazing on my burning skin.
"Jesus Christ, Sammy. You're melting," he blurted out.
"Hmm... what happened?"
"You fainted..." Colby answered nervously.

"Wha..." I was too exhausted and confused to give him a proper answer, but I had so many questions.
I felt myself being pulled up from the floor by two people. Corey had come to help Colby carry me down and into the car.

I leaned myself against Colby and he held onto my hand for comfort. My breaths were heavy and long and I did my best to control my body on the ride home, but everything was a blur.
"Are you going to throw up?" Colby asked and dragged his fingers through my hair. "You have to tell me so we can get out."

I slowly shook my head against his shoulder.
"We'll be home soon," he whispered and squeezed my hand a bit.
Colby helped me inside, but nearly had to carry me all the way. My legs wouldn't cope with my brain and the commands I gave them.

"Couch, bed or... toilet?" Colby asked and looked at me from head to toe. I stood leaning against the wall in the hallway, trying to keep my balance.
"Sleep..." I muttered. It was the only thing on my mind. I felt so bad and everything was hurting. My head still felt light and I needed to lie down.
Colby guided me to my bed and helped me out of my soaked clothes.
"I'm freezing..." I slurred, unsteadily sitting down, making it possible for Colby to take off my jeans too.

"I need to get this fever under control." He pulled my shirt above my head and left the room.
"Take this." Colby held out some fever reducer. But I couldn't handle the thought of swallowing something, so I pushed his hand away.
"I-I'm gonna be sick..." I stuttered and breathed heavily.
"Now," I managed to breathe out and tried to sit as still as possible.

Colvy stormed out of the room and hurried back, holding a bucket.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered and rested my forehead against the side of the bucket I was holding between my legs, just waiting for the contents of my stomach to leave my body. Colby sat down beside me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were sick, Sam? You should have stayed home..." he said quietly, holding one arm around my shoulders for support.
"The live show... I, and you... and the video ... I couldn't just stay home. And fans..."
"It's just a stupid live show, Sammy How can you possibly think that that's more important than your health? You could have stayed home and no one would be mad. It's ridiculous."

"Lay down. I'll be back." I nodded sleepily against the hand he had placed on my forehead for support so I wouldn't fell over.
Colby moved the bucket to the floor and walked out. I slowly curled up on top of the bed.
"What's hurting?" he asked and got down on his knees on the floor beside me. Colby threw the duvet around me and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

"My stomach, my head, my everything... I could come up with a long list..." I murmured. I felt myself being moved around, but I was too exhausted to react. I stayed still while Colby lifted my head slightly and placed it down on a pillow, trying to make me comfortable.

He lifted up my covers and moved in a hand to place it on my stomach. He then began to rub small circles on the sore, sweaty skin, trying to take some of the pain away while his other hand still was in my hair, making me relax the best he could.

"You're too good to me," I whispered while Colby's fingers dragged across my skin.
"And you're an idiot," he responded, smiling.
"Yeah... I'm sorry," I sighed softly and took some heavy breaths
"Don't be. What happened, happened." Colby leaned in to place a long caring kiss on my forehead. "Now you just need to get better."

"Hmm... come into bed."

"No, you're too ill. What if you need to be sick or something?"

"I want you to hold me," I cried desperately.

"Promise me you'll tell me if you feel bad, okay?"

"Okay, of course." Colby let go of me, quickly changed into some comfortable clothes, and carefully claimed into bed. Because I couldn't move, Colby laid down beside me to hold me from behind.
"Do that on my stomach again..." I mumbled.
"This?" Colby gently placed his amazingly cold fingers back on my hot skin and started moving them in small circles again.

"Yeah. It helped." Sam moved up a bit to lean on his elbow, making my back press against his side and giving him a better angle.
"Try to sleep. I'm sure you'll feel better tomorrow."
"Hmm..." This fever had absolutely drained all energy from my body; even just breathing was hard. "I love you..." I whispered into my duvet.
"I love you too," Colby said softly and bent over to place a kiss on my cheek, making me smile a bit.

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