52.My little pastel prince #2

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Colby had spent the entirety of lesson change over trying to find Sam. He doesn't care about his reputation Sam needs him, maybe he just doesn't know it yet. He gathered he would just skip lesson and try to find him but ten minutes into his search his head of year found him and he was forced to go to his lesson with a teacher that he hates.

Luckily though he sits at the back so he can just stare out the window and think of another plan to find Sam. This is important.

Colby walked into Geography muttered and apology to his teacher and then took his seat at the back of the room, he tried to concentrate a little bit to his teacher out of respect, because even though he had a 'bad boy' exterior he has always been and will always be a polite person with a respect for authority, but all he could think about was Sam. His mind was buzzing, he couldn't concentrate on anything, he was feeling sick with worry, he rubbed his eyes until he could see stars. It was all becoming too much.

He decided he needed to calm down a bit so he opted to stare out the window. He knew the view from that window like the back of his hand from the rolling hills to the west and the buzzing city to the east to the children in the primary school next door having their mid-day break and the boy sat crying in the field, 'wait' Colby's train of thought crashed.

'What' Colby thought to himself sitting up a little bit straighter to get a better look at the figure in the field. The figure in the field who had a pastel jumper and what looked like flowers in his hair, three guesses who it was. Colby got up and left, he had to, yes he has respect for teachers but its another thing when Sam comes into play. He ran down three flights of stairs and bolted it to the opposite side of the school and into the Sport B-tec department.

He ran to the back door but it was locked, of course it was locked he always wanted to be alone, but he couldn't just leave him out there this time. He ran back to the sports hall, he didn't care who's class he was interrupting he needed to find Miss Jackson, the one person Sam trusts with the world.

Turns out he walked in on a year seven games lesson all in awe at the boy with dark clothes, tattoos and piercings, but he didn't care.

"Miss I really need to talk to you" he whispered quickly ensuring that no one was really listening.

"What is it Colby?"her voice stern but still in a hush tone.

"I need the spare field key" he whispered with a sense of urgency.

"No" she declared not giving Colby the time of day.

"Miss please"he pleaded desperation rising along with the sickening feeling in his stomach.

"I said no Colby"she hissed at him.

"look I don't know why you happen to hate me but-" Colby started but he was cut off half way through his sentence.

"Are you joking, you stood there and watched people beat him within an inch of his life, you left him when he needed you most feeling broken and worthless, you near killed him, you made him cry more times than I can count, you left and I cared for him and you don't even think you've done anything wrong and you want the sympathy vote ha you must be joking" her words were like daggers piercing Colby's heart with every syllable.

"yeah maybe I near killed him, but you give me that key and I get my one chance to save his fucking life"he argued his voice dripping with emotion not a care in the world that he just swore at a teacher.

"what?" her expression had completely switched her voice laced with worry.

"give me that key and I get to keep the single most important person in my life, give me that key you get to keep your favourite student... Please " he was back to pleading a minute away from getting on his knees in front of all of these year sevens and begging.

Luckily though she cracked and gave him the spare keys to the back entrance with the words "do not hurt that boy anymore than you already have because he is the most innocent delicate person I have ever met and he deserves a lot better than the utter shit you've put him through" Miss Jckson always knew what to say to put him in his place and that lesson hit close to home.

Before he knows it Colby is back to running, he decides its only best to run part of the way so that he isn't out of breath when he makes it to the younger boy. He walks up the old path and over the red ash until he is met by the back fence, he follows it for a while until he can see Sam. He moves slowly now like hes approaching a spooked deer, he needs to ensure that he doesn't scare Sam its literally the last thing he would want to happen. With every step he got closer to Sam the sobs got louder and Colby's heart broke a little bit more with every hiccup.

"Sam" Colby whispered gently placing his hand on the younger pastel boy's shoulder.

"Please just go" Sam sniffled turning away from Colby.

"No I just can't do that" Colby protested determined to stay here until Sam feels better.

"why cause you care so much" Sam retorted sarcastically.

"yes I do" he argued slightly hurt by Sam's bitterness.

"yeah right I don't even know who you are anymore" his voice dripping with venom.

"I'm Cole Robert Brock the boy you have known since we were babies" Colby whispered trying to calm Sam down.

"Don't you dare refer to your self as the boy I have known since we were children, My Colby Brock is gone replaced with a heartless dick that couldn't care less if I live or die" Sam spat not even caring for this mere stranger beside him.

"how could you even say that? I'm still me and you are the single most important person to me you think I wouldn't even fucking care if you died are you taking the piss I'd be fucking heartbroken" Colby protested not willing to give in to his snide comments.

"you're not still him! you're far from my Cole Robert Brock, my Colby would never hurt me, my Colby would wear dorky t-shirts and beanies not shitty tour shirts, my Colby had brown hair and high top converse not blue hair and big ass black boots, my Colby was mine" The last few words cracked as he began to cry more.

"I'm still me for fucks sake Sam, I'd never hurt you" Colby protested he felt sick, this was horrible.

"I've been beaten half to death, I've been kicked I've been scratched I have bruises and cuts, and yet you are still the person to hurt me most" Sam whispered getting up and walking away.

"you've done it because of me haven't you" Colby called after him his head in his hands, this made Sam stop in his tracks.

"What?" Sam sniffled turning slightly to see a curled up figure over looking the city.

"you've cut yourself because of me" Colby whispered standing up face to face to Sam.

" n-no" Sam stuttered, defeated and broken but trying his hardest to convince Colby that he is telling the truth.

"wait here" Colby whispered staring into Sam's tear filled eyes. Sam nodded slightly, he didn't know why he was going to do anything that Colby said for all he knew he was just getting a group of people to beat Sam up with, but still he stayed and watched Colby jog back into the school building.

After ten minutes of waiting Sam started to feel anxious, all he could do was picture scenarios all ending with him getting beat up in some way, part of him wanted to trust Colby but part of him also wanted Colby to prove that Sam could trust him, so that why he went towards the huge oak tree.

Yes he was hiding, he just wanted to ensure Colby actually cared and staying here gave him a clear view of where he was told to stay but he was easily concealed by the tree so Colby couldn't easily spot him, in all honesty he just wanted to see Colby's reaction.

Sam wasn't waiting for long before he saw Colby walking back past the red ash looking no different than before except now he had a backpack, he looked like a man on a mission, only problem was when he saw the empty field his plan had shattered.

Sam could see the panic on Colby's face as he began to mutter the words "no no this cant be happening no" over and over again dropping his backpack and walking further across the field to get a better look around the corner closer to the school. Sam thought it pointless for him to just hide from Colby and if words were anything to go by he wasn't going to harm Sam so he came out from behind the tree and walked back to where he was told to stay.

When Colby turned around he felt a wash of relief flood his entire body, he walked back towards the vulnerable figure. He picked up the back pack on the floor and stood in front of Sam.

"what are you doing" Sam asked gaining a little more composure.

"Sam look me in the eyes and swear to me that you haven't cut because of me" Colby spoke his voice enriched with empathy and care.

" Why do i have to prove anything to you?" Sam began "Look, just drop it okay, go back to your shitty little group of friends, go back to showing hate towards me instead of this false claim of care because to be honest this is the shittiest thing you've done, I'll go back to being the victim you get back to being Mr popular, my point still stands my Colby isn't here anymore" Sam argued because with every word that Colby spoke Sam just hurt more and more.

"I'm still me Sam stop acting like I'm dead" Colby protested taking Sam by the shoulder one again to emphasise his point.

"stop saying that, you're not him!" Sam shouted getting closer and closer to another breakdown.

"right then, who is your Colby then, whats he like" Colby ranted because Sam just wasn't listening.

"You know what he meant to me" Sam whimpered his head hung low flower crown almost falling off.

"Sammy, tell me" Colby whispered gently.

After a long pause Sam started sobbing again, "he meant the most to me" Sam whispered between sobs "His stupid dorky t-shirts and glasses, his brown hair, his innocence, his metal free face, the boy who would always plan something cute to make me feel better, the boy who's hoodies I used to steal, staying up past our bed times cause we were rebellious children, he was the best person in my life, and he left" Sam sobbed, his voice gentle and vulnerable.

"I'm here Sam why can't you fucking see that" Colby muttered his words urgent but they came out calm.

"because he doesn't exist anymore" Sam whimpered.

"Do you know what SJGHK stands for" Colby whispered motioning down to his backpack that had the letters written on it. Sam only shrugged unable to lift his head "Samuel John Golbach Help Kit" He whispered tilting Sam's chin upwards but bringing them both to sit on the floor.

"What?" Sam said matching his tone. Colby opened the bag and got out a clear box, he opened it and took out his tongue piercing and his eyebrow piercing out and placed them in the box, he then took out his ear piercings and placed them along side the others and then he closed the lid and placed it on the ground. "what are you doing?" Sam asked seriously confused to why he had ridden his face from metal.

"Shh" Colby whispered taking his leather Jacket off, He took his t-shirt off after and replaced it with a purple Gengar t-shirt and an old grey hoodie. He took another grey hoodie out of his backpack and handed it to Sam whispering "put it on" Sam obliged feeling slightly comforted by the familiar scent of his Colby.

Colby pulled his combat boots off, pulled a pair of scruffy but well loved burgundy high top converse. Colby reached into his bag again and pulled out a pair of black framed glasses and then dipped his head down tousling with his hair revealing his brown roots making Sam giggle slightly. The next thing he pulled out was a pink and white flower crown, he reached to the one on Sam's head and replaced it with the one he had retrieved from his bag.

"why do you have my old flower crown" Sam asked gently wiping a tear from his cheek.

"it was always my favourite on you so I borrowed it" Colby admitted mirroring Sam's tone causing Sam to smile slightly. He reached into his backpack for the final time pulling out an old gameboy a worn out pikachu wallet with 70$ and two, one year bus passes. "The Samuel John Golbach Help Kit is all the stuff I'd ever need to make you feel better if everything got too much or if anything went too far, we'd get on a bus because well taxi's are too expensive, we would go where ever you want, Mall, Cinema, back to mine anything to make you feel better, look Sam please, I know I have been a shitty person, I've put you through hell, you have always meant the most to me since we were little, you deserve a hell of a lot more than me, I'll leave its fine but please don't ever feel like I don't care I'm still your Colby Brock I always will be." Colby whispered wiping the tears from Sam's eyes.

He took the no response Sam's way of telling him to leave so he packed everything back up and got up to leave until he heard a "Stay" it was small and quiet but it was there none the less.

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