53.My little pastel prince #3

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Sam stood up slowly his eye still pouring with tears, before he lunged himself at Colby, wrapping his arms around Colby's neck and began to sob into Colby's shoulder.

Colby without a second thought wrapped his arms around Sam's waist and held him safe and secure. "I forgive you" Sam mumbled between sobs into Colby's shoulder.

Colby pulled Sam away from his body and looked deep into his blue eyes, "No, never forgive me I don't deserve it at all, Sam I know you've done it because of me" Colby proclaimed his voice stern but caring taking Sam's wrists gently in his own hands faintly drawing over the fading white marks.

"You do deserve forgiving, it's him who doesn't, I cut because of that Colby Brock" Sam whispered pointing towards Colby's bag that now contained the essence of his bully "This Colby Brock is the only thing that's been getting me through everything" Sam whispered pointing towards Colby's heart, it was cliche but it was the only thing that could get his point across easily. "Just tell me one thing" Sam gently whispered.

"Anything" Colby answered his heart heavy with guilt already knowing the question Sam was about to ask.

"why did you leave" his voice cracked with the last word creating a very heavy atmosphere.

After a long pause the atmosphere was broken and was replaced with a completely different one "Because I was in love with you" Colby sighed.

"what y-you were in love with me?" Sam repeated ensuring he had heard it right.

"How could I not be, your dimple that flourishes when ever you're at your happiest, your sarcasm and sass, the fact that you are an utter boss at every game ever, your pastel aesthetic but also how amazing you look on those rare occasion that you actually wear black, the fact that you accepted me as the clumsy dorky dick I am, you're Samuel John Golbach, you're fucking perfect" Colby listed knowing that he is exposing one of his biggest secrets and all Sam could do was blush furiously the hoodie he borrowed from Colby bunched up in to paws covering his face.

"I left because I thought I could never keep it a secret, I'd end up telling you and you'd hate me and it would be awkward and we would both drift apart, I had to go well maybe not had to, see I know now that everything I ever did has hurt you but at the time it felt like I was protecting you from hurt, I lost everything, then it got to a point where you absolutely despised me but I always kept my kit just in case you'd need me, and now you'll probably hate me again and I'm sorry bu-" Colby was cut off by Sam's lips on his own, gentle and shy.

He froze for a second before kissing back because this just so happened to be the biggest surprise and perfect at the same time. It was timid at first getting used to this feeling of utter bliss but then it got deeper, Sam opened his mouth slightly allowing Colby's tongue entrance, he tasted like toffee and syrup but he couldn't concentrate, all of his senses felt enhanced as the only thing on his mind was Sam and Sam only. When they pulled apart they were both breathing heavily but it didn't take long for them to connect again.

"I've been in love with you for like four years you dork" Sam sighed messing with the sleeves of Colby's hoodie.

"Seconded" Colby whispered between giggles, "come on it's gaming and ice cream time well if you want to of course" Colby whispered taking Sam's hand and pulling him towards the school building.

"How are we going to get out of school?" Sam asked ruffling Colby's hair so he looked scruffy because that was always his favourite look on Colby.

" that comes in the form of a very helpful games teacher and stop it" Colby smirked trying to sort his hair out.

When they got back into the school building the year sevens had gone and the sports hall was now empty apart from Miss Jackson who was in the far store cupboard putting away Basket Balls.

"thanks for the keys miss" Sam beamed.

Out of everything she thought she would see that day Sam Golbach and Colby Brock holding hands wasn't one of them, "you alright Sam?" she asked his welfare at heart.

"Never better" he chimed "but can you give us a get out of jail free card?" Sam asked warily trying to put on his best puppy dog eyes.

It took a while but she soon agreed "there's a wad of already signed study passes on my desk, get two and put your names on them and I mean two Golbach" she warned trying to seem tough but with it being Sam she couldn't fool anyone.

"yeah yeah thank you miss!" Sam almost shouted at her running towards Miss Jackson's office leaving Colby in her presence.

"How did you do it?" She asked Colby analysing his face trying to search for an answer.

" I needed to show him that i'm still the Colby Brock he always knew" he said softly motioning towards his clothes.

"It is a better look I must say Brock, hardcore punk? nah you're just a less pastel version of that little nerd" she said laughing slightly before Sam opened the door and put his hand out for Colby to come and take.
"thank you" Colby stated to his teacher.

"no no thank you Brock" she replied smiling fondly at the pair and then returning to what she was doing.


The rest of the day consisted of them cuddled up on Colby's sofa watching Disney Films and playing video games although it is quite hard to play when all you want to do is make out with your opponent, but with Sam and Colby having absolutely no chill they ended up kissing anyway.

When everything had cooled down Sam was left in the arms of his best friend, having his hair played with and finally feeling happy after so long of pure sorrow. "I've got to say I prefer dorky Colby Brock to Punk Colby Brock although you look amazing with blue hair" Sam broke the silence and snuggled in further to Colby his head in the crook of his neck.

"I think I'll stick to dorky Colby, just for my little pastel prince" Colby mumbled against the other's hair.

"hey I am literally like an inch smaller than you" Sam protested.

"and don't you ever forget it" Colby retorted laughing at Sam's put on pout.

"Shut up you Spork" Sam muttered kissing Colby and settling back down gently falling asleep.


School was a lot easier with Colby back by his side, Best friend, Boyfriend and partner in crime it was perfect and anyone who ever tried to harm Sam got a keen punch by Colby. He hates confrontation but when it came to Sam he didn't care, no one is allowed to hurt him!

Sam was in his ultimate utopia, he was with the boy he loved and he was practically untouchable.

Yes he did get his Colby Brock back but maybe in the long run the 'Punk Colby' period wasn't so bad after all.

The end

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