65.Dirty Christmas part 1

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"Sam, if you take one more spoon of frosting, I swear I will smack you with that spoon," Colby scolds, smacking his boyfriend's hand from the bowl of homemade butter cream. Sam just chuckles, scooting himself on top of the counter, putting his hands in his lap.

"I can't help it. It's just so good," Sam defends, a smirk on his face. Colby stops mixing the ingredients and raises one eyebrow higher than the other.

"Flattering will get you nowhere," He grumbled, shaking his head. He goes back to the cook book beside the bowl full of what was suppose to be chocolate cake mixture, but it wasn't looking so great. At least it felt like Christmas.

With snow falling outside and into the streets of Kansas, Christmas music playing from the kitchen radio, and lights hung up around the house.

"I think it will," Sam shrugs, scooting off the counter to come behind his boyfriend and wrap his arms around his waist, pressing soft kisses to his cheek and in the crook of his neck. Colby trying to cower from his lips, but he couldn't. Sam just dove in deeper. While he wasn't paying attention, Sam dipped his finger back into the mixture, which was his true intention of the kiss attack.

"Sam!" Colby scolds, turning to smack his chest with his hand. Sam laughs, wrapping his arms around him.

"You look hot in this apron, but I think you'd look even better if you weren't wearing it at all," Sam teases in his ear, pressing a few peppered kisses to his earlobe, sucking gently.

"Sam, I need to get this cake finished. We have that party tomorrow," Colby's small smile fades and he spins around to study the recipe again.

"Honey, it's not working, just let it go. We'll tackle it together, later. After I ravish you with my love," Sam says, starting to tug at the knot of the red apron that said 'Kiss the Cook' on the front.

"I'm trying to impress your parents," Colby grumbles, spinning around to grab the eggs from the fridge. Sam groans loudly, throwing his head back. Colby chuckles, setting the eggs down to crack one of them into the mixture.

This would be the first year they had Sam's parents over for Christmas. It was their first year in their new home and it would be the first time the Golbach couple saw it. The Golbach's never really cared for Colby very much, but Colby hell bent on changing that fact.

Making a perfect black forest cake would be the start of that, but he couldn't do it. This was his second attempt and he was just about done. Colby was obviously the cook of the couple, but he refused to help because he didn't care if his parents liked Colby or not, but Colby was everything he could ever need or want.

"Fine," Sam groans, sighing heavily. He scoots back onto the counter, grabbing a stack of bills from the counter and sorting through them. Colby smiles, shaking his head at the man. He takes the whisk back out, starting to stir the mixture once more.

"Why does this look so strange?" Colby asks, studying the pictures in the book. Sam looks up from the electric bill and looks between the two. The picture had the soft chocolate mixture nice and smooth, while Colbys was clumpy and a little black.

"Uh, that doesn't look right," Sam admits, turning his lips up and tossing the mail back onto the counter. His boyfriend groans loudly, throwing his head back with frustration.
"I give up," He grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. Sam smiles, sticking his finger back into the frosting. Colby smacks it away again.

"What? You said you gave up," Sam defends.

"I was hoping you would help instead of stealing my frosting!" He complains, rolling his eyes.

"I can't help it! It's addicting!" Sam teases with a bright smile.

"Help me!" Colby pouts, giving his boyfriend his best puppy dog face.

"Alright, alright," Sam says, studying the recipe in the cook book Colby had picked up while Christmas shopping last week. Just as he was about to turn around to help him out, flour was being thrown in his face. He scrunches his face, shutting his eyes to protect them from the powder. Colby giggles at his boyfriend, putting his hands on his hips. Sam scoffs, spitting out some flour puffs and onto the floor.

The blonde haired boy sets the cook book back on the counter and grabs an egg from the carton, cracking it over Colby's head. Colby gasps feeling the yolk flatten his coif and run down his head.

"My hair!" He screeches, reaching into the mixture and spraying more of it onto him. Sam laughs, getting some more flour from the bag and blowing it onto his boyfriend.

That's what started the full out food war. Both of them throwing ingredients or anything they could get on their hands at each other, until they were both covered in their cupboards.

"Sam!" Colby giggles as Sam wraps his arms around his waist, lifting him in the air. Sam chuckles, pressing sweet and soft kisses into the crook of his neck and onto his cheek, making him cower from his flour and cocoa covered lips. Sam puts him down on the floor, spinning him around and pressing him up against the counter. Colby's giggles subside, putting his hands on his chest, over his now white Christmas sweater. Sam smiles, cupping his cheek.

"Kiss me," ....

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