97.roller coster part1

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Colby's legs were beginning to ache. It wasn't his fault he got winded easily; it was just that his friends all hadn't quit sports and they could handle flight after flight of stairs.

The nearby amusement park was having a half-off day where tickets were ridiculously cheap, so apparently, all of Kansas wanted to spend their day there. Even though it was a hell of a bargain, Colby couldn't understand why so many people wanted to spend their afternoons in high heat, waiting for a thirty-second ride, just so they could slowly get nauseous. He wasn't even sure why he had joined his friends today, anyways.

So, that brought Colby to where he was, climbing endless stairs to the top of whatever roller coaster they were riding next. Supposedly, this one made people go unconscious. Great.

"Colby, dude, have you ever ridden this?" Colby's friend Jake asked. "It's mental. It goes so fast you forget who you are." All of Colby's friends nodded in agreement.

Colby shrugged. "I've never ridden this one in particular, but I can imagine." He wasn't trying to sound so bitter, but his legs hurt, he wasn't enjoying himself, and fuck it was hot today. What else could he expect from July?

"You're totally not ready for this, man," another one of his friends said, lightly punching his arm. "It's gonna blow your socks off."

Colby frowned and looked down at his socks. One blue sock and one light green sock. "I like these socks, I don't wanna lose them."

Jake rolled his eyes and laughed. "Come on, the line's moving."

The group of boys slowly made their way up the line until they were next. Colby was annoyed to see that the roller coaster sat five people across. Their group had six.

"Shit, who's alone?"

"We could do four and two, or three and three- "

"Maybe we can- "

"I'll just ride alone, I really don't care," Colby muttered, stepping over to the 'Single Riders' sign.

"Are you sure? We can probably figure something out," Jake said, looking around.

Colby put his hands on Jake's shoulders and half-smiled. "I don't mind, Jake, really."

Jake raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Suit yourself, man."

It was their turn next, so Colby climbed into the roller coaster. Somehow, he ended up in the front row. He was buckling his seatbelt when someone slid in next to him. Colby looked over nonchalantly. He had blonde hair that was starting to curl at the edges, and light blue eyes to match. He folded his legs awkwardly under the seat, trying to get comfortable.

"It helps to put your knees like this," Colby found himself saying to the boy, adjusting his legs so the boy could see.

The boy wiggled into place and smiled at Colby. "Thanks," he said, a grin that was way too big for his face settling in. Colby immediately wanted to get to know the boy for some reason.

"Uh, you like riding?" Colby asked. "Wait! Oh my god! I meant riding roller coasters!" Colby clapped his hand over his mouth. Good job, Brock, he thought. Scaring people away has always been a skill of yours.

The boy laughed, throwing his head back and almost hitting the roller coaster seat. "I-jesus-yeah. I love roller coasters," he wheezed. Tears were starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

Colby found himself laughing too, and soon the two boys were sat next to each other, cackling and drawing attention from everyone around them. This was the most fun Colhy had had all day.

The boys talked for another minute, exchanging names and other basic information until the roller coaster began to move. Colby smiled despite himself; he had gotten so lost in conversation with Sam that he had forgotten the ride was about to start.

"Welcome to the Batman," a deep voice announced. The roller coaster jerked forwards, creaking slightly. Colby felt uneasy, but excited. He looked over at Sam, who was laughing and kicking his feet like a child. Colby smiled.

"...and please keep all loose objects secured. Have a nice ride!" The safety speech finished and the roller coaster began to slowly lurch up the first big drop. Colby felt his stomach flip over once, then twice.

"I hope we don't die!" Sam said, kicking Colby's foot lightly. His hands were tight around the protective bar.

"I hope so too," Colby said, staring at Sam for just a second too long. With that, the ride reached the top of the hill and took off.


"Look at your face!" Jake laughed, pulling Colby next to him to view the post-ride pictures. The ride had just ended and holy shit that was fun. Colby couldn't believe that he had actually enjoyed it.

"Yeah, that's quite attractive," Colby muttered distractedly, looking around for Sam. Colby had an ugly scream face, he knew that, but he was more interested in finding his new friend. When he spotted the blonde talking to a pretty brunette, he ignored the pang in his stomach and strolled over.

"Hey, Sam, we were going to ride the Tantrum next, did you want to join us?" Colby asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sam glanced back at the group he was standing with and rolled his eyes. "Yes, please. My friends are great but I would love to ride with someone else." He lowered his voice. "Katrina here grips my arm as if she's trying not to fall out." He rolled up his sleeve to show Colby four half-moon shaped dents in his arm. "The acrylic nails are killing me."

"More like they're acr-killing you," Colby joked putting up finger guns. Sam groaned.

"Never mind, I'm not riding anything else with you, that pun was terrible," he said, hiding his laughter.

Colby nudged his shoulder and led Sam back to his friends. "Everyone, this is Sam."

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