Clash of past and present

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Hello everyone,i knew iam too much delay in coming up with sorry for being so,thanks to one and all my buddies who vote for this story in Abhigyan award competition. Iam so glad to inform you that this story had got 2nd pize in mystery/thriller category.

So,lets move on to reveal the myster soon..

'Who is preethi'*pragya reapeat her question*

'Di,she is a beautician.i dont knew why she is waiting for you there.are you going for any party or something like that.Did chief inform you so'*she has questioning face*

'No,i dont knew anything.but,that girl came to meet him'

'Girl?? Who is she?'

'Woh tanu ,i dont knew she was too anger on me.he too shout at her'

'Tanu!! Usko yeah chahiye di.she is a chudail always behind chief.she tired all the way to impress him .but ,chief hate her to core'

'Why he hate him??'

'That i dont knew di.first i really feel bad for tanu,but after sometime i understand chief was right.she change her colours so easily di.i thought her as innocent but she is not so.uff di,by talking with you its getting late.come lets go home' pragya nods

At house

'Hai girls'

'Hai preeths' *bulbul side hug her*

'So she is the girl right .hai,iam preethi , everyone call me lets move on to our work'

'But preeths,what work you are talking'

'Hey,sir ne bola isko bride ki tharah ready karna'

'Bride ki tharah?? But why?'*bulbul ask in confusion*

'Why are you asking me rose?just ask your chief and look dont disturb me when iam in work.pragya come with me' prerthi hold pragya and leaves

'Arrey what all this is happening?why di must be in bridal outfit? Did chief going to marry her ' it was that time bulbul saw the workers getting inside with flowers.

'Hey,why this flowers and all?'

'Sir order us to arrange it in his room' by saying so he leaves.

'What this means ? He is going to marry di???why this chief havnt told about it ? Why did he ask di's permission?is that right to force her so .look bulbul i think you are using your brain alot just do your duty and let him do what he wish .but dii'

Inside a  room

It was a dark room , a candle is lightening in a corner.with the help of that light it is seen that someone is sitting in that chair.

No,abhi..i wont allow this to happen.i lost you one time this time i will get you back.i wont allow you both live together. Then what's the meaning of my life?? Why should i waste my 200 years of life for it??* the person move towards light,her face is seen. She looks scary,her skins get too wrinkle , eyes are so deep in socket where there is  blackish coating around it. She look herself in mirror and smile,suddenly the old lady change into a young charming tanu*

At house

'Look at mirror now pragya,you are gonna wonder about  yourself' with hesitation,pragya look at herself in mirror.she was shocked to core,this is not her,its someone which she dont even knew.A smile creep in her lips as for every women being in a bridal wear is a special feeling ,some unseen happiness.

But,did she have any right for this happiness? She question herself.she dont knew what is in her destiny ,why it get stucked with him when that tie left what is going to happen.By getting her in this,what's going through his brain ?

'Okay ,pragya come with me' she follow her command and enter inside a room. The room which is filled with flowers and candles just like for first night.

'Now,you can wait here .He will arrive soon ' preethi gave a cheesy smile and left away.

He will arrive soon ,what does that mean? Is he going to start any intimate relationship?is it all for that? No,i cant... at the same time her innervoice spoke "How can you say pragya? You are his property.."

She recovered from her thoughts by the opening of the door.she started to get nervous as well as suffocation ,because she knew it will be him,her owner who have sole proprietorship on her.

'So dulhan is ready right ?' Her eyes get wide by seeing the person


'What you think i will let you live happily with him ah? Then you are mistaken pragya ...*she  laughs aloud* why dont you understand he is not meant for you ? He is mine !! Only mine !!! You snatch him before but this time hell no pragya !! I wont allow you  even step aside him...'

'Tanu,what are you talking?? Look i dont want him .You can take him.its my situation which brought me here'

'Its not situation pragya ,its destiny.This time infront of your eyes i will have him ' tanu eye at her in confusion

'Oh my poor soul! You Dont knew anything ?? Did he told you who you are ? How you guys connected to each other ?'

'I have no connection with him,he snatch me with his money .Now iam his property'

'Property???' She laugh aloud 'Dont ever try to make me fool pragya.that time you play well and snatch him but this time ,i wont allow you '

'Dont irritate me tanu with your that and this time ,he is no one to me.'

'Haa,that's better things to be like this.Because this time i have more powers.i have waited this 200 years just for him and i wont allow you to snatch him again .He is mine ' she again laugh.

'Dont you dare think so tanu' A shout scream is heard.

'Aagayi meri jaan' tanu walk towards abhi and stand beside him

'Abhi what a perfect arrangement haa?so you are planning to be one with her right ' she said holding her collar 'you thought i wont knew your plan ahh?? You did a great mistake abhi.why you bring pragya in between and risk her life too ' as abhi tried to release her hold by holding her hand ,it burn his hand.

'!! It hurt yaar...and it will going to hurt more ' she said with a evil grin 'But ,there is no fun right if she havnt knew anything .so lets do one thing,we can tell her all truth'

'No tanu,you are not going to do that '

'Why abhi?? Let her knew her past na ??'

'I dont want her past to haunt in present just like me '

'But whats the thrill in it ? Look how she is looking at you.poor girl! Dont knew what's happening ' * tanu raise her hand towrads pragya ,some lights fall from it on her face..

🔙🔙🔙 To past

A palace is seen with lots of people.By watching closely,we can say that there is something special announcement going to take place there.


Our highness Raja veera mahendra varma is going to deliver a good news to all of us.our respectable prince  ,our upcoming Highness Raja veera Abhishek varma  is now in a marraigable age.Suitable proposals from other countries princess is invited.


There heard a huge whistle and applause is heard.

'Prince , look at  their happiness.'

'But, highness i '

'You are now 28 .Everyond wish to see you as next king.i too wish so. Iam not as before .my mind is energetic not my health.Ruling this country is difficult at this age.i wish to transfer my power to you one  your wedding day '

'As you wish highness' he leaves.

'Wow, prince you are going to get married soon ah '

'Purab,dont call me prince just call me aravind.i have told you this many time '

'No prince ,i cant even we are childhood friends. But iam your slave.iam your body guard 'said purab.

'Dont worry abhi.for that ,iam calling you by name right '

'Hey Aravind ,you are forgetting your duty'

'Puru,call me Aru not Aravind and abhi meri bhai,going to settle aah.can i knew who is that princess ??'

'Arey,Aru how can i knew as they all will decide na'

'Hey man ,how can it be possible you are going to get married not them you must choose her na' commented Aru with irritation.

'Hey aru,you are forgetting she is not an ordinary person.she is our upcoming queen.we cant give powers in undeserving Arms'

'Thats why abhi,i hate to born as prince'

' oh, it not because you havnt get so ' mocked purab

'Arrey guys,dont get into a mini war.'

'As abhi said,i leave you puru and abhi, what about searching princess by our own ahh' he winks.

'Aru you are culpriting his mind ?'

'No puru,i was thinking this will be really fun na i will find her out by myself'


'Take this as order, we are going for a ride and you are accompanying us ' He commanded.

'As your wish highness' purab bows down while aru and abhi gave a hifi.

So this part ends here..

Did abhi find his princess in their journey?

What happen in past which haunt his present?

What you all guys think about this sudden twist??

Did i bore you all, then plz forgive me.

Do vote and comment


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