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A girl along with lot of children were playing near the river side.all are giggling continously.

Suddenly some one screams from another end of the late...

Pragya...bappu is calling you.he  reached .

Oh chutki,its all because of you..look iam not there when he came what he think about me and our orphanage..comes lets go fast.she enter inside a canoe and row it fastly..

Pragya alonh with children enter inside a room where 2 person is sitting. One is their bappu and the next one,he may be the one bappu said..

Pragya beti,look he is Mr.Abhishek prem mehra,owner of Mehra group.

*the person who turn his face and saw her.he take off his glass and look at her in amusement.is this true??is she really an angel who come out of heaven.he started to drool her from top to bottom.the long forehead which she hides with a strand of her hair.those 2 capative eyes which attract him as magnet,the press button nose,wow,it may taste really sweet..so sweet.i cant control the waterflow inside my mouth.that lips is really a strawberry.he started to roll his down even he doesnt want to do that.her neck ,i just want to give a bite it.that tatoo really suit her well.his gaze started to move down and reach till her toe.saree really suits her well,if it single layered may be it will be awesome .when he feel she shivers he came back to his sense*

Abhi,she will help you here.pragya take him with you.she nods.

He follows her.

You are pragya right.she nods.How long you have been here.

From birth itself.

Oh.pragya can you take me to some of beautiful spots here.iam new to this place.so just thought to visit them.

She nods.when he move towards car.

Sorry sir,we cant go there by car .as there is no proper road.

Oh,then how will??we can go by small canoe.

Canoe..ya.as the sights on the otherside of this river.dont worry,this is how all will reach there.i wont harm you..

That i knew,if anything happen to me then you all..he stops by seeing a change in her facial expression.

Lets move.he sat and she row
.* he was continously drooling her without wasting a second, where she is trying to look away from him as it disturbs her *

Sir,we have reached..


We have??

Not that??what you call me sir??dont call me so pragya..just call me abhi ..she nods.

Abhi follows pragya .she is describing well about each spot .Her facial expression says how happy she is with this place.but abhi,who is not listening at all .just noticing how her lips move.how well her belly is seen when wind touch it.when pragya feels his gaze is not right,she adjust her saree and turn to other side so that he cant see it.he chuckles*

Abhi,shall we go back as its getting darker and its not safe to be here now as its the route if wild animals to have water.

Ok,let us..they reach back .as pragya going to enter in bappus room, abhi stops her in half way.

Pragya,*she turns* what do you feel now?what may be my answer..?

I dont knew ..

Any guess ?he step closer to her.

Its all upto you but i wish ,you may help us.because we all are orphan this is only the place which we have.our bappu is getting old,till now he manage,may be leaving this make his condition worser and..

So you want me to go back.

Abhi,i knew we have no right to say so.its your property and all rights are with you.your family gave this for rent.when you want this place,obviously we must go away but...

Your bappu thought that ,while seeing this place and the condition which you are living may melt my heart.but seriously iam saying truth.thats all wont happen.even if you all try hard to my heart wont melt.because i have no such emotions for me all is business and everything is deal.whatever in this world is a deal for me.i hope you understand what i said.

She nods.when she again move, he stops her by blocking her forward move with his hands.

But,i can save you all,even iam ready to give you right to stay here or transfer this property into your bappus name. *the face which is saden till now started to glow,but soon that glow change to dark shade when those words came frok his mouth*when i get you back..
She look stunned.

Yes,pragya..iam ready when you are ready to come with me as my property.then this deal will be finalised.*tears started to follow through her eyes*

You have time to think.iam leaving tomorrow by 8am.you can tell your choice till that time.after that,within 10 minutes my team will reach here and evict you all.just think about that situation ..where you all go.i knew you are a smart and brave girl will take a good decision.so iam waiting for you baby.*he pinched on her waist and smriks * bye good night honey. He leaves.

She stand there as numb.his deal is echoing in her ears.

Pragya didi,bappusa calling you.come soon..didi..she shake her.bappusa calling na..

She nods and leave with her..

Pragya beti,what he say to you.did he gave us some more time.did you talk with him??


Is there any chances that he will agree to us...*as she is silent,bappusas face change to dull*no right,how can they right??how long they will allow us to stay like this??but,where will we go??pragya,can you just ask 10 days tym.meanwhile i will some how manage any place..

Both pragya and bappussa knew well that nothing wont happen in this 10 days.this is an orphange where most of them are children.bappusa is a kind hearted person,whenever he saw any children on street he will take them and gave a shelter under this orphange.when they become an age to fly away by themselves they will leave.it was running with the help of money offered by good people.among all,only pragya is the person who have the courage to stay here even she got a job.she is a teacher in near by primary school.the salary which she earn cant do anything.

Its pragya..god have decided something.everything will work on that basis.he has always a will for each action.lets hope good.abhi is our guest,so give him food and sleep well.may be this is the last day we are living under this shelter. * he leaves*

She dont what to do?only the way left his deal.but how can she stoop low?how can someone claim her as his property? *She is fighting with her heart and mind now.heart is resisting her from the deal while mind is  making her to agree for others.*

Pragya..she turns.he is standing there leaning his back on the door and tipping his toe with a smrik on his face.

*he can see both anger as well as helplessness in her face* so sorry baby,but i really love this state of people. He came close to her,you wont suffer alot when you accept my deal.i will care you as an angel will protect you always.*he brush his fingers with her lips,when she step backward he pulls her close to him and hold her by waist*i will never let you away from me.will be safe in this lock.but only one thing is ,once you accept you will be my property .

*an anger arise in her face*before bashing out ,just think about your state baby.because each word you say now has an impact on my tomorrows decision*he winks*

Pragya,your bappusa want to talk with me did i say about this deal to him or not??

She look shocked.she feel that the sand which she is standing moves away from her foot and she is falling down to a dig


press☆ button if you like.will meet you all soon


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