Chapter 014~ A Family At Last!

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Finally, it was Yetunde's wedding. I couldn't be a prouder brother or should I say, brother-in-law. It was a Saturday morning followed by the white wedding.the white wedding would take place the next day in church after the engagement ceremony.

Yetunde and Emmanuel, her fiancee went to the registry on Friday which was a yesterday. But I wasn't able to meet him for some reasons, hopefully today.


Everything were celebrated in a colourful and glamorous manner. It was a Yoruba traditional engagement and as most Nigerian knows, is a very serious event which includes sumptuous meals, graceful colours, and lots of fun. It is an occasion where people come and display their best outfits, jewellery, and handbags.

Before the engagement ceremony, was the introduction ceremony. The introduction ceremony is when the two families, the families of the bride and groom get to know each other. This usually takes place months before the big day of the engagement ceremony. The introduction is not a big event and it is without fanfare.

On the day of the introduction, the groom in the company of his parents and close family members pay a visit to the bride's family. It doesn't involve much spending. The groom's family only goes with a few gifts like fruits, maybe some tubers of yam, and a few bottles of wine. The bride's family will host the groom's family and treat them to a simple meal of their own choice. The event only involves the formal and general introduction of both families to each other and things to know about each family. Only close family members are in attendance.

Besides the all-around introduction and all, both families might decide to agree on the date for the proper engagement ceremony. Fixing the date of the engagement ceremony on the day of introduction is not a must and often times such discussions usually take place later.

After the engagement ceremony date has been fixed, a wedding planner is employed to plan the event. In old times, the ceremony is planned by the bride's family and the mother of the bride and women from her house are usually the ones involved in the planning. But in the modern days, an event planner is employed by the bride's family or agreement of the two families.

The venue of the ceremony is chosen by the bride's family or a compromise between the two families. But in the Yoruba culture traditions, the bride's family selects the venue.

Then the colour of outfits for the ceremony is chosen and sometimes the type of traditional attire material. Both families might decide to choose the same colours and even type of material. They can decide to choose different colours. After the date, venue, and outfit have been decided, invitation cards are printed and sent to friends and families.

As stated earlier, the ideal thing is that most part of the ceremony especially the feeding is financed by the bride's family. But sometimes, the groom's family can contribute a larger portion if they are more financially capable. But I think these days, both families make a combined effort in the planning of the event.

The attires worn for the Yoruba engagement ceremony is also an important aspect of the wedding. The bride and the groom wear matching Yoruba native attires usually known as "Aso Oke". They are sown elegantly. The brides "Iro and Buba" sown elegantly is worn with a headgear known as "Gele" She wears other accessories such as beads, bangles, gold necklace, and earrings with matching shoe and bag or purse. The groom outfit is usually Agbada sown elegantly from Aso Oke material with a cap and matching shoes. He also wears other accessories like beads and wristwatch. The bride and groom's outfit all depends on how wealthy they and their families are. But at least usually elegant than their normal tradition attire dressing.

The family members and friends on both sides also choose a colour that complements the one chosen by a bride and groom. In some families, the same material (type and colour) is chosen and bought be all close family members and friends of both families. All these also depends on how wealthy the two families are. You can see examples in some of the pictures used in this article.

The traditional engagement ceremony was coordinated by the Alaga Ijoko which can be translated as the master of the ceremony. The Alaga Ijoko is usually a family member with experience but sometimes a complete stranger who is a professional. In the Yoruba culture, the Alaga Ijoko is often a woman. Her responsibilities evolve around properly coordinating and officiating the proceedings of the ceremony and to make sure the provision of the cultures is adhered to. The Alaga Ijoko coordinates different stages of the ceremony, each of which might involve a collection of money.


All these are followed by merriment known as reception party with the cutting of a big cake and lots of food and drinks. Finally, it was Yetunde's wedding. I couldn't be a prouder brother or should I say, brother-in-law.

Oyin was sitting before me... I couldn't believe my eyes could play such expensive tricks with me. How could it be? It should be Emmanuel, not Oyin... Are they the same person?

"Tunde!" Oyin called and gave him a very tight hug. It's been a very long time, Oy in had changed so much.

"Oyin! So it's you!" I yelled happily as everyone turned to face our direction. "I thought I wouldn't see you again... I mean! I thought you wouldn't recognize me!!"

Members of my dads family came to meet us saying they never knew their brother had two children else where.

Mama Timi laughed at their foolishness and opened the truth.

"This is Matthew's first son, Babatunde. The one that was kidnapped. And the bride of today is their daughter, Yetunde. The child who survived that incident from Folashade, their mother."

"What? We thought they were long dead! How did Shade excape those gunshots?! This is unbelievable! How come?" They asked different questions at once, all looking surprised and confused.

"It's a shame on your faces. It is indeed. Remember years ago when I begged you for money for my sisters surgery. What did you do? You sent me out like a fly and warned me never to come back. I suffered for this children and here they are today, healthy and successful."

"Are you here to mock us?" One of my dad's immediate brother asked in anger. He was the most greedy of them all, I'm sure he must have squandered all the wealth by now. He looked so crooked and slim. From the look of things, I can say he barely feed for himself not to talk of educating his children. What a pity.

"I'm not her to mock the Mayowa's family. How could I? I just want you to learn from your mistakes. They all carry the same surnames as you, I'm not dragging about that. I want you all to know that the Axe forgets but the tree remembers. You all have cute deep wounds into these children's heart but trust me, you have a lot to tell their parents when next you meet. I was kind enough to invite you here today wasn't I?"

"Yes you are Mama Timi. Please, forgive us. It was out of ignorance and greed." Asake, one of my paternal aunt knelt down and begged.

"No, you didn't wrong me and I have no grudges against any of you. It's these children's forgiveness you need, and that of God." Mama Timi stood her up.

"I'm tired of watching this rubbish! The past has pass, why bringing it up again?!" Uncle Olaniyi hissed. He, his wives and some of his children vexed other if the compound.

"Aunt Asake begged us with some much tears, saying she followed her brother's footstep because she had no other choice. He had sold all the properties long time ago. After taking 70% of it, they are left with nothing. Intact, none of his children could attend university talkless of becoming a graduate."

It was so pitiful, I and Yetunde forgave her instantly.

"Whatever, I'm thinking of introducing you as the breeds family because tomorrow is their white wedding."

"Oh, that's good... May the Lord straighten this relationship. And may you all become successful above measures."

"Amen." we chorused to her prayers.

We were reunited again and everyone was happy about it.

Do not copy any part of this book. Plagiarism is a crime.

So this is chapter one, What do you think guys? Press the star if you want another chapter.

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