Chapter 07~ Becoming Sucidal

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And other days, no one would be willing to hire us or give us a kobo. The next day was a day like this. The day after the next too was exactly like this or even worse. The street life in Ibadan is difficult, it was dreamy for any of us to think we would ever survive it. We lived like this for nine years. All tiring and stinking, life without educated was suffocating than death itself.

The next plan was to be at peace forever, to kill ourselves. Which is one of the most perplex decision one can ever make. This made me remember one of dad's favorite proverb... Abundance will make cotton wool pull a stone. Now, I was poor and wretched, no past to go to, no future to hang on for.

Any cheap, easy and fast death was what we all wanted. It could be either food poisoning or a planned car-accident. It could be through hanging or stabbing our stomachs to death. Only one of these... Which one was it.

Food poisoning, we would have to buy the food and poison. Perhaps, that was an expensive death. Car accident was a combrous death, so was self-stabbing. Death by hanging was the best, the easiest and cheapest death but not the fastest.

"Thinking about death, of which is which... I still don't know your stories yet." I told Daniel as we concluded the type of deaths we want.

"You never asked, though." He smirked.

"Tell me, I want to know. Where are your parents? Are they alive or dead? Don't you have any relatives or siblings?"

We talked as we walked out of town. I told them about the thick forest I saw along the road path. No one would find our bodies there, definitely.

"My mother died after my birth... My father, who is a lawyer, sent me out because his new wife whom was supposed to be my step-mother said she hated my presence."

He paused for a while as we walked down the road.

"She tried poisoning me and treated me the worst ways. The worse day I ever witnessed was when he said he disowned me for stealing his money. My dad tortured be saying I was a bastard. Step mum was even worse, but thank God I escaped. I've been living on the streets ever since then."

"That's so unfair!" I cried and turned to Samuel. "What about you?"

"From what I heard, My parents were involved in drugs. They gave me a good life but all was gone when the judge gave his final judgment..."

"What was it? Tell me." I asked impatiently.

"They were sentenced life in prisonment with hard labor... It's like they were killed in front of me. Well, our elders say; 99 days for the theif, 1 day for the owner. I hated myself ever since then and I've been living on the street like an outcast."

"Oh! I understand how you feel. Betrayed and hated. As if your destiny was written by your parents even before your birth."

"What about you, Oyin. What was your story?"

"Never speak of rhinoceros if there are trees nearby." Oyin joked as we entered the thick bush.

"That's not funny!" I screamed fearfully.
"Really... " others laughed at me.

"Whatever! Just tell me about your birth, Oyin." I requested again, hitting him by his shoulder. He pushed me away ridiculously.

"Come on tunde! I don't have a story and I never did. I didn't know my parents either... I ran away from an orphanage home because I hated the way we were maltreated."

"Oh, poor you. I feel we should have hope and purpose in life... But the more I think about it, I lost it.

Finally... We got to a path, staring at the gigantic tree in the bush, we tied our ropes up the branch, ready to hang our useless bodies.


Hi Loves,

Hope you all had fun reading this chapter as I enjoyed writing it?

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