Chapter fifteen

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Hola Amigos👋
A new update, James Anderson is here for sure.
Thanks for the vote and comment, I appreciate it.
Also don't forget to recommend it to your friends that is if you like it and you can follow.
Everything in life is a choice.
Also happy father's day.


"Is this it?" Tiana asks as we stop in front of a large building, also called mansion.

I open my phone to see the text message that William sent to me last night, which is the address of his house. I already told him mum that I would take the job, so we already talked about the salary, which is a good pay and she told me to start today, which is Wednesday.

"Yup, that's what it says." I say locking my phone.

"Damn! These people are loaded." She smiles mischievously.

You can say that again Tiana.

"Okay, off you go." She shoos me.I take my bag and get out of the car. "Good luck and don't break anymore bones." She says and speeds off to her school.

I sigh and walk toward the big gate, I see a big button right beside it, so I press it. A while after I press it, a man in black uniform appears at the gate.


"How can I help you Miss?" He asks.

"Um...hi, I'm looking for Will Tucker." I stutter. Of course I stutter, this dude is huge and by huge, I mean 6ft 3 or something with broad shoulders and he's also carrying a gun. Who knows if they finish off  imposters who don't have business in their house.

"Do you have an appointment, Miss?" The guard asks.

"Um...kinda..yes! I have an appointment." I gulp.

"What is your name, Miss?"

"Maria colton." I answer.

"Hold on, Miss." He says and moves away from the gate. I wait a little before he shows up again. "You can come in miss."

What's with the Miss?!.

He opens the gate and I walk in.

"Thank you." I say politely. I look around hoping they don't have a huge dog, that eats peoples limb.

"You're welcome Miss." Great!

He closes the gate and I walk toward the house, I mean mansion.

"I'm guessing they have a butler too." I mutter to myself when I get to the porch. I raise my hand to press the doorbell when the door yanks open with a grumpy William at the door.

"You're late." He states pushing me aside and walking to where a lot of cars are packed.

Grumpy much?.

"Good morning to you too." I say following him. He throws me the key to his car, I really don't know much about cars, but this one is black.

"There's nothing good about this morning." I open the door and we get in. William gets into the backseat.

Cool! He's taking this driver stuff seriously.

"Drive." He orders and I don't bother snapping at him for being rude, instead I start the car and pull out of his compound through the gate, which was already opened. Weird. And down the street.

"We're picking someone." He states.

"Who?" I ask looking at him through the rearview mirror. Maybe one of his fangirls.

"You'll see." He mumbles and I nod. Please don't let it be Stephanie.

I follow the address he tells me and stop in front of the house of the person and see James Anderson standing in his porch.

You've got to be kidding me?!.

"You didn't tell me you got a hot chauffeur," he says in a flirty voice and he climbs into the backseat with William. I turn to face him with my eyebrow raised, the smile drops from his face. "It's just you." He says in disappointment.

"Hmph" I sigh and drive out of his driveway to school. "Is that all?" I ask William.

"Yes." He answers.

"Dude you look like shit." James points out.

"Good morning to you too." William says dryly.

"Why the fuck is she driving you?" James asks William.

"She needed the job." Will states.

"Wanted!" I correct, "I wanted a job and his mum gave me this job." I explain.

"I don't think anyone was talking to you." James says.

"Well if you didn't want me to join the conversation,  you wouldn't talk out loud." I shot back.

"Whatever," he waves me off. I guess old Anderson is back.

"Bro, are you alright?." He asks his friend with concern.

"I don't want to talk about it...." Will says catching my eyes at the rearview mirror, ""

"Got it." James nod and takes out his earphone NAD plugs it in, "hey you!" He snaps his fingers at me. "Step on it would ya?." He smirks.

God knows if picking up James Anderson was in the contract of the job, I wouldn't have accepted it. Now I really wish it was James Anderson I hit with my car.


"Okay, last person. Let's wrap it up." Sebastian says with William's mic.

I sigh and roll my eyes, when u see that the last person is one of Kimi's minions, Becky. She's the dumbest bimbo known to humanity and all bimbo's are meant to be dumb, so you understand. She walks toward the microphone in her micro mini skirt and heels.

Why wear heels? It's so uncomfortable.

"Hey William." She says in a flirty tone, twirling her hair in her finger and I shake my head.

"No one actually calls me that." Will States in a bored tone and I snort, I don't know who peed in his Cheerios this morning, he's been grumpy since morning.

"So you're singing ocean eyes?," I ask her, putting her song on the piano stand.

"Of course, what else ?." She says and clears her throat. I start her song and she starts singing which makes my jaw drop.

No freaking way!.

She's good! I mean good is an understatement, her voice is beautiful. But I'll never say that out loud.

I see William sit up when he hears her voice and he listens to her with interest and a frown shows up on my face, I wish he would listen to me with such interest.

She rounds up and I stop playing.

"Whoa." Sebastian says looking stunned and claps and Becky giggles.

Show off!.

"That was good." Will says, his face showing no emotion.

"Thank you." She flips her hair.

"You can go now." he says  with the same bored tone.

"Okay," and she struts out of the music class.

"Okay, you can pack up now.," he says after she had left. "We're done for the day.

I pack all the songs and head to where will is seated. I see him ticking the list of names of the people who made it to the first round.

"Are you going to tick her name?" I ask curiously placing the songs on the table.

"I don't see how that concerns you." He says without looking up at me.

I scoff and place my hand on my hip. "I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but stop taking it out on me!" I say already annoyed at his behaviour.

"If you don't want me to take it out on you, leave me the hell alone." He shoots back.

"Fine!" I say and walk away from him.

"Is Tucker giving you problems?" A voice asks and I already know who it is.

"Jenny!" I say when I turn around and hug her.

"What's up?" She chuckles and hugs me back.

"I thought you were avoiding me. " I say sincerely.

"Me? Never!" She laughs, "I've been busy with all this." She gestures to the class. "It's hectic."

"I feel ya, William isn't making it better."

"I thought he didn't like to be called that?."

"Please, I couldn't care less what he likes to be called." I say truthfully.

She laughs and I join her. "Okay, I think my mum is outside, I'll catch up with you later," she smiles and I nod, "hey give me your digits." She says taking out her phone.

I tell her my number and she saves it. We both say goodbye  and she leaves.

"Colton!" I hear William shout and I turn to him with a scowl, "we're leaving."

I sigh and take my bag off the piano. Some job I have.

"Oh, Colton!" James says in a singsongy voice from behind me.

"I didn't know you played the piano, I always thought you were a tuba kinda girl, you know loud and annoying." He smirks and I scowl at him.

"Maybe it's because you don't pay attention to what goes on around you."

"Maybe it's because I don't care."

"James, is that all you have to say? Because I still have to take his Majesty home." I say pointing at William who was still packing his stuff.

"Yeah, um...will you still make my sister's chocolates."

Oh, I've forgotten about that.

"No." I spit.

"Why?" He whines.

"Because you're a jerk." I state.

"Please don't punish my sister for my jerkiness." He begs and I roll my eyes. "Plus I said I would pay you."

"Whatever, I'll tell you the price later." I wave him off.

"Maria!" Will shouts.

"What?!" I shout back.

"I need to leave."

I sigh and carry my backpack, "we'll talk about this tomorrow." I say to James.

"We can talk about it now, I'm going with you remember?"

"Yes, of course." I mutter.

I was going to make the chocolates for him for free but since he was being a jerk, I decide I'll take his money.

I'm bad like that.

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