chapter five

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Walk-in! just walk in!

It's not like the guy you've been crushing on since the 7th grade is on the other side of the door.

"Miss Colton, are you going in?" Mrs. Stewart, the secretary asks slightly irritated.

"Right.." I smile sheepishly and knock on the door.

"Come in." Miss smith answers from the other side.

"Okay, you've got this.." I say to myself, "I'm sure he isn't even that cute anymore." Lies, "I'm sure he has a goatee or that weird beard thingy." Pure lies!

Here goes. I say in my mind and walk into the office, ignoring the glare sent my way from Miss Stewart.

I close the door behind me and turn around and suddenly all the oxygen in the office was sucked off, nothing was left. Well, except the smell of his Cologne.

He is not only cute. He is hot! Hot! Hot!...have I mentioned hot?! HOT!

He looks so cool in his black leather jacket with his leg crossed in front of the principal. If I wasn't busy drooling over him, I would have cringed at how cliché he looked.

"Miss, Colton!" Miss Smith's voice jerks me back to reality.

"Hi" I manage to squeeze out and clear my throat. "Hey," I say more clearly.

"I see you have the package, take a seat." I nod still looking at the guy who hasn't acknowledged me yet.

"Thanks," I say taking a seat and handing her, her package without glancing at Will Tucker.

Well, two can play at that game.

"Maria Colton is in the music club, she plays the piano." She explains to Will who didn't even look my way.

"Cool," he says curtly.

"Mr. Tucker will be staying for the senior year and I'm sure you heard about the competition?" She says to me and I nod yes. "So you two would be working together."

I almost jump out of my chair. "Me? with him?" I say pointing to myself and Tucker.


"Why?!" I whine, while instead, I was doing a happy dance inside my head but I am sure as hell not going to show it, cause first impressions to go a long way.

"Because I trust you," she says going through paperwork. "And I know you have the dignity to not throw yourself at him."

Dignity, well that's one thing I have left.

Another part of my sense seems to have flown away just seating 2 feet away from this guy.

I hear Will Tucker scoff.

I roll my eyes, I guess that's his problem, he thought he would be working with a Victoria secret model, not a high school nerd.

Well, Will Tucker,  you'll just have to deal with it!

Miss Smith turns her attention to Will, "Maria is also a very good songwriter." She says

"I have a songwriter." He says curtly again.

I'm starting to think he's more like Nate Grey in camp rock who only expresses his emotions through his music.

"Well since that is settled, you can both discuss what time to work together. I can manage to sneak some time for you after school..."

"That wouldn't be necessary, thank you." Will cuts her off. Wow, that's the longest sentence I heard him say since I've been seated here.

"Okay," she says writing something on a piece of paper. "Here, you'll need a pass to get to your class, as it is you're already late." She says giving me the paper.

"Thank you." I take it from her.

"I'll leave you to....." Will was already out the door before she could finish.

What's his problem?.

"He's a little rough around the edges." She explains.

You don't say.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Well, off to class." She snaps her finger.

"Okay," I say walking towards the door.

"And Maria, please don't throw yourself at him, because a little birdie told me you might have a teeny tiny crush on him." She says  I could feel my face burn from embarrassment. There's no doubt that the little birdie is my mum.

I groan and walk out of the office ignoring the secretary as I leave the office. As I leave the office I run straight into a wall, I look up to see who it was and I felt like the ground to swallow me whole.

Cliché right?.

What's he still doing here?!.

"I'm sorry." I stutter, regaining my composure.

Was this guy made of steel?

"No problem." He says staring straight ahead.

I quickly nod and start to head to class. I'm highly disappointed in myself for fangirling over him for two good years. I never thought he would be among those proud celebrities. 

Well, you can't judge a book by its cover.

I hear sounds coming from down the hall, I turn to see what it is.
I see Will Tucker exchanging pleasantries with my only arch-nemesis, James Anderson!.

James Anderson, the only guy who has taken it upon himself to my life miserable. He's the captain of the basketball team. James and Will were known to be the golden boys of the school, but that stopped when Will got signed two years ago and James officially got the label of a bad boy.


In short words I hate him. I despise him,  in fact, I loathe him. I think you get it now.

"Oh, Colton!" He calls out in a sing-songy voice.

Speak of the devil.

"Skipping class now, are we? I never pegged you as the type of girl who would miss class." He says smirking.

"Maybe because you don't know me," I say showing him my middle finger as the bell signaling the end of homeroom.

I groan and stomp my feet as James burst into a peal of annoying laughter, "aww, how does it feel missing your first class, nerd."

"Anderson, do me a favor and go to hell!" I yell and made my way to my locker. Somehow he and Will Tucker find that funny because they're bending over trying to catch their breath.

I wish both of them would go to hell.

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