Chapter nine

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Hello again.
Another update, enjoy.


   "Mum! what kind of flowers do you give to people who are in the hospital?" I ask my mum who is in the kitchen making breakfast.

After my encounter with Will Tucker's parents, I went home, not after I bought Tiana's pizza and when I got home I got a 5 hour speech on my life, no kidding.

My mum was all, "I've told you a million times, if you are stuck in a situation where you can't drive, don't bother trying." And my dad was all, "are you okay?", "are you hurt?", " did you ask the doctor to check you?" And my sister was munching on the last piece of pizza.

After my mum finished scolding me, she said I must write an apology card and send it to Will Tucker with a bunch of flowers and that's why I'm seated in the living room,  racking my brain for apology words. If there's one thing I'm not good at, that is apologizing.

"Can you tune it  down a bit?" I ask my sister, who is busy watching one of her lame chic flick movies again.

"Sure." She says smiling mischievously. Then she increased the volume.

"Tiana, I said reduce the volume."

"Oh, I thought you said increase the volume." Then she reduced it to the exact point it was before.

"Ugh!" I groan, extremely annoyed and walk out of the living room with my cardboard and go to the kitchen.

"Are you making your apology card?" Mum asks flipping the pancake as I take my seat at the kitchen island.

"Yes, I've made the card," I raise the card on my hand, "but I don't know what to write in it."

"How about 'I'm sorry'." She says serving the dish.

"Really?" I question, "that is your idea?"

"Do you have other ideas?" She asks.

"I can't make all these card for 'I'm sorry'," I complain, "I mean look at all the design." I made lots of Flowers and smiley face.

"Well it's better than nothing," she places my food in front of me, "eat up and Tiana! Would you switch off that TV and come and eat!"

"Sure!" She says from the living room.

Where is my dad you ask? Well he has gone to work, even though today is a Saturday.

My mum is right, 'I'm sorry' is better than a blank space, so 'I'm sorry' it is. I must make it big. Also, I have to make him chocolates, that's if he likes them.

"Maria, quit making that card and eat your food before it gets cold."

I quickly put my card aside and started eating. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.


"Mum, I best be going. Are you going to drop me?" I ask as I get downstairs. I see her and Tiana's eyes glued to the TV and of course, she didn't hear me.


"Huh?" She tears her eyes away from the TV, "what was it you said?"

"I said are you going to give me a ride to the hospital?" I repeat. I've made the chocolates and I took a shower, so I quickly branch the flower shop to buy his flowers.

"Sweetie, I'm sure you can handle driving to the hospital without hitting any more bike drivers."

"At least it's not raining." Tiana adds without taking her eyes off the TV.

"Whatever." I say grabbing my keys off the counter and headed towards the door. "Bye!" I slam the door and made my way to my car and strap in my seatbelt as I got in.

I start drive and stop at the flower shop to buy the Flowers, I really hope Will doesn't have any allergies. I buy the flowers and head to the hospital.

I get to the parking lot and something catches my eyes, Stephanie's car.


So much for leaving early. Why does she have to be here now? and how did she hear about the accident?

I park in an empty spot and turn off the engine of my car.

Maybe I should wait till she leaves.

But who knows if she's going to take forever.

I sigh and get out of my car. I lock it and walk into the hospital.

"Hello," I smile to the nurse at the front desk.

"Hi," she smiles back, "what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to see William Tucker," I say politely.

"Oh, Will Tucker, you're actually the 5th person to be here looking for him," 5th? "He must be popular with the girls?" You don't say.

"Actually, I was the driver that hit him last night." I explain. The last thing I want is to be grouped with his fan girls.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes, "that must explain all those flowers."



"I beg your pardon?"

"His room is 203, there's actually someone in there."

Oh I know.

"It's okay, I'm just going to drop this card and I'll be off."

"Okay then." I smile and made my way to his room.

There's no doubt that the person in there with him is Stephanie. I must ignore her and give Will the flowers and chocolate.

The elevator door opens as it dings and I make my way to room 203. I stop at the room and debate whether to knock or to just walk in.

I clear the fight in my head and walk in instead and I must say I regret my decision.

I walk in to see William laying on his bed with a cast on his neck and leg, the accident must have been worse than I thought and next to him seated, is my arch nemesis, no not Stephanie. James Anderson. The one guy I wish was involved in the accident not William. It would be refreshing to see him on an hospital bed.

Oh I'm so evil.

"Well, well, well,  look who's here?" He says smirking.

"Blonde haired douche bag, you continue to exist." I say making my way to the side of the bed where James Anderson isn't.

"You can't get rid of me easily. Let me guess when you hit Will you thought it was me on that bike, didn't you?" He questions.

"Please, I have other things on my mind and you are at the bottom of that list Anderson." I say taking my seat.

How come it's him that is here and not Stephanie?.

"How are you?" I ask Will.

"You can see my legs and neck, what do you think?" He spits.

"I already said I was sorry. In fact," I say taking out the card from my gift bag. "I made you this card to prove how sorry I am." I hand it to him.

"'I am sorry'." he reads it out loud and gives me an incredulous look.

"What? That's the best I could come up with."

Correction, my mum could come up with.

He rolls his eyes and gives James the card. "Hmm, how cute." James says examining the card.

"I see you brought him daisies. How about I just take all these and give it to my little sister for her birthday?" He teases.

"You're free, I mean I feel sorry for her having a brother like you."

"Whatever." he tosses my card.

"What else is in the bag?" Will asks curiously.

"Um..." I say as my face turns red. "Chocolates?"

"Sweet! Hand it over." The cave man says stretching out his hand.

"No!," I snatch it back, "it's for the patient." I give it to Will.

I wait in anticipation as he took one and ate it. "Hmm, these are really good." He says mouthful and I smile in satisfaction. "Dude try some," he gives it to his friend and I glare at him.

I hope he chokes on it.

"Did you make these?" Will asks.

"Yes." I smile triumphantly.

"Liar! I'm sure you can't make something this good." James butts in.

"James why don't you do everyone a huge favour and shut your huge hole." I spit, "and I'll have you know, I'm really good with confectioneries"

"Whatever," he says at the same time Will says, "cool."

"Dude, don't finish it." Will complains.

"Sure." James says taking another bite. I roll my eyes.

"Since you're feeling better now, I best be going..."
I said packing my stuff and getting up.

"What is she doing here?!" The one person I'm trying to avoid shouts.

I can't believe I'm saying this but fuck!.

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