Chapter seventeen

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    You know that feeling you get that you get ready to go jail because you wanna kill someone. Yeah! That feeling. That's what I'm feeling right now, all that is going on in my head is finding this so called person, that is if she's human, and just rip out all her bones.

I stand in front of my locker shooting daggers at her head as she laughs with kimi and her minions.

She can laugh when I spent all night searching my room for the book which no doubt she took.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" James asks standing in front of me. I tear my eyes away from Stephanie and turn my attention to him.

"What do you want?" I ask still very angry.

"Why is that the only 4 words I always hear you say when I approach you?." He asks crossing his arm and his eyebrows furrowed. "Plus, there's something called a brush, you should learn to use it." He says pointing to my nest hair and I scowl. "You look like a mad woman."

"James Anderson, I don't have your time, can I ignore you later?." I say taking my attention away from him and back to Stephanie.

"What a lame comeback! And very cliché at that." He points out and I ignore him. Stephanie waves at kimi and makes her way to the restroom. Pee break! Great!

"Listen, I have something to......" I cut him off by putting my palm over his mouth.

"I'll be right back." I say quickly before going into the restroom. I've waited all day for this.

I enter to see her putting on make-up, I roll my eyes. How many time does she have to touch up. She's really taking this slutty bitch thing seriously.

"Ugh! You again?!" She groans when she see me standing at the door. I walk toward her with my hand on my hips.

"Yes, it's me again." I say and stretch out my hand, "Hand it over."

"What?, The lipstick? " she asks innocently, "no, I'll rather not have your germs."

"Not the lipstick you bozo, " I say through gritted teeth, "my lyrics book."

"Your lyrics book?" She asks innocently again, "why would I have it?" She closes the lipstick and put it into her makeup purse smacking her lip.

"And why wouldn't you have it?" I seethe, "you bumped into me yesterday."

"So?, that doesn't mean I took it and didn't you say you burnt it?." She snickers.

"It's not funny." I deadpan.

"You don't see me laughing, do you?" She puts all her makeup into the purse and zips it up and I just watch her, fuming inside. "You see this?" She brings out the book and I try to snatch it from her but she keeps it out of my reach. "I own it."

"Stephanie, I don't have your time, just give it back." I say losing my patience, I swear I can slap this chic any minute.

"No can do, as you can see it's Stephanie's now." She says showing me her name on the cover where I had written mine.

How dare she?!

"Stephanie what is your problem?!" I yell in annoyance. "You already have to sing that duet with him, what else do you want?!"

"Listen to me Maria, colton!" She snaps and I step back when I hear the volume of her voice. "You are becoming a huge threat to me and I'm done taking it lightly with you."

What the hell is this bitch yapping about?!.

Threat?! How?!.

"The book is mine! And if you try to act funny and sing to him, I'll...."

"You'll what?" I take a threatening step closer to her. Even if though she is 3 inches taller than me, she's still wearing heels which makes her 9 inches taller.

I'm pretty sure I am 0.11% close to hitting her. I have anger issues and I got that from mum.

"Oh?" She laughs evilly and I scoff. "What I will do?" She asks putting her hand on her chest. "Why don't we start with poor daddy." She says in a baby voice. She can't really be doing this.

"I'm just gonna grab my phone and beep beep," she imitates a cellphone, "daddy is on the line, I give one excuse or two, that I don't want your father working with him and snap!, your dad is going to be fired faster than you can say bitch!"

"You wouldn't!" I scowl at her.

"Oh yes, I would. The only reason you're safe is because he still thinks we're friends, but when I tell him a fake story about how much of a bad influence you are, he won't hesitate to fire your dad." She says smirking evilly.

When I was still In the 7th grade, my dad lost his job and he couldn't find another one. We couldn't pay the rent and bills kept pilling up, my mum couldn't help because how much does an elementary school teacher earns?. Anyway, my dad thought it was best  for us to move to another state and hopefully he would find a job there. I was so bummed about leaving  and sulked for weeks.

  Stephanie being the best friend I thought she was, talked to her dad who owns basically half of the town, to give my dad a job and since he did anything for his 'sweet' little girl, he called my dad the next day for an interview and that's how my dad banged a job and we got to stay. My dad has been working for him ever since. I didn't think she'll threaten me with it.

If my dad gets fired and he doesn't find a job quickly, he will reconsider moving again and I can't let that happen. I can't move from here, this is my home, my town and my life. Besides  my family is good here, I mean Tiana's college is here, my mum loves teaching those little kids at the elementary school and my dad loves his job. I can't let all that go just for my own selfish interest.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask her in disgust, a tear falling from my eyes.

"What is wrong with me?!" She seethes, "you may not be rich, but you have everything else. A complete family, you're a talented singer and song writer, but me?, my mum is dead," her voice breaks and I look away from her, "I have a workaholic dad who doesn't care about me, only gives me all that I ask for,material things that is and all I have is the vocals, I can't even write a song.

"and now I finally have the opportunity to make my dreams come true and get out of this hell hole and you think I'll let you take that away from me? Oh hell no!" She put the book back into her bag and zips it up.

"Anyway," she sighs, "think about what I said, I will definitely do it, so don't ever open your mouth to sing to Will or else your dad would be fired and you can kiss your dreams goodbye." And with that she walks out of the restroom.

When she leaves, I cry to my heart content. I know she's hurting inside, she has been since her mum died. I've tried to help her but she'll always shut me out, but this is too much. I  guess I could kiss my dreams goodbye. For now.

I stop crying and wash my face with water and wipe it with tissue. James was right, I look like a mad woman and now it's worse because I cried. I brush my hair with my fingers and walk out of the toilet to see James leaning on the wall opposite the restroom.

Why was he still here?

Serious stuff in this chapter.
Don't worry there's more to come.

I know I have said this before but,
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