Chapter three

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"I'm home!" I announce silently as I walked into my house. I see Tiana watching Spongebob square pants and I try to sneak my way upstairs.

"Oh, hey!" Tiana says diverting her attention away from the TV, "You're home early, I thought you'd stay a little longer, you know, to talk about the rock camp."

"No, change of plans," I answer sniffing.

I just want to go upstairs and cry on my pillow.

"Are you okay?" She asks noticing my voice.

"Yeah, why are you at home?" I ask, she is supposed to be in college.

She goes to a community college near our house and they close at six and this 3:45 pm.

"I had morning classes today." She answers looking at me weirdly. She can sense something is wrong with me.

"Where are mum and dad?" I ask as I make my way to the kitchen.

"They are still at work." She answers tagging along behind me.

"Are you sure you're okay?"She asks as I search the fridge for ice cream "You look kinda bummed."

"Yes, I'm fine" I answer taking the cap off the tube. "I just don't wanna talk about it."

"Well, I have just the thing to cheer you up."

"Is it better than ice cream?" I ask taking a full spoon into my mouth.

"Much better. Come on!" She says dragging me out of the kitchen into the living room and taking the remote off the coffee table.

"So.....I was bored at home and I was flicking through the channels." She says flipping through the channels.

No wonder she was watching SpongeBob.

"And I saw this." She says stopping at a news channel.

        "After Stephanie Hunter wins the Rock battle Will Tucker decides to come back home to find more talent. And he is not just going to any high school. He is going to WESTBROOKE HIGH.
Some people say........."

I completely zone out after the announcer made the announcement.

Will Tucker is coming to Miami he is coming to my HIGH SCHOOL!

Will Tucker used to be a senior in Westbrook high, only a grade higher than me. He left to pursue his music career after he won the Rock battle and now he is back.

I grab my sister's by her cloth and shout. "Will Tucker is coming back to WESTBROOK HIGH!"

"Yeah, I'm sure the newscaster already established that." She says taking my hands off her. "Listen." Then I look back at the TV.

"Not only is he coming back, but he is also planning a singing competition in Westbrookehigh and the winner gets to sing a duet with him in his new album 'forever yours'."

" Ahhh!" I scream as I jump up and did my happy dance. "I'm gonna be famous! I'm gonna be famous!."

"Whoa, now stop right there Sia." She says sarcastically. "The competition has not even started yet and I'm sure there are a lot of talented people in Westbrook high, so don't get your hopes high." She says taking out of my ice cream, which I have completely deserted.

"Whatever, killjoy!" I turn my attention to the TV then I saw them showing a replay of the Rock battle.

They showed Stephanie's performance and she was singing my song. The song I wrote for her on her birthday. So she used my song to win the Rock battle and she had the guts to say my lyrics suck.

"How dare she?!" I say out loud.

"Isn't that your nerdy best friend?" Tiana asks still eating my ice cream. It's very much hers now anyway.

"Well, she's not so nerdy anymore."

"Why? What happened?" Since I am not feeling sad anymore, I tell her about my day at school.

"You see, that's why I don't keep friends. They see a weakness and then they come straight at your neck." She says after I told her.

She's right though. Tiana isn't the one to keep a friend. She has practically been a loner since kindergarten.

My mum says it's because she was a twin and the other one died during birth, so she hasn't finished grieving her dead sister.

"Whatever. I have to start working on the song for the audition and thanks this lightened my mood." I say giving her a genuine smile.

"No problem, what are sisters for?." She replies scraping the rest of the ice cream from the tube. I shake my head and made my way upstairs. "If mum and dad come late, I'm ordering pizza." She calls out.

"Sounds good," I reply.


This is my new beginning
I'm tired of waiting around
I'm gonna go on the distance
Nothings gonna hold me back
I'm gonna go up up up
I'm never going down down down
This is my new beginning
Nothing's gonna bring down (down down)

"That was beautiful, honey." My mum says standing at the door.

"Yeah." I give her a warm smile, dropping my guitar near my lampstand and I sit on my bed. "I'm still working on the chords though. I was thinking of singing it for the audition."

"I'm sure it's going to be great honey." She says sitting next to me.

"Thanks," I smile, "so what's up?" I ask playing with the Rubik's cube on my desk.

"Well, Tiana told me what went down between you and Stephanie."

I groan, "does she ever shut up?" I didn't want mum to know what happened between Stephanie and me, it's irritating.

"Don't talk like that! She's just looking out for you, she says you're bumped."

Bumped?! I try my best not to laugh.

"Yes, I was bummed until I heard of the competition." I smile.

"Ah! Will Tucker," she sighs, "the bad boy with the motorbike."

"What is with you and boys who own motorbikes?" I want to know.

"What?!" She asks innocently, "they are dangerous, most of them get into street fights and they smoke."

"Ugh! Again with that stereotype." I say falling into my bed.

"And not to mention...they do drugs," she whispers. "You don't see nerds on motorbikes do you."

"Bill O'Connell has a motorbike," I announce sitting up. Bill is my next-door neighbour whose IQ is as high as the Eiffel tower.

"Bill...Bill..." She stutters tries to find an explanation. "Well Bill's dad sells and works on motorcycles, so duh he has to own a motorbike." I raise my eyebrow when she said 'duh'.

My mum likes to think she's too young for her age when the fact is that she is 41.

"And that is why I said most not all." Referring to what she said earlier.

"Well, you know what they say, 'all good boys go to heaven but bad boys bring heaven to you," I say quoting Julia Michaels.

She stops to ponder what I said.

"You know that has a double meaning right?."

"Ugh!" I groan as I make my way to my desk.

"It could mean bad boys bring heaven to you as in wink-wink," she continues anyway, "or it could mean death."

I stop taking out my books at looked at her, "I'm sorry, I'm lost."

"You know they could kill you before your time's up." She shrugs.  I mentally smack my head as I shake my head.

Remind me why we're having this conversation again?.

"At least a good boy would lead you to heaven."

"Oh, My God!" I yell I've had enough. " MUM!, thanks for that captivating, yet inappropriate speech, you can escort yourself outside, I'm trying know.." I gesture toward my books laying open on my desk, "do my homework."

"Oh, sure!" She says getting up, "I have to start preparing dinner anyway."

I nod agreeing with her, "hmm hmm."
She walks towards me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you, sweetie."

"Love you too," I reply quickly before she starts getting mushy with me.

She walks out of the room but stops at the doorway and turns to me, "you don't like bad boys do you?." I burst into complete laughter.

"Mum," I say as I catch my breath, "the only guys that had ever talked to me, are Bill O'Connell and James Anderson. Bill only talked to me because I was his science partner in the 8th grade and James only talks to me. After all, he hates my guts."

"Guys don't like girls like me," I add silently.

"Sweetie," she says walking towards me.

Oh no! What have I done?!.

"Why are you selling yourself short? you're..."

"Pretty, smart, and amazing, any guy that doesn't see this not worthy of you." I cut in, " I know and that's what I keep telling myself." I lie.

"Oh sweetie," she says pulling me into a rib-crushing hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Yeah, me too," I say with a strained voice.

"I love you," she says letting me go.

I take a huge breath before I say, "I love you too."

"I have to go." Finally! "I'll call you when dinner's ready."


She stops at the door and blows a kiss at me, which I caught and put near my heart. She laughs and headed downstairs.

"Finally!" I say as I start working on my homework.

Hallelujah! I'm so exhausted from all that writing.
I'm going to try and update every week, so keep your fingers crossed.
I hope you enjoyed it.


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