Chapter 39 Shokugeki with Eizan

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The next morning, Azami begins his plan, as he decides to disband a lot of RS and establish the only one known as the Central. Of course, it also means that the Polar Star Dorm is going to be abolished as well, much to everyone's shock.

Soma says, "Eizan senpai. Well, let's not just stand around and talk. Please come in and have some tea."

After getting to the dining room, Soma says, "Didn't you say a while ago that you were gonna crush me? When do you think you'll be coming for me? So? Why does this dorm have to be abolished, too? I've heard that we are kind of like an independent state here. Does the Academy have a reason to feel we'll interfere with their decisions?"

Eizan says, "The reason is exactly that. Having an autonomous organization within the school, outside of Central's control, is a problem. One head is plenty. That is our decision."

He also shows the documents of which they must vacate, but Soma decides to ask for a Shokugeki with Eizan, and much to their surprise, they agree. But the truth is, Eizan already bribed the judges and caused a lot of students to lose the Shokugeki against him.

"This dorm...will it really be gone?" Yuki asks.

"It seems like it." Shoji replies.

"Ah man, I guess we're helpless, huh? Living the dorm seemed long, but then, in the blink of an eye..." Yuki mutters.

"We've already been here for three and a half years, haven't we?" Megumi asks.

"Yeah, thinking back, a ton of stuff has happened, huh." Daigo replies.

As they continue to talk about their past in the dorm, they all feel sad because of the dorm. Soma clicks his tongue as he takes out the phone, and after that's over, Soma finds Eizan and he asks for a Shokugeki.

"Even if you make all your little friends back at the dorm cry? Even though you have your own little shop back home, you're not satisfied, huh? I know you love to save people and play the hero, but just give it up...there's a difference between courage and sheer recklessness, okay?"

Soma says, "I'm not doing for the guys back at the dorm. I'm doing this for myself. That's why you'll be accepting this Shokugeki. I won't let you destroy MY dorm."

As the news spread out, everyone is shocked to hear that Soma is challenging Eizan to a Shokugeki, and they have decided to make Jidori Chicken as the theme.

While they are checking the ingredients, Rindo rushes in and Eizan asks, "What are you doing here, Rindo?"

"It's Rindo senpai to you! You better remember your manners!" Rindo says.

"Shut the hell up! Only authorized people are allowed in here!" Eizan yells back.

"Yo, Yukihira Soma! Looks like you're getting yourself into trouble, like always." Rindo says.

"It sure has been a while, Rindo senpai." Soma says.

"That's just the thing! Everything's a mess! Because so many things in the school are changing due to Nakiri Azami's reformation. All the members of the Elite 10 have been crazy busy with paperwork and official business! All we do is work!" Rindo says. "Even so, that goddamn Kuga still hasn't shown up! And on top of that, there's you with all this Shokugeki nonsense! Thanks to that, all of Eizan's work got handed off to me! Stop doing stuff without realizing how much trouble you're causing everyone else!"

"Then why are you here?" Soma asks.

"Because I gave all the work to Tsukasa." Rindo replies.

"Well anyway, we still have a while before the Shokugeki begins, so if you need to make preparations, I'll allow you to do so." Eizan says as he leaves.

When the judges of the Shokugeki arrive, they believe Soma to be a real idiot to challenge Eizan for this nonsense, but Soma isn't fazed as he walks to the kitchen.

"Oh, by the way, this slipped my mind. At this moment, my subordinates are headed for the Polar Star Dorm." Eizan says. "You see, I'm really sorry about this, but the dorm's eviction day...I know I said it'd be in ten days' time, but it seems the schedule has moved up just a teensy little bit. It's a crying shame, but starting today, I simply must begin the forced eviction of Polar Star Dorm."

Soma says, "You can try it if you can. Do you think that will scare me?"

Eizan was confused at Soma's tone as he starts cooking, and Rindo says, "You really got guts, Yukihira Soma."

"I just can't stand for so much to be decided before even a single dish has been cooked. That's all." Soma says.

"Yep, you're quite the refreshing guy! Compared to that, that four-eyes' shadiness is almost reasonable." Rindo says.

"Quit loitering, Rindo!" Eizan yells, but with the glare from Rindo, he adds, "...senpai."

"It's just like you said, to think I'm handling real Jidori! Dad used to get it every once in a while, but I've never had the chance to handle it before." Soma says.

"So what are you making, then?" Rindo asks.

"Gyoza." Soma says. "I'm going with it."

Eizan tries to break Soma by taunting him, but Soma isn't fazed, and when he gets a call, he hears that the dorm's defenses are insane. Then he also notices that Soma is taking his phone and he says, "All according to the plan."

Back in the Polar Star, Megumi says, "I don't want that. At this rate, our dorm will be no more. I absolutely don't want that!"

"It is a good thing that Soma has called us, right?" They all turn around to see Katsu standing in front of them with Fumio. Erina recognizes the man as one of the judges back in the Autumn Elections. Yuki says, "It's Katsu san!"

"Everyone, put these on." Katsu gives them helmets and some weapons. Katsu says, "I can't believe that Azami would do such a thing, but in my days, there is a lot of unjustified resentment toward the continued advance of Polar Star's Strength. We were raided by other students frequently, so this was for self-defense."

"Are you going to let us use those real guns?" Marui asks in shock.

"They are not real, there are rubber bullets in it, and some of them are Water guns. Not only that, we also have reinforcements outside who will be helping us out."

"Guns? Reinforcements? This...this is just like a battlefield..." Erina gasps. "But no matter how much we fight back, the result of the match..."

"However, Soma-kun is fighting for us all on his own. That's why at least..." Megumi says.

"We'll fight until Yukihira Soma's match is over! Until then, we must protect the dorm!" Yuki yells as everyone agrees.

Back at the Shokugeki, Eizan is furious as the people in the Polar Star won't submit. Soma just replies, "Eizan-senpai. You really seem to like launching all these schemes from the shadows, but if you have something you want to say to me, why don't you say it properly on the plate?"

Eizan clicks his tongue and he says, "Have it your way, Yukihira. In order to make you submit, it seems I'll have to do it through cooking."

"Oh To think we'll be able to taste the cooking of Eizan-dono when he's being serious! Now, this is what you call a perk!" One judge says.

"Looks like there are real upsides to playing along with this farce." Another judge says.

Eizan just looks into the ingredients and he already has his dish ready, Soma of course knows about this man as he has Shokugeki with him several times. He knows that he is good at cooking, but he just wants to be in the consultation work.

And in the end, Eizan prepares the chicken and cooks rice with ginger and garlic, as for Soma, he is in the middle of cutting his chicken as he took out its bones with one swift movement.

"It brings me to shame as a businessman, but today, I'll overlook the profits, in cooking, strategy is everything. Without a plan, you haven't got a chance! How can you even bother to challenge me to a Shokugeki when you've planned nothing? Repent for your sins as you disappear from Totsuki!" Eizan taunts.

"If it's a battle strategy you're talking about, then, yeah, I've got nothing, but I didn't challenge you without a chance of winning." Soma says. "After all, I have something I want to show you with this Shokugeki, senpai."

Eizan is the first one to finish, as he goes with the Hainan Chicken Rice, and he gets a lot of praise from the judges. Soma eats it and he thinks that the food is good as well.

"What now, Yukihira Soma? Cooking like yours will always fall short of Central's! You get it now, right?" One judge says to Soma, who replies, "My cooking remains unfinished. With one last touch, my Gyoza will finally be completed."

"All of your schemes are pointless. You tasted my dish, didn't you? It should've become apparent just how much I outclass you." Eizan says.

"Come on, don't say that it's not a big deal, right? If just Eizan-senpai gives it a taste, or wait, don't tell me does my cooking scare you, Senpai?" Soma taunts back. "If you weren't scared, then you wouldn't mind trying it, right? If you left without trying it, even though I'm saying all this stuff to you, it'd be kinda pathetic, right?"

"You..." Eizan is now furious at Soma's taunting, and Soma finally manages to finish the meal in the end. "Go on, show me your dish, Yukihira. But that will be the end of it all! I look forward to your very last dish at this academy."

But after seeing the dish, he tries to taste it, but then his face gets a burning red. Soma asks, "What's wrong, Senpai? Could it be that you think my Gyoza is actually pretty delicious?"

Then the 2 of the judges are also trying the dish, and they find it delicious as well. Rindo tries it and she feels the same way.

"How! How is it that such a slipshod method of cooking has resulted in such a strong Jidori flavor permeating the dish?" One judge asks.

"That's because of Ketchup." Soma says as he explains the fundamental strength of ketchup within the dish.

"So, Eizan senpai. You thought my cooking was pretty tasty too, right? In that case, why don't you clear up whose dish is more delicious? This isn't something to throw out, is it? Even if it's cooking you've already decided is worthless!"

After that, the judges can't help but vote for Soma as he becomes the winner, much to Eizan's shock and anger.

"It wasn't much." Soma says after taking off his headband.

"This can't be...the reformation should've been complete! I even went so far as to give them a lesson...and yet everything was derailed all because of Yukihira Soma!" Eizan says.

Back at the dorm, the troops are leaving as Katsu and the rest of the Polar Star Dorm members are there stopping the plan, all six of them, Qiu, Daniel, Katsu, Ai, Shizuka, and Dorabu are there.

"This sure is like good old times." Ai says.

"Yeah, minus the fact that one betrayed us and one is gone, and two of them can't come." Daniel says. "But with us here, no one is going to stop the Polar Star Dorm."

They also find that Soma won the Shokugeki, as they are in a state of shock, instead of the alumni who already know Soma's strength.

They also see that Soma is on the screen as he says, "Wait a sec. Everyone is Central, I have a warning for all of you. If you try to mess with my friends, I won't forgive you. You might think of us as weaklings, but we're not about to lie back and let you walk all over us. If you're looking for a fight, we'll give you one and mercilessly kick all your asses! Even if it's an Elite 10 member who's looking for that."

The Elite 10 are looking at the screen as they feel the boy's anger and horror, they don't know why they feel this aura familiar to the one they all have lost to: The Phantom.

And I'll stop the chapter here, and this is the full story of the Shokugeki. The next chapter will be about revealing the truth to the others.

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