Chapter 40 Nakamura Azami

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After getting scolded by the dormmates, Soma and the others are now in the dining room. Takumi and Isami also arrive as Takumi yells, "Yukihira! Your Shokugeki! I saw it all!"

As everyone thinks that Takumi is going to scold Soma, but he doesn't, he says, "If our territory was jeopardized as yours was...even I would've done the same thing."

They also notice that Erina and Hisako are there, and Soma turns to the Alumni and says, "Thank you for helping the dorm, I know it is the right thing to call you guys here."

"No problem, Soma." Shizuka says. "We are also mad at the thought of what Azami was doing."

As they are partying, Megumi notices that Soma is not happy, Soma replies, "I was the one who suggested the theme, and Eizan-senpai only began thinking up his dish once the match was well underway and still managed to produce something of that level..."

He decides to ask about what will be happening to the other RS, and that's when Isshiki comes back and tells them how he has been setting up rules to stop the cheating system. But while they are continuing to party, Erina and Hisako are shocked to see Isshiki in nothing but naked apron.

"No matter how many times I see it, it always has such an effect." Takumi says.

"It really feels like it wouldn't be Polar Star Dorm if we didn't have that." Soma says.

"Just what is going on with all these people living here? Even the Aldini Bros, who I thought were comparatively upstanding, have nonchalantly accepted the Naked apron..."

"It's quite mysterious after all...this dorm." Erina says as she decides to ask Hisako how to use the washing machine, and then he tries to ask her to forget about it.

But as the party is going on, Soma hears a doorbell as he decides to see who it is, only to see that it is no other than Nakiri Azami, the headmaster himself.

"Uncle Azami..." Soma mutters in surprise.

"How have you been, Yukihira Soma, it has been years since our last meeting, hasn't it?" Azami asks with a smile, which causes Soma to flinch. "Erina is also here, isn't she?"

Soma takes a breath and says, "And what if she is?"

Just then, Azami walks into the dining room to see that Erina is there indeed. But the alumni are with Fumio as they are in the kitchen, so Azami didn't see them.

"Father..." Erina says with the same horrified face as Soma.

"Headmaster, what brings your business here?" Isshiki asks.

"Is there a reason? I'm here to speak with Erina and Soma after all."

"As we're right in the middle of an enjoyable victory celebration, would you mind taking your leave?" Isshiki asks again.

Azami ignores him and he turns to Erina, "Erina. Come here."

Erina is hesitating, but just as she is about to step forward, Azami just pats her head and says, "I'm glad to see you look so well. You're not causing trouble for the others here, are you? As the daughter of a noble family, you're a bit ignorant of the ways of the world, after all."

Azami turns to Soma and says, "I'll leave Erina in your care."

"Aren't you going to take her back?" Soma asks.

"Did I not say I simply wished to speak with Erina? I will respect her wishes. If she desires to remain here, for now, remain here she shall."

"And I was thinking why it is noisy here, looks like we have some unusual guest." Fumio and Katsu are the ones who leave the kitchen. Katsu says, "This isn't a place that someone like you can just enter. Nakamura Azami."

"Ah, it sure has been a while, Tokugawa." Azami says. "Right now I go by Nakiri now. And moreover, Fumio-san, you're quite cold, despite my being a former resident here."

Katsu says, "I still remember the old days of how I tried to take your first seat as well. It sure brings back old memories."

Yuki turns to Soma and says, "Yukihira...don't tell me that he is..."

Isshiki beats him to it and says, "He was the 3rd seat of the Golden Age. That was when he was in the first grade, and in the second age, he becomes the first seat and remains it until graduation."

After explaining about him, and Takumi says, "So this man calmly chose to destroy the dorm that he himself once called home, right?"

"It's not that I wanted to destroy the Polar Star Dorm, specifically. It's just that the Polar Star Dorm happened to be mixed in with the organization that I tried to destroy. By the way, a victory party is all well and good, but don't think that you've achieved everlasting peace, you know? Rather, I'd say that this board game has only just begun."

Soma asks, "Uncle Azami. Despite the number of years you lived here, don't you have any sort of emotional attachment to this place?"

"Uncle?" Erina asks in shock as why Soma is talking like that.

"I wonder was that an insult just now, this dorm does not have a place in the world I wish for, at least, not as it exists now." Azami turns to Katsu, "No offense to you, Tokugawa. When I was at the dorm...there was a senpai that all of us really respected. He was daring yet delicate, a genius beyond a shadow of a doubt. The dishes he brought forth all shone with extraordinary brilliance, the days my sister and I spent with senpai were our best memories, and they continue to warm my heart. Unlike those currently living at this dorm."

"Sister?" The others are wondering what he means, and Katsu says, "It sure is all so nostalgic. You're talking about Saiba senpai, right?"

"Saiba senpai?" Erina asks in shock. And Takumi asks, "Who is Saiba?"

"Ah, it's only natural that no one other than us would know. He's Yukihira Soma's father...Saiba Joichiro-san, a former second seat of the Elite 10 here in Totsuki." Ryoko says.

"What? A former second seat?" Takumi gasps.

"To think he'd have a father like that..." Hisako says.

"Oh, I think I have a pic from when he visited the dorm back before summer vacation." Yuki adds as she shows the picture, and Erina is now horrified. "No way...does that mean Yukihira-kun is..."

Azami says, "Yukihira Soma-kun. All of the cataclysmic change I will bring to Totsuki Academy, all of it is to bring "Salvation" to this rotten culinary world that ruined my dear Saiba Senpai and my sister, Yukihira Tamako."

Soma clicks his tongue and Yuki says, "Hold on a second, does that mean the headmaster is..."

"Related to me?" Soma sighs, "I hate to say this, he is my uncle from my mother's side. But I never think of him like that, because of what he has done with me and Eri-chan."

Erina gasps as only her Sou-kun will call her that, that means Soma was the boy that she met all those years ago, and he was also her cousin like Alice is.

"By the way, I also heard some interesting news." Azami says. "The Phantom has appeared in Totsuki ever since 3 years ago, and none of the members of the Elite 10 have won against him. That nickname was originally belonged to my sister Yukihira Tamako, so I wonder..."

Soma sighs as he says, "So you wonder if I am the Phantom, is that right? I won't say that you are wrong with that."

"What? Yukihira is the Phantom himself?" This causes everyone in the room to be shocked. Takumi says, "Yukihira! Is that true? All those news about the Phantom, that was you all this time?"

Megumi says, "Calm down, everyone, Soma-kun has the reason to keep it a secret!"

"Megumi-chi! You know about this as well?" Yuki asks.

Azami says, "I respect your wish to keep this a secret, after all, your mother wouldn't want the secret to being revealed as well."

"Shut up!" Soma yells, "Don't you dare mention my mother's name in front of me!"

Everyone looks at Soma with shock, "Do you know how hard it is after she passed away? Don't say as if you didn't care about her death!"

Azami fakes his smile and says, "Of course, your mother's death also shocks me as well, it was very sad considering our parents have to separate us for a lot of years until our reunion in this dorm."

Azami turns around and says, "But, I am sure that I'm very lucky to think that I'll be able to show Saiba Jochiro and my sister's son that sight."

After he leaves, the other members of the Alumni walk towards them and Ai says, "More like revenge if you ask me."

"I agree, saying something like Salvation...he really has no shame." Daniel adds.

Soma kneels down and Megumi asks, "Soma-kun, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, this is probably the first time I talked to my uncle just like that. When it was the old me, I would have obeyed without a question..." Soma says.

Erina walks towards Soma and asks, "Are you...why didn't you tell me that you're Sou-kun? Why have you been hiding this truth until now?"

Soma says, "That's because you have been trying to get me expelled from the school because I was "a B-rated cook from downtown.". I couldn't tell you the truth."

Erina remembers what she did, and she lowers her head, "I'm sorry...I didn't know..."

"It's fine." Soma sighs. "But now he knows my identity as the Phantom...I just hope that he won't reveal it to the whole school...after all, it was really tiring..."

"But why have you become the 0th seat in the first place?" Ibusaki asks, and Soma sighs and says, "That's because I wasn't a part of the school at first, so former headmaster Senzaemon decides to do this for me."

Then he passes out a little as Katsu says, "Soma is probably tired, let's stop asking him right now and get him some rest. After all, he's done a Shokugeki with the 9th seat after all."

The others can only sigh as they agree, while Dorabu and Katsu are bringing Soma back to his room.

As for Azami, when he gets back to his office, he expresses his anger by slamming his fist to the table, but then he says, "My sister's death really impacts little Soma a lot, he knows how to rebel against adults...But no matter how they continue to struggle, I know that they will return to the Central."

And for the next day, he has decided to release the third seat: Megishima Tousuke, the eighth seat: Kuga Terunori, and the seventh seat Isshiki Satoshi from their seats of the Elite 10. Isshiki already knows about this, and he says, "Though I was surprised, Nakiri Erina and Yukihira Soma aren't being released, it seems."

"Correct." Azami says. "They'll come back to me sooner or later. I am certain that they'll inevitably come to agree with my intentions."

He also reveals that they will follow the rules Isshiki made, but the difference is that they are going to use the Elite members of the Central to fight against the other RS, as they called themselves "Survivors hunt."

And here it is, Azami already knows everything about Soma and he also reveals the whole truth about him to the Polar Star Dorm and the others. What is going to happen next? I hope you like this chapter.

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